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Everything posted by TheDeadlyWolf

  1. I will try before the next release, but Hourglass contains many sounds and exclusive shit. However I do have the next map Stronghold within the UPK package aswell (was gonna combine all maps into one package - tidier), and once again it contains some exclusive shit, and I would prefer to keep it that way And Thx
  2. I'm back after a long vacation from Renegade X, harvesters were pissing me off like normal, and nothing was working and editing the terrain crashed the SDK For this reason I have been meaning to install the SDK on Windows 10 for some time now, however I never got round to it...Been busy with Win 7 and shit Finally got round to installing the SDK, there's an Update - great work guys First think first, the SDK seems very Weird : ) Next up GDI harvester Tried a lot of shit, and eventually I got it working, Fluently I must add - 20 perfect trips (love the new features on Ref) Next was Nod, did similar changes like the stuff for GDI, and the Nod harvester was working fluently - 20 perfect trips... But Then...GDI harvester kept getting stuck...Eventually fixed that too Harvesters both working fluently now...Time to test the timings Nod was faster, about 20 Seconds ish (When Nod harvy leaves ref, GDI starts dumping) As a result I've decreased the GDI harvest time to run at similar times with the Nod Harvey (like a second difference) P.S. The credits gained from each dump are now 500 credits, and per second it's 4
  3. Titanfall is the only decent IP and franchise remaining on EA : ) Star Wars was destroyed, hopefully they resolve this in their upcoming games though 2017,2018, and 2020 Battlefield getting ridiculous like COD C&C was destroyed, look at C&C 4 - best games C&C Renegade years of fun + mods (CTF with recon bikes on Under LMFAO) and C&C 3 - repurchased on steam - All time great RTS P.S. Origin UI is the worst, so buggy Titanfall would be much popular if it was on Steam, blame Activision or Not
  4. Shoulda made it more clear Question 3: Looking at the last image, Are the lights OTT once you're back to normal lighting? OTT - Over The Top
  5. Happy Christmas to you too ; ) Number 1: OK Number 2: This was more about the fog around each light in the base, Not the Actual fog (good for sneaking in and preparing an attack, plus as your up high the fog will be thick and your sight's limited - Can help with rushes and avoiding stalemate when timed correctly and you know the map) And what about Number 3... Are the lights OTT once you're back to normal lighting?
  6. Happy Christmas Guys, Enjoy Complete some more fixes in the last 2 days Finally found a way to edit the particle systems for the falling leaves, didn't want green trees, and this is a war/death scene so healthy trees is a No No Dark/Brownish Leaves Now, Gotta love Rogue One : ) Added in the new lights for the Nod Base today - Testing them out before doing the same in GDI's View from cliff edge in light View from hill in Stormy + Foggy Weather, can see the light outlines (Fog hard to see, stealth time) View outside the base during Heavy Fog + Rain, you gotta be up close for a better sight, more realistic and better for sneak attacks View from inside the base once the heavy fog + Rain is over, are the lights OTT once you're back to normal lighting? Questions: 1) Is the light too bright? 2) Should I increase the distance, bare in mind the fog is beneficial for stealth and sneak attacks, or Wait till the newest release to answer this one, can have a better feel and in-person gaming experience? 3) From Last Picture... Enjoy. Happy Xmas ; D
  7. Can't Promise Anything...All i can say is that there will be Extra Lights in each Base Finally found time to edit Hourglass... Nod's Side Entrance, Can easily get into Hon with timing : ) Nod is storing barrelled Tiberium outside of the base, for safety reasons GDI's side entrance didn't work that well, it's a long way to WF however with Team Work it can be done (need a repair man) For this reason had to add some extra cover further into the base...A stupid Engineer has skidded on the wet floor into some boxes and some explosive barrels, thereby a fire has been generated (Hum-Vee Blown up) GDI have barrelled Tiberium along the back wall behind Ref (awaiting Hovercraft collection) GDI had Boxes and Explosive Barrels near the outside of the base, however due to this incident the explosive barrels have been moved next to the WF and some of the boxes have been placed outside of the base awaiting relocation (well the ones they could move anyway) Just 2 images of some Seen Progress As well as: Implemented the new flood gates into the kismet, tested them, and working Changed settings within the sand texture, to make a darker variant (more Shiny) - Well can't enter the Terrain mode on this UDK lol, instantly crashes, went the long way Lowered the Wind Power when the Fog comes in - more natural feel, still insaneish Added some cover near the Infantry Entrances to each base - As seen in the images, good luck Nod, I mean it Added in 2 extra GDI guard towers, replaced the spot lights Added 2 Spotlights to Nod's base and moved the 2 in GDI's base Added extra Paths nodes and reconfigured some Added some extra detail into the map, more barrels and boxes Thought of an Idea That May Work for the Tiberium Harvester problem...Will try ASAP
