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Phase 6 Beta Testers
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  1. Now all we need is to have it run on Linux.
  2. Not a lot of people will be god in the first few weeks. Some will not learn and stop playing, others will learn and get better, veterans will be born out of this process and the old C&C and Renegade veterans will come back. It'll just take a while. This happened with StarCraft 2 during beta. It takes a few weeks. Granted, Renegade and Renegade X is pretty easy to get the hang of, unlike say, StarCraft, which requires players to constantly adapt to the ever-changing metagame and keep track of a lot more things. To be honest, I've had a few n00b moments myself (Getting Mammoth Tanks without switching to the Engy class, for example), but I blame my laziness and the "wow" factor of playing a new Renegade. It's been a while and it's easy to get lost in it and start acting like the typical 5-year old in a toy store full of new toys. Most people didn't even know what the key for chat was (same with the sprint key, for some). I guess they assumed it was "Enter" or "Spacebar", which is a common and understandable mistake, but that ruins a lot of the team play factor present in this game. How can you communicate when you don't even know how? Loading screen needs to show which keys do what (and that screen should update accordingly to reflect if you changed the keys in the options menu), like how that picture on the install screen shows what each building does. Also, I didn't notice any VoIP. That would be a very helpful feature to have.
  3. Hi guys, congrats on making it to release! I like the new additions to the Renegade formula that we can already see ahead of release, like the capturable buildings. Made me think of some few suggestions of my own. Some of these may be redundant and trivial, that's up to you guys to decide. These are just my suggestions. NOTE: Every unit name is clickable, shows a picture of what the unit looks like. Same with "Alternate Design" links. New Tech Building: Drone Control Center The Drone Control Center, once captured, will allow players to buy and deploy drones on the battlefield, via a a small console on their arm (Havoc's EVA communicator) or through a console that they can hold in their arms (Tablet). A character using a drone becomes a sitting duck. To prevent camping, perhaps implement operational limits for drones, when going outside the player's range, the drone simply expires. Each faction has specific drone vehicles. [c]Global Defense Initiative[/c] Camera Drone The Camera Drone is a light scout that can see cloaked units from afar and can reveal them when it is within 5 meters of them, for 10 seconds. Pretty affordable. Sentry Drone - Alternate Design 1 - Alternate Design 2 The Sentry Drone is a short range, slow and small, but armored drone. It is useful for navigating through close quarters and tight spots, such as building interiors and caverns. Armed with a small machine gun, it is good against most infantry, although defenseless against vehicles. Average price, but still affordable. Based on Gladiator UGV. Tank Drone Armored drone, made for armored combat. Good against armor. (Armor, armor, armor) Very expensive. (Armor.) Based on BAE Systems Black Knight UGV. Unmanned MG Helicopter - Alternate Design Anti-Infantry UAV Helicopter, more expensive than the Camera Drone, but also armed with an MG to attack infantry. Can't detect cloaked infantry. Could also serve as a support UAV (either man-controlled or following the player/player vehicle), perhaps boosting nearby units' firing rate or using a point defense laser to destroy incoming missiles or, again, using a laser to paint a target, making the targeted enemy receive more damage. Based on USAF MQ-8 Fire Scout/Boeing A-160 Hummingbird UAV. Air Assault Drone - Alternate Design 1 - Alternate Design 2 Drone that can be controlled for 30 or 60 seconds and/or fire a certain amount of missiles at target before leaving or expiring. Based on Avenger Drone. Based on USAF Reaper UAV/EADS Barracuda UAV/EADS Talarion UAV (latter 2 could add some flair and originality to a mostly US-based arsenal). Strike Drone Single-use support power that drops missile on selected target (vehicle, usually). Based