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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Moot point. In Renegade X, the beacon disarm time is not shorter than it was in Renegade, it's actually 5 seconds longer. Plus, you've got the sprinting and the secondary weapons, which make a difference when looking for nukes and fighting defenders. You still have to fight to get to the beacon... the 10 second immunity is merely a warning to get out of the way. In Renegade, the nuke would disappear right above your head when disarmed like that - or the Ion laser would engulf the target and then it would stop. There's a difference between realism and believability - Renegade X is not meant to be a realistic game, but that does not mean we'd like our game to look ridiculous either. In Renegade, nukes barely even had a damage radius. You can practically stand within the explosion and not get damaged. In Renegade X, the nuke is actually something that needs to be escaped. I'd even bet that despite the 10 second warning, our nuke kills more people than Renegade's. There's a lot to nitpick about in this beta, but this is just a matter of Renegade X not being identical to the original game. I'm sure if C&C Renegade had a 10 second warning this thread wouldn't have existed.
  2. They day we've all been waiting for is finally here! Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download! Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others! k-bLTYiaqqk Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free. DOWNLOAD HERE: http://renegade-x.com/download More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year. Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support! System Requirements Minimum: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista 2.0+ GHz processor 2 GB system RAM SM3-compatible video card 4 GB free hard drive space Recommended : Windows Vista 64 SP2 2.0+ GHz multi-core processor 4 GB system RAM NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card Plenty of HDD space Setting-up Game Servers A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: viewtopic.php?f=119&t=71916 Tips and tricks Keybinds: - 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well - 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers - 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons - Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint) - 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.) - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more - 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard - 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself - 'F3': Chat - 'F4': Teamchat - 'U': Private Message General: - The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun - Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide - Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in. Story and Game Mode The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X. To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below: ObDKswJQq0I Ladder A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam. The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard Future Content The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X. -More multiplayer levels -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre -Clanwars ladder -More items -New gamemode(s) -Glitch fixes -Custom map and mod support -More to be announced on a later date! Screenshots These are some ingame shots of our game: Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults. It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser. Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games. Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game. Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change. We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible. Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL! http://www.renegade-x.com https://www.facebook.com/CNCRenX?ref=hl https://twitter.com/RenXGame http://www.youtube.com/user/NEfobbyGEN/videos
  3. The Renegade X Open Beta will be released on February 26th, 2014. Our gamemode is the unique FPS-RTS hybrid, Command & Conquer mode. Below is a basic video tutorial introducing the gamemode and the new features offered in Renegade X. ObDKswJQq0I On February 26th, Renegade X will be released for free. Find it at http://www.renegade-x.com and http://renxgame.com
  4. It is a client side issue - when there's too much going on ingame, the game sacrifices some of the lower-priority visuals to increase performance. However, we've given vehicle explosions a higher priority now, and so the problem should be resolved now.
  5. You'll just have to wait and see. We've been testing airstrikes for months, we're not throwing a wrench into C&C mode.
  6. Airstrikes require you to zoom in, select the targeted area, and plant. The planting takes 5 seconds, and you cannot move while you are planting. A laser indicator is visible to everyone during the planting. After the planting is done, EVA notifies all players that a GDI or Nod Airstrike is on en route. Then, about 5 seconds later, the plane comes in. So as an airstriker, there's a number of factors you must consider: 1) Before planting, you must make sure that the targeted enemies will remain in that area for the next 10-15 seconds. 2) While planting, you must make sure that you are not exposed to enemy fire, because you must stand still and you can die in the process. 3) While planting, you must make sure that your laser pointer is not in the enemy's view. Airstrikes cost 700 credits. I believe they are fair. There are times where airstrikes will fail, either because you will die in the process, or because the enemy will move away from the painted area. But, when they an airstrike is directed towards a group of camping tanks that are not paying attention to their surroundings, they can be very affective. Airstrikes are a gamechanger, but it keeps the game fluid, fresh, and it breaks stalemates. They are not overused, because there are risks involving their use. But they can be very affective.
  7. Steve Wetherill: Vice President and CTO of Westwood Studios Elie Arabian: Westwood Art Director Rick Donnelly: Designer of C&C Renegade maps Frank Klepacki: Composer
  8. Thanks for all of your comments. To clarify, we were never set to release in 2007. We were "Renegade 2007" because Unreal Tournament 3 was originally called "Unreal Tournament 2007".
