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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ May 6 2010, 04:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    It's more than "a bit." Any meshes or textures from UT3 will have to be replaced because the majority of them don't even exist in the UDK. So yeah, there will be a significant amount of rework that has to be done when you open a UT3 map in the UDK editor.[/b]

    Yeah, I overlooked this detail. I don't know if it is that the majority of meshes don't exist, but that the UDK only contains meshes from the UT3 demo, which is still quite a bit, but the missing content would need replacement. However, they've been adding more and more content to each UDK build. The latest one has some great rock and foliage meshse.
  2. I believe the current maps can be ported into the UDK without much of a problem. I am sure a few things need to be re-set up, though. Also, more information on the patch for 0.5 is coming soon, but the picture in this thread particularly does not pertain to the patch.

  3. rxudkteaser.jpg

    Sentences contain these, for they are what they require

    And the phrase you are about to acquire

    Will incorporate 2 of these:

    I will first be frank and handy:

    The first is as crepuscular as liquorish candy

    Dim as the night sky of space

    Dark like the ants crawling on earth's face

    The second is the beginning of all days

    The start of all times

    It is the end of all nights and circle of life

    As darkness meets its sunrise

    And together this phrase

    Will bring you a dangerous happiness in a new place

    A new adventure, only if you can keep up the pace

  4. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Apr 9 2010, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Oh man, I haven't played this mod in such a long time that I'm not even ranked on the server. T_T

    If I didn't have so much school work and regular work I'd play more often. :( [/b]

    Yeah I've had exams and four term papers to worry about, so I too haven't been on much.
  5. RA3 was too much on the wacky side for me. I've played a few skirmish games and 5 Soviet levels, but I couldn't really get myself to go further. I understand that RA2 was also wacky fun, and it was my favourite C&C RTS gameplay-wise, but the weirdest it got was just things like desolaters, chronosphere, iron curtain, IFVs, etc. It all seemed at least plausible. In RA3 however, I couldn't really care for the sailor moon/girl scout units and Gundams. I can see myself trying it out again in the future, but my preference for a game is that it must at least be believable in some way. Not necessarily realistic, but believable.

    Generals offered nothing special to the RTS genre; it was basically a Warcraft-type game set up in a "modern warfare" direction. Multiplayer just consisted of guys building a dozen bases all over the map and unit spamming the enemy. Singleplayer was way too simplistic and boring; long missions that are neither challenging or fun, no storyline at all, no cutscenes, etc. I hated the mere cheesiness of the GLA and China. Zero Hour introduced a few characters, but didn't expand on them at all.

    C&C3 was pretty good, I liked it, besides the plot holes and disconnections from TS. The storyline was a bit dry; I don't think Nod was portrayed in the correct way, and I'm not a big fan of alien invasions - it's been overdone in movies and games. Tiberian Sun's vines, underground units, exploding tiberium, Tiberium plants/fauna, and the Forgotten all just disappeared. The tech was backtracked: from Mechs to tanks, from Cluster Missiles to Nukes, from Disks to grenades, from super units to unit spams, from amphibious APCs to normal ones, etc. I liked C&C3s gameplay a lot, but it felt a lot more like a sequel to C&C95 than TS. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I would've preferred Westwood's "Tiberian Twilight" over C&C3.

    C&C4 was just a disaster on all ends.

  6. Remember that whenever "it's too quiet", there's always something behind the scenes. We're not the kind of team that turns its back on its heels.

    As for 0.5, there aren't many game-hindering glitches imo besides the bugs relating to SBH stealthing and Remote C4s, and the latter is very easily avoidable. There are more bugs, but nothing game breaking.

    I'm very happy with Renegade X 0.5. It's a very refined version of the mod, with almost all the stock weapons and vehicles, a good amount of maps, and its open source, allowing user content that MP gaming has taken advantage of. Despite its version number, it already has the vast majority of what the original C&C Renegade had, and is more complete and professional than almost every FPS total conversion mods I've played over the past few years.

    There's a lot of big news coming up, I just want you all to hang tight until then. The standalone version will take a while, but only because we want it to be perfect. There will be some cool things to look forward to prior to that.

  7. QUOTE (PermaGrin @ Mar 19 2010, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I stopped following this game ever since version7 of the beta (think it made it to like v18). I for am glad to see how people are reacting to the game. As it was all I posted on the forums about. Yet I only got called a "fanboy" and never heard from an of the Devs.[/b]

    Same, though I skipped version 6 and 7, but tried version 8. I wrote a lot of big posts and suggestions as to how to make the game better, but I don't think the devs knew the point of betas.
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