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  • Totem Arts Staff


As many of you are aware, this Thursday, February 26th, is the birthday of C&C Renegade. On this day, you could look forward to a nice little update from your friends over at Renegade X, and you could also expect ReneGame '09. Just like last year, Renegade X will be hosting a game of C&C Renegade to celebrate its 7th birthday. The server is, once again, being supplied by our friends at Reborn Gamers.

The purpose of the ReneGame is to simply enjoy a good ol' game of C&C Renegade, the game that we are remaking. Play with myself, and other developers from the mod, as well as fellow C&C Renegade & Renegade X community members.

Every participant of the ReneGame '09 must use Teamspeak. To download the teamspeak client, simply go to http://www.teamspeak.com

The purpose of using Teamspeak is to maximize teamplay and therefore push C&C Renegade's gameplay to its very limit. Teamplay will be key for this game, to achieve the highest potential of organized action. We will be using the Renegade X teamspeak server. The IP is Server information and time of day (will most likely be in the middle of the day EST) will be released on Wednesday, so visit this thread on Wednesday to get this vital information!

------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT! VITAL INFORMATION ADDED!------------------------------------------------------

Server Name: Renegade X Community Game

Server IP:

Direct Connect Info (Hit "Run" and put this in if you cannot use XWIS or GSA):

"C:\Westwood\Renegade\game.exe" +connect +netplayername YourName


Time: 6:00pm EST. EST = GST -5

Be there! Come ten minutes early if possible!

QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 22 2009, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This gives me 4 days to get a new case and assemble a new computer.. :(

Oh well, I hope you guys have fun.[/b]

Hmm no friend's computer you can play on for the day? =/ I'll see if we can get some FRAPS going, make a little memoir video for anyone who missed it :P.

Hey how did u get the radar working for the D6HUD Mod? Because for me the radar doesnt work and ive got the new scripts and i replaced the shaders.dll with the one supplyed, still wont work.

But because i am a bit lazy to work it out myself, what time is it at 1030+ EST?

Also how did u get that FPS counter in the top left? i noticed it bypasses the Ren one that Caps at 60


I'll try to get teamspeak working and a headphone that does the same. I always need hours to get sound systems working on any computer, usually starting with hole one out of six, trying them all out, and finally it suddenly works on hole nr one.


I will most definitely try to be there.

How many players will be available for the server? I would really hate it if I couldn't get in; haha.

Tomorrow I'll have some free time so I'll advertise to alot of clans and communities for you. Atomix-Gaming players would most likely love to play with you.

QUOTE (a1h @ Feb 23 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also how did u get that FPS counter in the top left? i noticed it bypasses the Ren one that Caps at 60[/b]

That's fraps. A program used to record videos and take screenshots from games or other programs.

And rubi where can i download that hud from ?
QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Feb 23 2009, 09:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's fraps. A program used to record videos and take screenshots from games or other programs.

And rubi where can i download that hud from ?[/b]

Actually, it's xfire, and it's not showing the true FPS, because 60 is the true fps ( I have v-synch enabled ). I got the HUD from the renegade forums.
QUOTE (JeepRubi @ Feb 24 2009, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, it's xfire, and it's not showing the true FPS, because 60 is the true fps ( I have v-synch enabled ). I got the HUD from the renegade forums.[/b]

I could have sworn it's fraps :rolleyes:

Yeah i found the hud earlier.
QUOTE (JeepRubi @ Feb 24 2009, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Actually, it's xfire, and it's not showing the true FPS, because 60 is the true fps ( I have v-synch enabled ). I got the HUD from the renegade forums.[/b]

Yeah i knew it wasnt fraps because i got fraps, but yeah go to the Renegade forums, or google D6HUD

/me awaits vital information to relay back to his forum

Guess I'll check back later today ;)

In the meantime, looks like a good a time as any to finally install TS again.


hope ill be able to join ya guys, ill try hard to put my daughter in bed. ill try to run fraps to rec video .. before i wasnt able to run it cause old hardware sucked .. but now lol

  • Totem Arts Staff

------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT! VITAL INFORMATION ADDED!------------------------------------------------------

Server Name: Renegade X Community Game

Server IP:

Direct Connect Info (Hit "Run" and put this in if you cannot use XWIS or GSA):

"C:\Westwood\Renegade\game.exe" +connect +netplayername YourName


Time: 6:00pm EST. EST = GST -5

Be there! Come ten minutes early if possible!

QUOTE (epicelite @ Feb 26 2009, 06:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where is the update on RenX you promised! :angry:[/b]

Yeah well here i am wanting to play with everyone, and its 6:12PM here ive waited a whole day.... and i just noticed the forum time is 12 hours behind me :(

So epicelite i think you can wait... (i made a typo with ur name just before Spicelite lol.)

Alrighty then. My time zone is GMT +2 so obviously it means game begins like 11:59 pm and I gotta wake up at least 6:30 am next morning. I would rather have my time zone 12 hours off lol. I guess I'm gonna make it, it's tough but worth it.

QUOTE (AkuKo @ Feb 26 2009, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Count me in. But i have a bit hard time calculating the right starting time. What du you mean by gst cause thats my second hit in google http://www.gaiaonline.com/gaia/map.php?action=gst. :P
I live in finland (gmt +2) and it's now 12.47 pm.[/b]

Read my earlier post (EDIT: or this post lol) and check where I live ;) (EST is GMT -5 so the time difference is seven hours for GMT +2)

The whole world should have only 1 standard time...

imagine everyone getting up at the same time to work, regardless of wheter it is day or night. of coures our bio clocks would be screwed up and some people will be having lunches at midnight lols but who cares!

if i became of king of the world, i would do this and kill anyone who disagrees and does not obey.

yeah i am bored and can't wait for 6:00 pm anymore... :lol:

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