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Stormtrooper TR8-T0R

Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Stormtrooper TR8-T0R

  1. Snipers are gay and ruin combat, pls nerf ADS speed and beeing able to shoot when jumping.
  2. That warping on Snow (x?) is a bug and map related. Something like that happened on no other map as far as I know. I can also not see any problems with walking up/down ramps. Looks normal, except some clipping issues with the feet and camera.
  3. It just loads 1-2 cores to the max boost clock. All other cores are idling. My 6core/12 Thread Ryzen 2600x chills at 20% too. Its "normal"
  4. What an aim!
  5. I dont get the Soundbug too often, but only sometimes during Mapchange, lets say every 5 games. Asus X470 Prime Pro Ryzen 2600x 16GB DDR 4 RAM Vega 64 Nitro I use Headphones (Pioneer HDJ 1500k) via 3.5mm rear socket on the Mainboard
  6. Its all because of 64 players and too many vehicles I guess. I am all in for 50 players max. Maybe thats enough to fix the Lag?
  7. wooow! These are some nice looking cards, they are accurate too Now the real question is, where is mine
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myqSETD5_bs
  9. Yes!! Please!!! I beg thee! I would love to play a PUG at Sunday. At Saturdays I am 99% of the time occupied otherwise
  10. Good idea, additionally a voice should still say "attack/defend the *insert Building name here*"
  11. Hi Guys, somehow I can't find myself on the Leaderboard? Maybe its because my old name was Terminus... how can I fix this?
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