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Posts posted by Schmitzenbergh

  1. Very nice :)

    Question: Now that you're working on the launcher again, is there a chance the preview images of the new or day/night maps will be added to the launcher? Canyon, Field, Mesa for instance don't have an image now.

    If the images can be provided, this would be possible. I'm not an expert in editing the screens to look nice, so if someone can do this for me :o

    Also, if Thommy and DaKuja coud send me their desired map pic I can add them too. The maps are in the official RenX distribution so it would be nice to see those added.

    If you could send them in PNG format with a height of 256px and width of 512px that would be preferred :cool:

  2. Well, you may always help me with CNC-Arctic Stronghold! I can send you the map. I havent split the map up in regions though. I'm not the most advanced UDK mapper so bear with me :) . You have a lot more experience with it. Give me a shout so we can share the map with each other. (Can't we use the source control feature in UDK for this?)

    I feel like I'm hijacking your idea ;p I hope you don't mind :o

  3. Well... I'm up for it. But I don't know in what speed you want to progress. I'm starting with my Master next month so I will have less time, but I still be available.

    Can we work together on a map simultaneously then?

    If anyone else has more free time give it to them, but I would love to help you as much as I can :)

  4. Not really something special. Just extract it in a place where you don't need to apply admin rights. So don't use the program files folder.

    Also try to install you latest GPU drivers. And don't use the DX10 rendering mode in UDK, that one crashes a lot for me. Do others have this as well?

    Perhaps you could use the 64bit UDK instead of the 32bit one, if you don't already use it. The 64bit exe is located in Binaries\Win64.

    That's all the things I use personally, but it is still a very crash happy application. Set autosave to 5 minutes or so, so you can always revert back to an autosave that's recent.

  5. There seems to be something wrong with CNc-WoodsV2. I've downloaded the latest version (also mentioned in this topic) but I always need to download the map in-game. Perhaps the wrong version is on the server? Or the download for the map is another version...

  6. Oh wow, these are quite some changes to infantry! Can't wait to try them out.

    Is the blue tiberium rifle an anti-vehicle gun? As it is now the weapon of choice for Mendoza...

    Also I like the idea of more specialized characters instead of the jack of al trades Hottie/Tech.

    Looking good!

    Btw: What happened to CNC-Eyes & CNC-Trainingyard? Are they back in the game?

    EDIT: Does nod have an advantage now with the whole rechargable batteries thing? They can keep shooting and take cover while the weapon reloads. GDI wont have such a thing. Making me more curious on how this will play

  7. Everyone who worked on the launcher has gone missing. I don't want to say that they didn't care, but at least they don't care anymore. If someone knows C# we certainly could use your help.

    Well, I could take a look at it. If you can give me the sourcecode of the launcher.

    Is it in C# + XAML?

  8. Ok I can't figure this out. In theory it should all work (At least in a C# thinking way).

    I want to disable the Obbi/AGT on a certain condition. So I create a kismet sequence that waits 7 seconds and then activates the "Modify Property" command. It has the building object (In this case Obbi) connected to the Target and I set to change to following property "Rx_Building_Obelisk.bLaserDisabled" to the Property Value: True (Also tried 1).

    But whatever I do, the darned thing wont deactivate. Am I a complete idiot? Or am I missing something. It's just changing a property...

    (Something like RX_Building_Obelisk_1.Rx_Building_Obelisk.bLaserDisabled = True OR RX_Building_Obelisk_1.setbLaserDisabled(True); If we talk in programming languages)


  9. You could make an installer for custom maps so you don't have to download a lot of files.

    I'm shadowing the RenX test server maps for some time now with my unofficial RenX Xommunity Map Pack.

    If it is desired I can make it public. It features all the maps in a neat Rar file with a description.

  10. This map is now officially a joint operation between Ruud033 and myself :cool:

    Well hello there,

    I'm back for more mapping adventures. Now that CNC-GrassyKnoll is done (At least, until its get's played more and people find bugs to fix), I've picked up another idea for a RenX map.