  8. A month later update news: Haven't really done much lately, had a lot of shit and been playing Titanfall and other games So far: Added Vehicle collision around the AGT's Walls Added Vehicle collision around the escape paths on hill Fixed Collision around Scrin's Temple so no more exploits Changed the textures ontop of the walls around each base Removed bush that had collision outside GDI's Base Added the flood gates to my hourglass package and replaced the old version with the newer ones - Haven't Updated or Tested the Kismet Changed the 500 Sniper pick ups to a SMG_Silenced instead Moved the position of the Nod CT in Air, Now downstairs Edited the Uplink kismet to see if the problem resolves when playing online - long shot - Haven't Tested
  9. I agree with this point a lot... Back in Classic Renegade: Most of the time the field was dominated by GDI forces resulting in nod being pinned, for this reason Nod always did stank rushes to get through field - 70% of the time was the side path for Entering and leaving the bases 10% was via the main entrance, but you got screwed over by all the mammoths and med tanks + orcas when flying the other 20% was bridge The side past must be opened up for Tanks (ESPECIALLY stealth tanks) apart from the Mammoths of course + APCs if possible, cant remember how wide they are compared to stanks P.S. The majority of the time when Nod Dominated field it was due to Apaches It's a Tank map like Hourglass
  10. Good Testing and having a laugh, Yeah, Phone Box - You can go inside and take a phone call... AGT collision - Once again forgot or done badly Havies: Nod = Fixes itself, GDI = Worked Perfectly in SDK, Custom and Servers...That's another story 60-40 its decreasing as we speak Extra Notes: Air Lift BROKEN AGAIN - So much Maintenance - Works Once Rocks Around Hill Escape (waterfall) have no vehicle collision Sounds for teleporter work Once per person, Seriously...Typical Kismet Online Radar doesnt reset for some reason on servers (making laser look s**t), rotates than stops - doesnt reset like it does in Custom and SDK
  11. Thx for the feedback guys, appreciate most of it haha - Knew people would continue to moan about darkness... 1) Of course I will, but it will be a pain to keep sending the map to DA so he can build lighting with Lightmass - Will Occasionally, As soon As I know I'm releasing it 2) Possibly Not: You can Wait on your side of Hill - STOPS hill campers, Major downside of original Hourglass 3) Will do: Gotta make it worth while, what about Free Shotguns to defend yourself? - getting back to base and reclimibing 4) Will do: More Lights to come 5) Most Likely Not: The TA vehicles don't spawn till LATER on (think its between 30(5) - 45minutes) - Stops Stalemate (Major Factor from Original) - Can increase time if necessary 6) Will do: Sorry about that, Grouped all the shit together and placed a material on it - Taking Shorcuts 7+8) Will do: No excuses... P.S. The distance is only fucked when the Rain Comes in and Thick Fog - The Islands Random Weather conditions, blame Scrin.... Now for Sn4ke 1) Will sort: They did work in the Very Old Version on custom or Servers - Possibly Broken, never went back to them + the killzones are there incase you block yourself in Edit: Checked the Flood Gates, They appear for me on the outer tunnels but you can walk through them eventually (and die) however inside the tunnel...nothing 2) Will do: Noticed that, thought I fixed it, unless it was the Temple side 3) Will do: Thx for noticing, never really thought about it 4) Will do: Didn't know that lol a) Mine Limit should be 24 and vehicle limit 8 - Is in my config file b) Will do: LMFAO c) No Trigger, Auto Starts prior to the Backup d) Might: More Work... e) Will do: Once again didn't think about doing collision for temple - Apart from inside f) That Problem Existed in the Very old Release - Thought I might have fixed it, Can easily remove the sound, just added some extra detail to GDI's backup (Hovers have two sounds, Idle and Moving) - The radius only covers the beachhead g) Originally had Tunnels - REMOVED, Not Hourglass H/I) That's a possibility, LOVE the Idea 5) Doubt it: The Stones walls do have Random Collision, it's the way they're built, did notice that myself, does look shit, only fix is to build New Collision for the mesh and could possibly screw up other areas 6) Will try: Did have 3 GT's in GDIs base before - 2 at front (like Nod), But Nod's Obi has to charge up so I removed Can remove the Back GT, replace the 2 spotlights with GT's instead 7) Classic, The CT is more OP than GDI's but can be destroyed easier - Tankers, Can move inside building in next update P.S. Play Horologe, that's light : ) + Keep Em Coming
  12. An Extra Preview, that circles the map and features the harvester fuck up + correction for Nod
  13. That is more or less the lighting you'll get, even with lightmass Back in the SDK the Harvies worked solidly, when testing in the actual game it turned out to be around 80/20 working The Harvies do fix themselves, but the GDI one doesn't always... However the SILO does give around 3X as much credits and don't forget you receive free vehicles later on...
