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About Ks.ol

  • Birthday October 26

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    Russia (South)
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  1. Well I noticed this after update 5.462. I also wrote in the I hope they will correct
  2. Hello guys. I apologize if this problem appeared somewhere before. The problem with the sight of a sniper rifle (Havok, Sakura, BHS, Deadeye) sometimes happens when you quickly switch the main weapon to a secondary one (with keys 1 and 2 or with the mouse wheel) This appeared after update 5.462 RenXSniperScope.mp4 RenXSniperScope 2.mp4
  3. I'll probably say it too. With every weekend PUG is getting worse and worse. It seems that all the top gamers are going to, but anyway, the limited game is not the same. I have great respect for such commanders as Jeff, Ryz, Quinc3y, Thommy. But for example, when TONY tries to command, it turns out every time - a loss Because, I noticed yesterday, he does not understand what, but not exactly a command game. And with such players everything with each PUG is more and more. More and more players do not listen to orders. For example, the game on Saturday (Goldrush). TONY said that he is in defense. But HAND OF NOD was destroyed, and TONY responded to this "I kept repairing OBELISK all the time" Indeed, why run around the base, if you can stand and repair one building. In general, everything is sad. As for me on the Walls on Saturday. I perfectly saw both Poi and Cannuck on the plateau, and I saw that Quinc3y is opposed to them, but my internet and my provider told me "you do not normally play, so we'll raise you a ping." So I could not do anything worthy. Of course I'm sorry. In general, I hope that in the future will change something for the better
  4. 6:00-6:35 - awesome!
  5. I noticed yesterday the constant absence of a hitbox from a black hand sniper/deadeye, sbh, raveshaw, sakura/havoc. At me it happened stably)
  6. it is a pity that I ping 180-190, does not work normally play(
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