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Posts posted by Schmitzenbergh

  1. Removed CNC-Chasm due to not having the proper world properties and crashing the server

    Removed CNC-Coastal due to references that are causing issues when booting the server

    Removed CNC-CoastalSmall due to references that are causing issues when booting the server

    Will look on it when I got the time/motivation, thank you for the heads up

    But... er, references... what happened to it? Did I forget to add a file or did something change that made it stop working? I think I'll need to update my sdk soon....

    So you're saying you still have the beta 4 sdk?

    Is there an official beta 5 SDK? When did it came out?

  2. I'll try my findings on the mesaII texture.

    I did do all the texture work in PhotoShop, I only imported and applied the material to the mesh.

    I'll try and make some images and tell more in detail what I did. I'll post it tomorrow or so. I probably missed something stupid.

    On a side note: Im a real train wreck when it comes to materials and material instance constants. I can't wrap my head around them. I'm gonna follow the master texture tutorial you've posted , but do you know a clear tutorial that explains materials and material instance constants well? I followed Kenz's tutorials but I couldn't get it for the full 100%. (not kenz's fault :P), and a lot of the tutorials are waaaay to hard...

  3. After looking through the content browser I couldn't find a Skydome material that pleased me so I went on an adventure on the local interwebs in search of nice sky textures!

    But now comes the hard part, I can't figure out how to get it to fit on a Skydome mesh...

    I've searched far and low and found the following:

    The texture must be seamless and have a decent size like 2048x512

    You must apply the Photoshop "Polar Coordinates" filter to get the texture to fit in the dome


    The texture must be square and formed as a sphere, like this:Skydome.png

    I tried both ways but can't get the texture to wrap nicely on the dome. It always looks like it went through a mixer and barfed out. :confused:

    Can someone point me in the right directions on how to create custom skydome materials?

    PS: Yes I've made a material from the texture2D.

  4. I think the "problem" (I would call it gameplay) is that the focus in Renegade is on destroying the enemy teams base, not killing enemy players. Killing enemy players is part of the game, but only benefits to the ultimate goal: Destroying the enemy base.

    If you are only focussing on killing enemy players to get kills, you are not playing the game the way it was meant to be... (Could be fun for a few matches though :P )

    God damn, a shooter where you can actually react to things instead of instantly dying to everything. Fuck, we don't have enough of that. Everything out nowadays is a war of backstabbing pussy that looks like real war (and real war is fucking boring).

    I completely agree SFJake! It's a game, not a superduper realistic war simulator :cool:

    I also agree that some things in Renegade are broken, but that's what made the game interesting to play in my opinion :)

    I am amused that you think I'm here to wrack up a killstreak like the stereotypical Halo/CoD player. I always try to accomplish the objectives in TF2 and DotA 2, the two main competitive games that I play. I actually raged for the first time in a very long time in DotA 2 earlier today because my team went off looking for kills instead of trying to destroy the enemy barracks. Had they not gone off and tried to pad their KDA ratio (kill/death/assist), we would've won the game then and there.

    I have no problem with the objectives in Renegade. In fact, that's what drew me to the game, because you win not by wracking up kills, but by taking out the enemy base. I guess my main problem is Engineer repair spam, which really slows down the game. I guess my issue with the TTK (time to kill) in Renegade-X wouldn't be an issue if repair spam weren't a thing. Right now, the only way to overpower repair spam is to either bring really heavy firepower or assault the building and take out the Engineers, which is easier said than done due to the long TTK.

    The "you" in this message is not the you as in "Aron Times", but the you as in "Players who go for kills". I'm not attacking your playstyle, heck I don't even know if I've ever played with you :P This was more a message to the players that do go for killstreaks.

    I agree repair spam is slowing down the game, the building armour mechanic is part of the solution so buildings get permanent damage.

    I don't know the answer to the problem, but I'm not denying there is a problem.

  5. I'll add this to the test server a.s.a.p.

    1 note though: maybe you need to add more pointlights in the tib field, more green lights, so the tiberium actually glows..? and/or boost the emissive channel on the tiberium material a bit more?

    Perhaps you're right, I'll put it on the to-do list. I was afraid the green light would be to intense when it bounces of the rocks so I decreased them a bit. When I can aces my workstation again I'll build a new version with better tib lights!

  6. Version 1.3 release

    Yes I'm back! With improved storms!

    Version 1.3 has an improved storm mechanic which, hopefully, will make the ion storm less instant.

    I've also redesigned the Tiberium field to be a bit less bland. Take a look :)


    Whats new?

    Release 1.3
    -Ion storm now has a gradual change in the map. No more instant change.
    -Updated all the collision volumes so they are more natural. At least as much as possible.
    -Updated Tiberium field with a seperate infantry path + bunker
    -Updated the Tiberium volume so it follows the edge more precise
    -Added some conviniently placed rocks so snipers don't have a direct sight on the base entrances for a safe distance
    -Removed some blocking volumes around trees so vehicles can try to pass through (Trees are static meshes so collision is ok)
    -Added an easter egg, happy searching 

    I've changed the yellowish tint to be less intense during storms. I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to keep this, but I'll let you guys decide too. (The only thing to do would be to change the directional light to a dominant light :cool: )

    Anyway, enjoy playing the map(Or not) and I hope to see some feedback with ways to improve the map! Afterall, this is still my first UDK/RenX map.

    Downloadlink @ http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB (Download version 1.3)

  7. I think the "problem" (I would call it gameplay) is that the focus in Renegade is on destroying the enemy teams base, not killing enemy players. Killing enemy players is part of the game, but only benefits to the ultimate goal: Destroying the enemy base.

    If you are only focussing on killing enemy players to get kills, you are not playing the game the way it was meant to be... (Could be fun for a few matches though :P )

    God damn, a shooter where you can actually react to things instead of instantly dying to everything. Fuck, we don't have enough of that. Everything out nowadays is a war of backstabbing pussy that looks like real war (and real war is fucking boring).

    I completely agree SFJake! It's a game, not a superduper realistic war simulator :cool:

    I also agree that some things in Renegade are broken, but that's what made the game interesting to play in my opinion :)

  8. Can't you just change the DPI in the windows control panel to 150%?

    I know it can be done there, but the text will get a bit fuzzy... Udk(And more win32 progs) don't listen that well to the windows dpi settings

  9. Small update:


    I must have had my head inside an ion storm myself.. I've uploaded the debug version of the map the last time :eek: 5 seconds in the map and already an ion storm? Nah

    This version gives you some time to actually see the map before the storm hits!

    Downloadlink @ http://1drv.ms/1MKkzcB (Download version 1.2.2)

    On a side note, I'm busy with making the transition between an ion storm and non ion storm more natural with matinee. I hope it will be done by the end of next week. :cool:

  10. It's Lighting, not Lightning. Lighting is the light while Lightning is the one that goes with thunderbolt and such mostly in a bad storm :P

    Anyway, nice. Maybe I'll ask you when I ever touch my maps again


    I fixed it :) My bad

  11. Hallo mappers,

    I have acces to a hexacore Xeon workstation and installed the RenX SDK on it. The rendering of lighting is waay fast on this machine (Grassyknoll was rendered in 1:10 hours on production level :cool: ).

    If anyone needs their lighting built on production or another level I'm willing to render it on that machine. Just give me a Pm or just reply in this topic!

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