  9. It's much better to install the game on a hard drive with plenty of space, than to only have enough space to install the game. My system is almost exactly like the one in the "recommended requirements" section. I would recommend a better graphics card, but with my Nvidia 250 GTS I can run RenX on highest with an average of 20-40 FPS.
  10. Renegade X is a free indie tactical FPS multiplayer game that will be coming out on February 26th, 2014. The beta release is less than two weeks away, so this post will provide you with all of the information you will need to get onto the battlefield and take the point. Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others! Story Renegade X is set in the near future, in a world dominated by a contagious yet valuable resource called Tiberium. The Global Defense Initiative (GDI) is an international security force set to combat global terrorism. Conceived as a united peacekeeping military force, GDI depends on the technological sophistication of its weaponry, and the superior training and loyalties of its officers. GDI looks to halt the spread of Tiberium, which is gradually destroying the Earth and killing off millions of people. At the same time, the Brotherhood of Nod, led by the charismatic leader known only as Kane, grew to prominence. Working largely in third world countries, wherever there was discontent and unrest, there was Kane. With the promise of a New World Order and bankrolled by the illicit Tiberium research and trade that Kane made famous, Nod began to gain power. A few scattered, disaffected units grew into an army with powerful atomic weaponry, ruthless tactics, and a Tiberian fortune. The Brotherhood aims to push humanity into the next stage of evolution via Tiberium mutation. Where GDI stands for international stability and the removal of the Tiberium contagion, Nod seeks to overthrow the established order and build a world centred on Tiberium research. It's free. Seriously. The Open Beta will be available for free on February 26th. Not free-to-play, not pay-to-win, just straight-up free. This is a non-monetized game. No ads, no for-money expansion packs. Free. Like, actually free. How much clearer can we be? It's FREE!!!!! Release Content By February 26th 2014, Renegade X will include the following: Levels -Field -Islands -Mesa II -Walls Flying -Whiteout -Lakeside -Goldrush Infantry -GDI and Nod Soldier -GDI and Nod Shotgunner -GDI Grenadier -Nod Flamethrower -GDI and Nod Engineer -GDI and Nod Marksman -GDI and Nod Officer -GDI and Nod Rocket Officer -GDI McFarland -Nod Chemwarrior -GDI Deadeye -Nod Black Hand Sniper -GDI Gunner -Nod Stealth Black Hand -GDI Patch -Nod Laser Chaingunner -GDI Sydney (Personal Ion Cannon) -Nod Raveshaw -GDI Havoc -Nod Sakura -GDI Mobius -Nod Mendoza -GDI Hotwire -Nod Technician Structures -GDI and Nod Refinery -GDI and Nod Powerplant -GDI Barracks -Hand of Nod -GDI Weapons Factory -Nod Airstrip -GDI Advanced Guard Tower -Nod Obelisk -GDI Guard Tower -Nod Turrets -Nod SAM Sites -Gun Emplacements Tech buildings: - Tiberium Silo Vehicles -GDI Humvee -Nod Buggy -GDI and Nod APC -GDI MRLS -Nod Artillery -GDI Medium Tank -Nod Flame Tank -Nod Light Tank -Nod Stealth Tank -GDI Mammoth Tank -GDI Orca -Nod Apache -GDI and Nod Transport Helicopters Items -GDI Ion Cannon Beacon -Nod Nuclear Strike Beacon -GDI A-10 Warthog Airstrike -Nod AC-130 Airstrike Sidearm Replacements -Machine Pistol -Grenades -Heavy Pistol -Carbine -Tiberium Autorifle -Tiberium Flechette Miscellaneous -Skirmish mode with AI bots -Basic Server Regulator -Server Client -Official Soundtrack (to be released separately) -Gamemode Tutorial video More. ---------- Planned Content for Future Versions -More multiplayer levels -More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre -Clanwars ladder -More items -New gamemode(s) -Glitch fixes -Custom map and mod support -More to be announced on a later date! Calling all Server Owners! Are you interested in running a Renegade X gaming server? You can apply and get early access to the Renegade X beta here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewto ... 16&t=71794 Totem Arts is interested in welcoming all server owners aboard, so that they may receive direct support from us and so that we may answer all of their questions. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Here are the minimum and recommended system requirements required to run Renegade X: Minimum: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista 2.0+ GHz processor 2 GB system RAM SM3-compatible video card 4 GB free hard drive space Recommended : Windows Vista 64 SP2 2.0+ GHz multi-core processor 4 GB system RAM NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card Plenty of HDD space Pretty Pictures! Q&A with the Devs Totem Arts wants you to join us for a chat on Teamspeak 3. Join Fobby and the devs on the Rencorner Teamspeak 3 for discussion on Renegade X. Ask any questions are welcome. There will also be a live stream of the game going on at the same time. This will happen on Sunday, February 16th, at 3:00pm EST (GMT-5) Teamspeak 3 IP: ts.rencorner.com See you all on February 26th! Just keep in mind that we've got many presents for ya before then! Hint hint
