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Profane Pagan

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  1. I think the construction yard merits the invention of a bit different game type, which would give more emphasis on the action between the commander, its team, and their effect on the map. Inherently, a construction yard in strategy games is the main tool of exploiting and reshaping your environment. In its current form of the Ren X Cnc game mode, we can fight on the map, but we cannot interact with the environment in a strategic sense. Edit: It is limited and such effects are calculated and decided by the designers of the maps (e.g.: tiberium fields). The Yard could serve as a tech building which would provide minor construction services. The commander could research each item for CP, and the team could use the tools. Such construction items could be Czech hedgehog anti tank barriers, Turrets, gun and rocket emplacements. A repair-cannon, which essentially would work as an AFK player: You place it in front of the MCT, and turn it on. It starts repairing it, as an engineer, but with much better efficiency. The repair-cannon would have finite amount of repair points, and would cost a fortune. After it depletes its repair points, the cannon destroys itself. Imagine the situation, when a besieged team can afford this item during their last stand, releiving player engineers to exit he building in order to fight off the intruders. Or a buyable bridge, which you could use in a very specific location, where there is a missing bridge. So you could open a new path to somewhere. Many other construction tools could be imagined I suppose. Of course you could only build in your own base and maybe around occupied tech silos. As for turrets and towers I imagine a commander would put down a building blueprint box, and engineers could erect them with their repair cannons. It gives a tactical layer, because building such emplacements would cost money, time, and human rescources. Can you afford it, in the middle of a battle? After research, other tools would be affordable for players, like the barriers. Or the repair cannon. I admit who the hell has time to develop this? But a construction yard in my opinion is an extreme idea enough to talk about extreme implementations. Personally I like games where you can interact with your environment. I am not talking about destruction per se. My imagination doesn't stop at construction yards. What if you can order the harvester (fromt he refinery) to dump its toxic cargo on a specified location, in effect barring the route from enemy infantry? You or the enemy could send a harvi to clean it up later. Destroyable Anti-tank barriers would work as much the same: you could deny entire pathways for vehicles. Thus, the team, controlling a construction yard could force a different playstyle on the other team.
  2. So true!
  3. Very good point Steelpoint, however the RenX team interpreted the old Ren models to realistic standards. In the old game the APC's origin is more vague. I think it bears a resemblance with Old Crow APC models. The point is, many of the original Ren. vehicles look like toys from wargames, rather than realistic equipments.
  4. About the aforementioned disappointment: One of my project leader acquaintance told me that businesses prefer mediocre people who get shit done on time, over people with brilliant skill sets, but constant delays in their work. Of course there are more to it. About the column: First, and foremost I'd like to say it does look nice in the Unreal engine, good work! Great test material. However I would advice you to get familiar with columns, because despite a fictional column, as an architectural element, certain rules must to be applied. Teachers will notice and require them (I hope). What do I mean here? Seemingly your column lacks proper capital, because it looks exactly like the basis. And vice versa. Columns follow very strict rules of proportions, like your abacus is way too outsized in regards how small the echinus is, aslo the necking is missing. Columns commonly follow anthropomorphic proportions, and I can feel something is off with the height-width ratio. Plus usually they lean inwards. The fluting is also "wrong". Pardon my constructive criticism, but reading about your focus on env. artist education, I felt important to give you a hint about the importance of basic architectural studies and art history. They come unbelievably handy in your line of work. I mean I can only assume they do, because I am in a different, but not that different line of business.
  5. For those arguing the surrender takes away the triumph of victory, I would advice to simply change the end message from "X team has surrendered" or something to "X team is victorious."
  6. GDI Shotgunner would take it up a notch. Macfarland sure listens to metal. If we stay with the shotgunner's doomed style, he could have this. Otherwise this one. Dropkick Murphys. Oldie, but for him it does suit well. BTW you could align musical themes to the character's nationality, not just to it's personality and profession. For instance Sakura would listen to something japanese. Yoshida Brothers anybody? But the techno line's good as well.
  7. Guys I am so sorry, I lost the connection to the host, and I even lost the connection with the constructiveTyranny teamspeak server. I was unable to reconnect. I wanted to warn you that I was out, and probably my character was still in the game. I don't know what happened, it was not my internet connection. *Edit: After 15 minutes of trying I was able to establish connection with you on teamspeak.
  8. Thommy is on it. But you are right Henk, the reapir facility in the base would generate turtling for sure. Put one building into a high-risk scenario, on the middle of the map, without any cover. That will teach the players!
  9. Happened a similar thing to me. With an sbh, I stole a Humvee, then the car exploded, (some other sbh planted c4 on it when it was under GDI control, if I saw correctly) instead of ejecting, I died, and the camera teleported somewhere else.
  10. LOL, I didn't know you are from Cape Town! Had I known this, I would rephase my little Rough Guide about the city. And you are right, Cape Town would deserve a standalone map.
  11. "My suggestion for FPS/RTS mode on Epic Forums: https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournam ... -game-mode" The link is broken, or your suggestion is deleted, or I might have to be signed in in order to read.
  12. Very well, Mr Serious Oak! Quite a good idea. Playing on the most iconic, or memorable places is one of the most important aspect of gaming. By the way Cape Town's architecture of the inner city is very western-like, the upcoming CNC-City could be actualized as this South African city as well. Of course assets will be needed. So whether we are speaking of a single player campaign, or co-op campaign, or multiplayer with some randomized narrative story elements, Tiberian Dawn was set in very interesting countries. from Estonia to South Africa. And Renegade too. I like the fantasy setting of many other maps, but merging fantasy elements with actual real life places, framed with narrative design, would be the best. P.S.: Cape Town has a Retreat township with Retreat road, not far from the sea. Named after the dutch, whom retreated from a 18th century lost battle. How good is this?
  13. Way off topic, pardon me. I was looking for C&C-type maps in the tiberian universe. I think the world map must be a Tiberian Sun-era map, because of the Nod logo above Cairo, and newer type of GDI logos . By the way in Tiberian Dawn, Nod vanquished GDI in South Africa, they even took Cape Town (this would be a good Renegade X setting). This is the last mission in Tiberian Dawn, to build and defend the second Temple of Nod after they lost one in Sarajevo. With that victory, Kane wiped out the GDI forces from Africa. Hence a temple model in Renegade X multiplayer would come in handy. The stories revolve around this buildings.
  14. Good idea j0g32. By the way the map vote menu could be something similar like the well known C&C campaign. With arrows indicating the next possible target. Or with a World map:
  15. And you would like to have a contemporary rendition of the Renegade single player campaign in 2016? That is a lot of work to make it feel current. From creative leadership through modellers and programmers to mocap and good voice acting, that would be some development pipeline. Even playing this aged UE3 engine, you would have some standard requirement about the quality. Otherwise you'd have an obsolete game.
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