on X-47B UAV Prototype. [c]Brotherhood of Nod[/c] Camera Drone The Camera Drone is a light scout that can see cloaked units from afar and can reveal them when it is within 5 meters of them, for 10 seconds. Pretty affordable. Sleeker design for Nod, based on Parrot AR.Drone 2.0. Demolition Drone The Nod Demolition Drone is a fast, lightweight drone made up of inexpensive parts, due to its non-reusable nature. It can close up on a target and explode, dealing medium damage. Good against infantry, good against light vehicles, weak against everything else (unless you want to act like a show off and drop it off a high building onto a low-hanging helicopter, then by all means, you should be rewarded). Average price, but still affordable. MULE Anti-Armor and Anti-Air drone. Good for supporting forces on the battlefield. Very expensive. Based on real-life MULE UGV prototype. Unmanned Sniper Helicopter - Alternate Design Anti-Infantry UAV Helicopter, more expensive than the Camera Drone, but also armed with a sniper round to attack infantry. Can't detect cloaked infantry. Could also serve as a support UAV (either man-controlled or following the player/player vehicle), perhaps boosting nearby units' firing rate or using a point defense laser to destroy incoming missiles or, again, using a laser to paint a target, making the targeted enemy receive more damage. Based on Shadowhawk UAS/Swiss NEO S-300. Could be cloaked, as it is a Nod unit. Sleeker design for Nod variant, once again. Avenger Air Assault Drone Drone that can be controlled for 30 or 60 seconds and/or fire a certain amount of missiles at target before leaving or expiring. Based on USAF Avenger UAV. Could be cloaked, as it is a Nod unit. Strike Drone Single-use support power that drops missile on selected target (vehicle, usually). Sleeker design for Nod, based on US Air Force prototype concept design. [c]New Additions to Current Arsenal[/c] [c]Global Defense Initiative[/c] Stryker MGS Infantry transport that allows garrisoned infantry to fire from inside. ECM Tank - Alternate Design Tank armed with EMP weapon, has slow firing rate, but can disable enemy vehicles. Avenger ADS Anti-Air vehicle armed with twin rocket pods. Railgun Tank Heavy, slow, armored tank. Armed with a railgun, slow firing rate, can be charged and fired in a straight line. Does more damage when charged, good against heavily-armored vehicles and structures. Railgun goes through several enemy targets before stopping (dictated by length, dictated by how charged the weapon was). F-23 Black Widow VTOL Aircraft (Think F-35), different variant of YF-23 prototype, armed with missiles and a machine gun, which can be used well against enemy aircraft. Tomahawk Missile New Support Power, cheaper than Ion Cannon and Air Strike still relatively good/average against enemy buildings and masses of vehicles. [c]Brotherhood of Nod[/c] Attack Bike Fast attack bike. Good for scouting, hit-and-run attacks and taking out enemy aircraft and drones. Bradley IFV Infantry Transport whose main gun changes when garrisoned. SCUD Launcher Long-Range missile launcher. Microwave Tank - Alternate Design Tank armed with Microwave weapon, has slow firing rate, but can disable enemy infantry. Comanche Stealth Helicopter. Fast, weaker armor, but armed with rapid-firing missiles. Slow reload time. Basically the Air variant of the Stealth Tank. F-22 Raptor Radar-Stealth Fighter, armed with missiles and a machine gun, which can be used well against enemy aircraft. Uses VTOL engine to simplify take-off and landing. Deployable Mines New Weapon, can be deployed by Nod engineering classes on the battlefield.
  4. So are we getting a new soundtrack, for the multiplayer release? I noticed the Renegade menu remix in the latest video, I'm guessing that's not the only new track in this release.
  5. You can see some never-before seen Tiberium stuff over here, including renders, in-game cutscenes, design documents, the profile of a unit that never made it into the game, and so on: http://www.cnc-addict.com/discuter/viewtop...=166005#p166005 Scroll down to my post (Alex06) for even more stuff than what the original poster had posted there.
  6. Wait, is Scorpion Hunters an MP map only, or will there actually be a campaign mode?
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