  11. Send a message to our official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CNCRenX
  12. GDI and Nod rifles damage the same. They hold the same weapon, they are both standard infantry, they are both free, and so it makes the most sense that they'd both be equal. Yes, I realize that old Renegaders will find this change to be controversial, but this isn't old Renegade. In the old game, not only were the damage values different, but the Nod soldier had a bigger head, making him much easier to kill as GDI. While I agree that these imbalances made sense for the original game, Renegade X is different in every way. People in the original rationalized this imbalance by saying that Nod Arties were better than GDI MRLS, so it made sense that GDI would get the harvester on the first run so that they'd be able to afford Meds and put up a better fight against Arties. But in our game, the Arties and MRLS are balanced, and neither of them work the same way they did in Renegade. The MRLS has a rotatable turret, and the Artillery's projectile has a slight gravitational drop. Although the Arty was a personal favourite, it was unanimously better than its GDI counterpart (the MRLS), and it would even be a tough competitor for the Med, which is almost double its price. It had a rotatable turret, a long range cannon, the most powerful projectile in the game, a screen shaking explosion, and it was able to shoot at close targets too. When you balance the GDI and Nod vehicles, you no longer need to give GDI's soldier an unfair advantage. You can bring everything to back to order.
  13. Renegade X Multiplayer Beta Announced Ryan Chodora on 1 February, 2014 at 21:00 The hopes of another AAA first-person shooter in the Command and Conquer franchise may have vanished after the cancellation of Tiberium, but that isn’t stopping Totem Arts from releasing their own first-person/third-person tactical Command and Conquer shooter, Renegade X. Renegade X is the spiritual successor to Westwood Studios’ 2002 first-person shooter, Command and Conquer Renegade. Contrary to Renegade X: Black Dawn, a single-player demo released in 2012, the full release of Renegade X will be multiplayer only. 64 players will be able to hop into two familiar factions, the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod. Totem Arts seeks to modernize the multiplayer component of the original Renegade, by using Unreal 3 tech, and upping the player-count. The newly-repurposed Command and Conquer Mode pits the two factions against each other in a race to destroy one another’s base. Much like the RTS version of Command and Conquer, each base has its own economy, and each structure will play an integral role in battle. “We believe this game-mode – ‘Command & Conquer Mode’ – can potentially revolutionize the FPS genre. It is the gem that went unnoticed for many years. Now is the time to uncover it,” reads the Renegade X website. The multiplayer beta will open up on February 26th. Until then, you can download Renegade X: Black Dawn here. http://www.indiegamemag.com/renegade-x- ... announced/
  14. Renegade X revives old Command & Conquer FPS The multiplayer only Renegade X will release on PC for free Feb. 26, 2014. Independent developer Totem Arts will release an open beta of Renegade X, a multiplayer first-person shooter set in the Command & Conquer universe, for free on PC, Feb. 26, 2014. Built in Unreal Engine 3, Renegade X is based on the multiplayer mode of the 2002 release Command & Conquer: Renegade, which used the real-time strategy series' fiction as a setting for an FPS. Its multiplayer mode was especially novel at the the time, as it combined traditional team-based FPS multiplayer with RTS elements like resource management and unit production. "We've been working on Renegade X for over six years," Totem Arts founder Bilal Bakri told GameSpot in an email. "In my childhood, I was an avid Command & Conquer fan and PC gamer. C&C Renegade represented the first FPS with RTS elements, and although it was unique, it was largely overlooked. Its graphics and single player campaign were mediocre, its netcode was poor, and it was overshadowed by games like Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942, and Halo." Bakri says that a few core developers and hundreds of helping hands have been working on Renegade X since 2007. "We've put money into the game from our own pockets," he said. "We run a website, servers, and we work on the game on a daily basis." It's been a while since Electronic Arts has done anything with the Command & Conquer license. It was developing a free-to-play version of the game, but in October 2013 we learned that the project was canceled and that the studio developing it disbanded. Still, this is something that would typically cause a big publisher to issue a cease and desist request, but Bakri says that Totem Arts has enjoyed a good relationship with EA over the years, who are allowing them to develop Renegade X as long as it remains free. "EA even helped us get into the Make Something Unreal Contest and win big. However, most of our contacts at the former EA LA have since moved on," he said. You can check out the impressive video of the game below and also play its single player demo, Renegade X: Black Dawn. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/renega ... 0-6417345/