    I present to you: CNC-Arctic_Stronghold





    Yes, It's another "semi" remake of one of my favourite UT2004 maps. The map features many paths and height differences to try and destroy your opponent. There is also an infantry route that branches of into one of many vehiclepaths and features a big cave for all your infantry fights.

    The map is progressing well. The GDI base is quite done, needs some more bits 'n bobs and perhaps a relocation of the barracks. The nod base on the other hand... Well let's not talk about it :rolleyes:

    The overall shape of the map is quite set. The nod base area may change, but I'll let you guys decide with me.

    I'm also planning a feature with a tech powerplant, but I need some information on the advanced base defences. Is it possible to deactivate/activate the Obelisk & AGT via kismet? Because they are actually bots in a turret.

    For now, I'll need to place more rocks (YAY) and flesh out the infantry cave. After that I'll take a look at the nod base.

    What do you guys think? Any complaints, ideas or improvements? Feedback is welcome! Keep in mind though this map is heavy WIP, so a lot can be changed.

  11. It has a good shape overall. Let's see what comes out of this!

    I really like the big field. Can get some nice tankplay there. Keep an eye on the long range bombardment of arties/mlrs. They have a max range so try to find the sweetspot for this layout. I really like it.

  12. You really need to fix the landscape material

    Keep it. It will be an illusio pit map xD (Points for you if you know the illusio pit reference)

    But to be serious, change te material. It's very hard to see what you've made due to the material. Even wireframe mode is more clear :cool:

  13. I couldn't join the server due to some weird reason, so I tested the map in skirmish! I've found some things that may or may not need your attention.

    Overall I must say that the map has an interesting shape. Lots of routes to take.

    Overall change you should make in my opinion is: make the vehiclepaths a bit wider, especially the forest route(The one with the trees on the sides). Only a conga line of meds will fit through ;p

    Also, the map looks more like a forested pit then a forest. Maybe open up the map more to a forest you can see (but not enter) to give you the impression you really are in the woods? :cool:

    Infantrypaths are fine. I really like the flat rock part where you can look over the forest route :)

    The infantry path can do with some less crates though... I got a crate jackpot with 4 of 'm appearing near the silo.

    What are your plans with the destroyed WF? Is it some sort of midway-through point to stock up? I could buy everything at the terminals. Looks interesting. (I had the same idea for my new map :P )

    But for now: some screens with my feedback!



    The turret and guardtower in the screenshots have a lot of health, exceeding 100%. Is this intentional or a bug?


    There is some mesh clipping on the infantry bridges. (Destroyed Wf side)


    The landscape is missing a bit of ground here. (Behind destroyed WF). Looks a bit silly :rolleyes:


    Perhaps you have already thought of this, but it annoys me anyway :P If you use invisible vehicle blockers for certain paths, make it look like a vehicle can't enter. Place some tank blockers or trees, that way it's clear for the player he/she can't enter. (I'm sure you haven't placed it due to this being a test build :o )


    This turret seemed to have a day off, it refused to attack me... Kane won't be pleased :P

    I think the landscape is blocking the turret.


    The terminal is clearly GDI's but is says it's nod's. Perhaps change it to the nod version, or a generic version(Look at Ruud's map CNC-Crash Site, he has a generic one)


    This is what I meant with conga lines of meds. There is no way more then one tank can fit. Widen it or make only small vehicles enter. If this is your intention, keep it but meds and lights will be annoyed. Especially if the cliffs get rocks.



    This is a big one. I had the same problem on Grassyknoll. Ioning or nukeing 2 buildings is no fun. There needs to be more space in between the buildings so an ion or nuke can't destroy two buildings. Field has it too @ the Hon and As. I really dislike it :( Easy fix though. (Although, it's quite an achievement if a player succeeds)

    This is my feedback. Of course the map is in it's early days so some of these "bugs" may be due to the map not being done. But then again, you can easily miss some of these small things in the long run.

    You're well on your way to making a nice map. Can't wait to see the map when it's more fleshed out. If you need any help just pm me or something.

    Keep 'm coming!

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