  14. Preview Images...
  15. Didn't work, so I've released instead https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/75040-map-cnc-hourglass/
  16. Seriously is Hourglass cursed? Tried to release this map a few hours ago, but what do you know, Internet was Down It's Finally Here... Hourglass, Original Owners Scrin, Now A War Zone. Hourglass was once a peaceful harvesting Island for Tiberium crystals, Scrin originally found this Island while they were travelling the outskirts of the Atlantic Ocean for testing facilities, and a break from the war. Scrin landed on this Island just to find out that they landed on the motherload, this Island has unique features that were unknown to Scrin before, the Island was rich in Tiberium fields that would continue to shrive and grow in all the random conditions that the Island presented, this allowed for wonderful harvests for their war enhancements due to the high generation of Tiberium Crystals. Due to Scrin’s finding they started building a base to further their research, and once again they found the perfect resources that were located in the Islands ground, chemicals that allowed the Tiberium to double in worth, as well as providing a massive bonus to their continuous fights with Nod and GDI, Extra damage to all their weapons and abilities. Scrin started recruiting and forcing humans to work for them, due to their mind controlling, so they didn’t have to do the work themselves. So the humans were used to test the chemicals and enhancements, create runways for importing and exporting supplies to/from the mainland, harvesting the crystals, building future testing facilities such as an uplink station to disable particular base defences in war – Obelisk and Advanced Guard Tower and most importantly building a mini replica of Scrin’s sacred temple, showing it’s their territory. Years Later...Nod and GDI learned of this, both headed out, just to release that their bitter rivals were doing the same thing. Kane and Eva decided to put their differences aside for one moment to take out the greater and more powerful threat, Scrin, which have destroyed and murdered fellow bases and comrades without any trouble. Scrin put up a massive fight against both Nod and GDI, destroying everything in their path and losing the majority of their buildings. So when GDI’s and Nod’s FIFTH backup arrived, Scrin decided to pull away – wasn’t worth the resources and they could find another place to continue the work later, or let Nod and GDI fight it out before annihilating the remainders. So once Scrin pulled away, both Nod and GDI celebrated for a week while building their bases up from the ground, so they can continue the fight and benefit from the Island’s resources, so it was back to normal...Nod vs GDI, but for a major reward this time however, Tiberium enhancements as well as control of this sector like normal. Let the fight commence... Wolf P.S. The Super Weapons are Dangerous to the environment - They Damage the special resources within the Islands grounds...Causing Tiberium eruptions, don't be alarmed, your just destroying the resources that you're fighting for - Causing Green Tiberium Flashes across your green (They're Green as you haven't mixed the components together) Downloads: RenX downloads https://renegade-x.com/files/file/8-cnc-hourglass/ MediaFire http://www.mediafire.com/file/p6xju44ataiom6a/CnC-Hourglass.rar
  17. well I've built without using Lightmass, will have to do for now, will release very very soon, gonna test it out myself later today or tomorrow, then release
  18. nah same problem
  19. Well the same problem occurs on all maps including Kenz's canyon when trying to build with Lightmass Happens on Stronghold as well, which is made from Landscape
  20. Well i deleted the current collision on the Bus and did collision within the editor... Not Professionally done, But Works - That's the main thing
  21. Well, had this discussion about terrain before, if it needs to be converted i will after release On the other hand Kenz, Loaded up the 64bit version, and what do you know...It actually Works (No Swarm though), but thx - Have 16gb However, when I build lighting with Lightmass, the Swarm Boots up, seconds later 'The Lighting Build Failed' see the log for more information AgentLog_131214397423420861.log
  22. Don't forget the Right side is Infantry Path only with Trees etc The Left is Tank Path - However as I've now been able to test the map, I've noticed that the trek is long (Base-Infant), gonna have to move it in...Great Shoulda placed mammoths in the old sdk even though i couldn't test it... The Middle is the Wishing Well and Toilet with something else
  23. Well, no Autosaves from old SDKs, and ones from the new one crash when building, thx anyway Hourglass = Terrain Stronghold = Landscape Wouldnt say complex
  24. Thx @Ruud033 for the Bus, Able to implement the bus to it's planned location and create the collision - Too Much Weight from City Evac...Not done yet, but planned - Nod Snipers Get Ready... - I'm not 100% sure about this yet (might Kismet it...) - All the work going into the Bus haha (First part done after testing the bases and secret side path) - Enjoy
  25. well, there was 22 SpeedTree actors in Hourglass...Deleted them and still crashed Stronghold had nothing, still crashed Tried Canyon and didnt crash Went back to Hourglass... And I looked at Sky Box - Was Fine - Still crashed Searched for LightmassImportance Volume - Added one around Hourglass - Still crashed Haven't tried the rest, But I just don't get why Stronghold crashes when it only has the Basic lighting on buildings
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