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  1. lupotre

    C&C3 units

    Is the link broken or I'm wrong?
  2. Problem solved, I've changed the HDMI cable from the pc to the monitor and now everything runs smoothly! I'm back to play
  3. Which resolution should I set?
  4. It's strange, because I have always played in Full HD, on my old PC and on the newer one, this is the only game which gives me problems....I will send DX Diag infos as soon as possible Maybe something changes from Windows 7 to Windows 10?
  5. I did it with empty desktop When I tried to do it the game crashed remaining freezed and the only to do was open task manager and shut down game's process
  6. Yes, but this means I can't play in fullscreen?
  7. I have the same problem from nearly 2 months on a new PC, and every tip used to fix it hasn't worked: reinstalling direct X, reinstalling nvidia graphic drivers, reinstalling game, modifying game files, none of these seem to work....what should I do? Reinstall Windows?
  8. (Wrong post, sorry)
  9. The support of Reconbike's front wheel doesn't rotate with the same wheel when steering, generating an orrible interpenetration; some screenshots here to show the problem:
  10. I agree, we could do some tests on testing servers at least :-)
  11. Shouldn't it be more vulnerable than other units to hit and run and group attacks, due to his size and slow speed? P.S: Are the MGs automatizated? And I've checked that a single blast of the railgun does more or less 19 damage on a main building
  12. If it gets less HP, less damage, longer reload time and a smaller (about 15%) scale ,could it be usable?
  13. I have tried it in SDK, It's simply awesome! I have done tests in Lakeside, It seems quite comfortable for MMKII...Why don't we put a mutator in the map so It can be found in crates?
  14. Thank you!
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