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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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  1. or since the commander mod gets back...what if the commander can stop the harvi? nvm , lavadr4gon already said it
  2. Hmm, that I didn't know. How can one activate it? Command or is there a button that is hidden somewhere on the screen?
  3. Good luck muting that one raging player when half of the server is taking part in the bullying/complaining. I think that an ignore button should be added. This way you can deal directly with whoever is annoying you without hurting the already fragile playerbase ( if we were to be really strict with rules and ban accordingly...the already small playerbase would become atleast twice as small )
  4. Maybe the delivery guy's car / bike got stolen... hue hue hue. Was a nice guy - we really need a second commander though. Basically, the team that had Boxes won.
  5. IMO it reminds me of Lakeside but it isn't Lakseside. The map seems interesting.
  6. It was Chlenix the one that planted it but im not sure if he did it willingly or not though ( he tends to plant beacons in weird places).
  7. Crowsy


    Sometimes I like to sit with a Stank behind a building that is usually infiltrated ( ex: ref and pp on walls) just to run over unexpecting hotwires while they are disarming the mines. Bonus points if they do an infantry rush on these buildings ! All that while imagining im Jaws.
  8. Good PUG. I think GDI needs a slight nerf though ( GDI seems to dominate Nod when both teams are really good ).
  9. Pug was good. Tunnels had really good vehicle warfare indeed (for both sides). Complex was pretty much a massacre of Nod. Under was somewhat interesting. Nod had the field but GDI kept poking Nod's base through tunnels and pipeline route ( I think this is how GDI kept up in veterancy with Nod).
  10. Soooo...does anyone want to play few Kane's Wrath / Tib wars rounds after today's pug?
  11. Handicap him to play without keyboard and/or mouse !
  12. Why not make a TW/KW mini tournament?
  13. Will crates disappear or the crates will do something else in the first 3-4 minutes?
  14. First match was good. Second one seemed ok too - had to leave in middle of it due to a slight emergency (apologies for that). Pug was balanced and there weren't many complains (atleast on our side). People actually worked together. ( +1 to Kryp's custom made "armor" at the start of the Field round ).
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