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  1. This post is about the many ways that players use the game. It is NOT about players say in chat. This is primarily just a thought exercise. Player Voice in this post, is about the many ways players express themselves thru their actions and choices. In this context, if i buy a med tank i am expressing myself in the game. If i choose to add a repair gun to my character, If I put down a solid mine plan, or randomly leave them on the field - that is my Player Voice. I would like to see the game continue and expand the Player Voice which it has provided so well. The first incarnation of this I think of, may have been the ability to place proximity mines. Myself and many other players have enjoyed the freedom and flexibility and Voice they allowed. If i see there is a threat from a X direction i can place more mines at X door. (no wonder so many "discussions" result from mine placement! - Let my voice be heard!) RenX has continued this fine tradition with the addition of AT mines, Q spotting, air strikes, etc. Nice! The Essential theme i wish to bring up for discussion is -- The more you give Players Voice the more enjoyable the game becomes. If this premise is acceptable, then the question that should always be considered in every decision about implementation of features is: Does this decision maintain or increase Player Voice ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d Some example subjects: When servers offer the option to rebuild destroyed turrets, then that is another option for Player Voice. Recently i posted an idea to allow a bounty to placed on an enemy player. Generally well received. I mention it because I now realize that part of the appeal for me in this idea, is the High Degree of Player Voice that this would allow. I am not here to pitch the bounty idea again, but i think it is what lead me to this line of thought. If i can i donate towards goals i am given Voice. The rise of commander powers is another area to consider in this light. Is there any way to shift some of the Commander abilities to the players - so as to allow them more voice? In some sense the choice of a commander is when players are willing to give their Voice to someone else. Not too bad. I like how commander abilities can be used to increase the game action or the game conclusion. If any of that can be shifted back to the players it would increase our Voice, for example. To some degree the removal of Pedestal was a loss of Player Voice.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    * This mutator will change the SlowTimeKills of the Renegade X game * * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_SlowTimeKills.u (Download) Source :
  3. Version 0.0.1


    * This mutator will add functions to the Renegade X game * * Version 0.0.1 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_Deck.u (Download) Source :
  4. View File Rx_Mutator_SlowTimeKills * This mutator will change the SlowTimeKills of the Renegade X game * * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_SlowTimeKills.u (Download) Source : Submitter Ukill Submitted 01/29/2017 Category Modifications
  5. Hey people, I've seen a lot of good maps already made by the community and a tonne of cool idea's. I often get the question what makes a good map in terms of gameplay (as the aesthetics can always be polished). I hope to give an answer to that by writing this forum post. I often see people starting with a really cool idea and immediately jumping into action by designing the level the way they have it inside of their heads inside the editor straight from the beginning. This is a thing I also did when I first started, but looking a back on how I did things, I should've done things differently, there are many improvements. I think it's better to have a solid plan for multiplayer gameplay functionality at first, so you can work out the aesthetics later on. As said before, I see many people working on the aesthetics of a map straight away, but most of the times this isn't really an efficient strategy. This is because when you have to change something around, you have to change a tonne of details which are very time consuming. In the very base of a multiplayer gameplay map I think its good to think about the objectives at first and the choke points. The PDF in the attachment here helps me explain a lot I can never write down myself here. Once you have done a basic layout of the map the way you want it to be, you can choose where to do what in terms of aesthetics. The most important thing here is that your map 'works' at first, so the details become less important. I'd highly recommend you read this before you start your own level because it'll give you a bit more grip on the gameplay and the way you design the paths. After you've read the PDF in the attachment, I'd also recommend to take a look at these sources: Work out your idea's, determine the atmosphere and scene; https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/a-beginners-guide-to-designing-video-game-levels--cms-25662 http://worldofleveldesign.com/categories/level_design_tutorials/how-to-plan-level-designs-game-environments-workflow.php Paths design, objective placement and distance; (this is mainly for singleplayer due to it's focus on lineair path design but you'll get the point) http://www.chaoticstupid.com/trinity-8-paths/ Objectives in RenX can for example be; A nice camping spot where you can MRLS / Arty pound the base (whiteout hill for ex) A tiberium silo A communications center A custom tech building Keep in mind that these are only examples, as the PDF in the attachment will say, it's best to have an objective with a function and after completing it's function (or after capturing) it should (almost) never be useful to say in. Arctic Stronghold was designed with these documents in mind, compared to the other maps it is a relatively new map but worked out really well from the start (compared to others which have +- 8 years of iteration behind them already) It's just an example of how things can turn out. I hope you can do something with this knowledge. Edit; Keep in mind that this sort of grabs the core essence of it all. There are far better books and advanced guidelines available (often you'd have to pay for them) but this is to get most community members in the proper direction. Multiplayer-Level-Design.pdf Kind regards, Ruud Edit2; For the users who are interested in the more advanced stuff; http://www.hourences.com/product/the-hows-and-whys-of-level-design-2/ http://www.hourences.com/my-2016-releasing-all-of-my-content-for-free/
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