  15. http://www.polygon.com/2014/1/22/533414 ... -in-action The latest trailer for Totem Arts' shooter set in the Command and Conquer universe, Renegade X, offers a look at combat across various environments for both of the game's battling factions. The video above shows the online tactical shooter — an homage to 2002 first-person shooter Command and Conquer: Renegade — in action, which ditches the traditional overhead view of Command and Conquer titles for a third-person perspective on ground level. The title will be available for free — "not free-to-play, not pay-to-win, just straight up free," according to the video. Viewers can a look at some close-quarters maps packed with soldiers on foot as well a desert environment featuring flying drones. According to the video, players will have two different factions to choose from when playing: the Global Defense Initiative, an international military force led by the United Nations dedicated to keeping world peace, and the Brotherhood of Nod, a network of messianic terrorists trying to lead the world into what they believe is the next stage of human evolution. As well as each other, players will have to contend with crumbling environments and will have an arsenal of 30 weapons and 15 vehicles at their disposal. The title was meant to ship early last year, but after the closing of developer Victory Games, which Totem Arts reported was in a supporting role on Renegade X, the game was delayed. Renegade X, which has been in development for six years, will launch in open beta for Windows PC on Feb. 26.
  16. This section is dedicated to documenting all of the major sites' coverage of Renegade X.
  17. Renegade X Devs Confirm Launch Date With New Video Read more at http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/vi ... pX1FEZL.99 The developers of Renegade X have released a new video showing off some of the action in store in the upcoming overhaul of Command & Conquer: Renegade. In November of last year, the makers of Renegade X announced that the multiplayer modernization of the decade-old (and, in my ever-so-humble opinion, sadly overlooked) shooter Commander & Conquer: Renegade would launch on February 26 of this year. Today the studio confirmed that the game has not been delayed and will in fact come out on that previously announced date. It's a nice bit of news, if we can call it that without too much cynicism or irony, but more important is that we also now have a full-on gameplay video to look at that illustrates how Renegade X will actually be played. Last year's release trailer was very cool but didn't say much about the game beyond, "Bullets, explosions and ion cannons, oh my!" The new video isn't as cinematic as that one, but it does dig into how it will actually look and work when you're playing. For the most part it has the appearance of a fairly standard team-based FPS, but the addition of RTS elements, bases with multiple special-purpose structures and that old, familiar C&C vibe will hopefully allow it to stand out from the crowd. It looks promising, and hey, it's free - not free-to-play, but straight-up free. To find out more about Renegade X, which is really and for true coming out on February 26, hit up the forums at renegade-x.com.
  18. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/01 ... x-release/ With official C&C games staggering dazedly around development limbo at the moment, our need for a tasty bit of NOD must instead be sated by the fan community. Renegade-X is a modders’ ambitious and apparently impressive attempt to redo EA’s ill-fated FPS-RTS spin-off Renegade, and it’s been in the works for quite a while now. Last November brought news that a version 1 release would arrive on February 26th; today brings news that a version 1 release will arrive on February 26th. Er. Well, I suppose someone meeting a projected release date, especially in oft-unpredictable modland, is news of a sort. Anyway, it’s a handy reminder for your diaries, plus there’s an extensive new trailer to look at, showing plenty of in-game shootybangery. Did you see the shooting? And the bangs? It’s easy to miss. Try freeze-framing at 51 seconds in then enlarging the image by 216% and you might be able to see it. Anyway, this looks pretty impressive. I’m probably too old and tired for it, but I might be tempted – a decade and a half ago, a first-person C&C was basically the most exciting idea I’d ever heard, and perhaps something of that easily-impressed, populist sci-fi-obsessed teenager still hides within me. (Though I’m pretty sure the release of The Phantom Menace delivered a fatal blow long ago). Back in December, there was also this video demonstrating X’s remaking of Renegade’s Mesa map: February 26th for this, which is also my birthday. What are you going to get me?
