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Posts posted by kira

  1. Hey Everyone !
    We have completed the teleporters inside each base for it's native members traveling between buildings,
    Added decoration objects and worked on the general visuals of the map , with water, trees and such.

    Take a view:image.thumb.png.d7f43b3f85c6ad2d596e9fef0c513ca3.pngimage.thumb.png.808cc0370ba1ed6ad286fdbc71f4f775.pngimage.thumb.png.c0d14d68bac436674f53d7e9fe02f045.pngimage.thumb.png.15ae21c82522402295357d7d166a3a14.pngimage.thumb.png.466154210317a600fe65c2aea8278407.pngimage.thumb.png.623ef2332870285149774047bb543ecd.png

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    • Thanks 1
  2. Gota ya,
    Can you please add titans to Eyes map?   
     The huge open areas and wide gates are perfect for it - and i think we might like it to have titans on Eyes just like on Crash Site.
    Would be fun to stomp the stealthy infantry blindly on the way to air strip.


    • Confused 1
  3. wow such amazing stories involvomg family and childhood stuff !

    I used to spend a lot of time with my cousins  and I didnt realy knew C&C until they showed me their present they got from their cousins on the U.S.
    it was bunch of disks of whole C&C (we talking about the 90' right now)
    and i watch my cousin play , try it too myself it was amazing, 

    the C&C renegade i already bought my self because i remebered how much i like this C&C stuff and by the photos on the cover of the box i knew i would like it ,
    (at the year 2002 i think)
    me and my cousins were playing the practice mode, with under map and bots. the addiction started there lol
    soon there was gamespy, they bought it too and we play multiplayer togther at their house , amazing experienced, great laughs.

    and there was a break time from it until 2013 ish i think, where one day my  cousin called me on the phone , panicking, 

    lol and since then im playing Renegade X,
    always helps me to clear my head and emotions when angry , sad or bored
    even though im playing the same maps, each match feels different experience, meeting amazing people on the way.

    so yeah, HUGE HUG TO ALL DEVS AND PARTNERS . this game rulz :)

    • Like 3
  4. Glad you thought about it ryz, its a very good idea for my opnion too. 

    There is already huge publicity of that remastered, defintly a wave Renegade x can ride on to get attention, not just for player base - could be opportunity to find more talented people with lots of affection to nostalgia that might power up the Totem Arts team


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  5. 10 hours ago, Tytonium said:

    Thanks for the thoughtful reply, this was precisely what I was looking for.

    Although I still heavily disagree with my mute in particular as I was not agreeing with the racial discussions in chat, just offering a disappointing world view that has at some truth to it. Not dropping N-bombs and just trying to create trouble like some of the others. But I digress. Another 2 weeks it is I suppose.

    There will come a time in game where you'll be separated from your team. Not just to Agent but to everyone involved in this games development and moderation. You will be behind our lines, on low health, and unable to find the right choice to get out. There may not even be a right choice, and you could already be doomed. You will think and think, desperately trying to find a way out of the situation... And that's when you'll see it. Me. Standing there watching you. I will stand there completely still to the point where you aren't even sure if I see you or not. Eventually after enough time has passed, you will no longer be able to handle it. You must know. You call out to me. There is no reply. You cannot be sure but you believe this entity is unable to speak, nor muster any semblance of communication at all. How this could be you have no idea. You are cold. So very cold. Each passing minute with this demonic entity looking at you feels like an eternity of having your soul fractured. The overwhelming existential dread is too much to handle. You can no longer take it. You press escape and hover over the suicide button. A thought occurs right before you click. What if this entity is expecting this reaction, and what if it intends to gain something from your death. You push the thought to the back of your mind. You are willing to take the risk as it your only chance at escaping no matter what. You click, and everything flashes before you. You mind starts to leave this plane of existence. The last thing you hear is words spoken from the entity. "you've got talent! :D". And your spirit leaves.



  6. 4 hours ago, Enigmas said:

    I like this. Vote to turn auto-balance on or off seems like the best solution.

    same, i would sacrifice my option to switch sides , for a better renegade x matches,   for preventing overpowered team and for the remaining player base and hopefully many more players coming to the player base in the future.

    so no more people leave the community because of this feeling of unbalanced teams.

    as far as i concern, manual moderation by the moderator base knowledge of the players to equalize teams, would be best. 
    so please just lets get over this , so we can look further in the future of renx expension.



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  7. guys, can you please modify Under.   i got some key points that might point to the direction:

    * because base lockdown of strong team,  giving more possibilites to retake over the field or the path or the piplines or the tunnels , would  give a better chance for the weaker team to take back the control , and can make the game play more interesting rather stuck in base and getting snipe near the buildings doors.

    * for the weaker team , after certain period of time, change the probability of crates so they will have higher chance to get something really good , like epic char, sbh or what ever.  so again it can help flip over the table. 

    * maybe changing terrain so snipers would have hard time to defend them self in the base entrance cliff or sniping people who just bought for the second time 1k character.


    and ofc there might be more stuff , but i can't think yet on them now, maybe later ill edit it to add more.  

    but anyway, like it or not, Under need modification so not one sided again .  you always say if we got something to say we should post here on forums, well there you go, i just did.


    what now?

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