  19. http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/01/21/reneg ... ps-action/ Renegade-X is out next month, new trailer shows Command and Conquer based FPS action I get told off by the community every time I suggest that C&C Renegade wasn't a good game. Let's try this instead: C&C Renegade was a heaping pile of shipped software that was technically unable to match its conceptual ambition, instead providing a shonky singleplayer experience, and a multiplayer mode that, despite being reasonably entertaining, was largely forgettable. There, that should keep people happy. Before you run over to the comments to call me a blithering idiot, take a peek at this new video for Renegade X, the fan-made C&C shooter that is due to be released next month. Formerly a UT3 mod, it's now a standalone game that will be freely available to anyone seeking a tactical multiplayer fix. As stated in the video, the game will be released on February 26th. Technically, it's being launched into open beta, with patches and balance tweaks due over the coming weeks and months. Still, based on what we've seen so far, it's already seeming like a competent and enjoyable take on the third/first-person base defence formula. For more info, head over to the official Renegade-X forum, where you'll also find a link to Black Dawn: the already released single-player portion of the game.
  20. [NE]Fobby[GEN]

    We did it!

    The long-awaited standalone multiplayer game Renegade X is coming out on PC for free on February 26th, 2014. Check out our latest video for some exclusive gameplay clips and discussion on the highly anticipated release. lrRj_PLiGuA
  21. We did discuss the idea of directional armour internally, its pros and its cons. For the upcoming version of Renegade X, there will not be directional armour - hitting a vehicle at any spot will result in the same damage. I agree that directional armour can be cool (its strategic, makes the game more dynamic, infantry already have directional health), but it also complicates matters (driving vehicles backwards, realism in an arcade-cartoony game). Keep in mind that we already have put a limited amount of recoil and weapon spread ingame. All of this taken into account, we did not add directional damage.
  22. Renegade X Command & Conquer: Renegade was not a good game, but the idea of being on the ground during the chaos of a Command & Conquer game has resonated with the makers of Renegade X, who've toiled to right that wrong. It's not a remake, but a resurrection. Glimpses at Renegade X's drive home that it's basically Battlefield in the C&C universe, with swirling online fights showing spectacular mix-ups between tanks, choppers, and infantry. They've already released the single-player game, but you should wait for the release of the multiplayer component in February to see C&C: Renegade's promise finally fulfilled. Download:IndieDB http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/01/01/ten-t ... ight-now/2
  23. The multiplayer will not include black Dawn, as that would make the file size too large. And I don't see us revisiting Black Dawn in the future. Once our multiplayer is out, we'd rather focus our energy on that than on BD.
  24. Good to hear from you Ballstein!
  25. Are you interested in taking part in the Renegade X internal beta? The long-awaited indie multiplayer game Renegade X will be released on February 26th 2014. With almost two months until release, we're looking to attract gaming communities, clans, press, and guilds. We want your input and support, and so we invite you all to apply for the Renegade X Phase III Beta! Does your community have what it takes? We are looking for devoted gamers who could join us, provide feedback, give suggestions, and report bugs during the month of January. We are accepting applications from: 1. Gaming communities 2. Clans (including former and current C&C Renegade clans, Renegade X clans, and even non-C&C clans) 3. Gaming websites and forums (including gaming news sites, press, online communities, and C&C community pages) 4. Mod teams and game developers (indie and industry) 5. Leagues (including organizers of competitive tournaments) We only need one application per community. Preferably, we want the leader or founder of each group to apply on behalf of their group. Each group must have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 testers. You have from now until January 7th 2014 to apply. Not all groups that apply will make it to the Phase III internal beta. Individuals who apply without representing a group will not be accepted. The Phase III beta will begin in mid-January. Apply here and nowhere else: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=92 Here's to Renegade Xmas! Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy New Year! We hope to see you on the battlefield.
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