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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. A lot of components from the original Renegade X need to be recoded and remade, so Black Dawn as a preliminary step will help us get to working on the multiplayer component again.

    Also, since it is now standalone, this will act as a demonstration to those who have either not played Renegade X, and those anticipating the next release.

  2. Hi Felix

    Probably the most important aspect in starting a mod is having a team first. Try to get an array of skill available before going forward with the project - this could include 3D and 2D artists, animators, programmers, level designer and a person/people familiar with the Editor and its use. Have at least 1-2 people in each of the above categories minimum before starting, and be sure to always be on the lookout for more recruits after starting. There are plenty of freelancers on the web as well that are willing to do art for a project (in order to better their portfolio), good places to look for members would be the game-artist forums, moddb forums, polycount forums, and others.

    Also, make sure you've got a clear cut design document for the game. Agree on gameplay features, and most importantly, what is needed to complete the project. It's good to have something like this before hand as well, in order to cease any disputes over how the gameplay should be like when the mod is at a more critical state.

    Be sure to set up a mode of communication, like an internal forum, and try to have things like team meetings on MSN or Skype every so often to keep your members interested and working for you.

    Stay out of the public eye until you've got something great to show off. Once you decide to launch your public community, use venues like ModDB and other sites to advertise for your mod.

    Keep working at it and good luck.

  3. QUOTE (Notorious Pyromaniac @ May 30 2010, 07:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I've programmed in Dragon Age Origins before, see source code for http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=903

    If you need proof that is my work I can change that page to show :) . Though I don't know if UT3 has similar likeness to DAO.

    I've also done php, MySQL, etc... I'm not incredibly skilled as in good enough for C++/C#, but if it's anything like php or DAO scripting then I should be able to help somewhat (that is if you deem me able ;) ).[/b]

    The nature of our needed code work is in Unreal Script.

    I am a current Game Design student and would love to help with your project. I am very proficient in 3d Studio 2010 and photoshop. I do know the basics of flash but I doubt that will help here. making a high poly caricature would be the only thing I would consider a bit out of my league though adding minor details to a low poly caricature in Z Brush is totally do-able. I can send you examples of my past work or my resume if you request it. feel free to contact me at any time by email. [email protected]. I would be very happy to be a part of your project.
    God Bless
    Brian G.[/b]

    Do you have a portfolio? Right now we are mainly looking for someone who can model highpoly and lowpoly characters, UV maps, normal maps, 2048x2048 textures and spec maps.
  4. As this thread mentions, we'll be releasing Operation Black Dawn (singleplayer level demonstration) soon, and after that we will be focusing on the multiplayer standalone component.

  5. Renegade is a game where you cannot always access vehicles though. If infantry died in three bursts of a rifle, or one tank shell, they wouldn't be able to balance out with vehicles. Tactical infiltration of an enemy base would be near impossible, especially when the airstrip or wf is down, and the game would revolve only around vehicles. Besides, if you really want to kill infantry quickly, head shots with a sniper will always get them in one hit.

  6. sig2.png

    * #2 Best Vehicle Set in the Make Something Unreal Contest

    *#3 Best Upcoming Mod of 2008 (ModDB.com)

    *#5 Best Released Mod of 2009 (ModDB.com)

    *Runner-up Best Multiplayer Mod (ModDB.com)

    *#4 Best Machinima in the Make Something Urneal Contest

    The popular Unreal Tournament 3 total conversion mod Renegade X is moving to the UDK, and we are looking for some fresh talent! Renegade X is a remake project of Westwood's original Command & Conquer: Renegade - it is a First Person/Third Person war shooter with RTS elements.

    With over 12,000 downloads and 5 awards, the Renegade X beta, for Unreal Tournament 3, is available for download here. You can watch our 1 minute 18 second launch trailer here.

    The team is looking for:

    1. Programmers with experience in Unreal Script.

    2. Character Artists capable of creating high-poly and low-poly characters, normal maps, and 2048x2048 textures.

    There are multiple positions to fill for each of the above categories. Please either reply to this thread, or make a thread on our official forums if you are interested!




  7. Actually I already saw the article on the front page's news fader. Anyway the final version is literally an edit, where I say "4 months" should read "8 months" (I filled out this interview a while ago.)

  8. Now that Operation Black Dawn has been announced, the popular Command & Conquer news site CNCNZ has posted an interview today with Renegade X founder Fobby. The interview shares some exclusive details about Black Dawn, and further discusses Renegade X's standalone multiplayer release, the UDK, the mod in the public eye, new features and more.

    CNCNZ: How are the technical aspects of incorporating the Unreal UDK going?

    Fobby: Porting Renegade X to the UDK is, in some ways, like starting anew. A few aspects of the mod are being redone completely for the next version, while other aspects simply require a smooth transition.

    For example, many static meshes (props, textures, etc.) were used from UT3 are nonexistent in the UDK, which requires us to recreate them. Part of what must also be redone is the code - we've created a much more organized coding structure this time around for the coming multiplayer release, and have concluded that it would be easier to redo parts of the code instead of transferring, fixing, and reorganizing old code. Both basic and complex features are being recoded.

    All in all, I believe we are on track, and now that some of our core members are done with university and college for the year (or finishing up school soon), I expect the team to power through the summer with fascinating results. Just you wait.[/b]

    Check out the full, detailed interview here!

  9. QUOTE (Demigan @ May 17 2010, 03:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    It also brings assault missions a step closer. Having a certain amount of time to breach the enemies defences using whatever recources you can scrounge up during the battle, the enemy team having to beat your time after you beat them. That kind of thing :) [/b]

  10. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ May 4 2010, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Sentences contain these, for they are what they require
    And the phrase you are about to acquire
    Will incorporate 2 of these:[/b]

    2 words:
    I will first be frank and handy:
    The first is as crepuscular as liquorish candy
    Dim as the night sky of space
    Dark like the ants crawling on earth's face[/b]


    The second is the beginning of all days
    The start of all times
    It is the end of all nights and circle of life
    As darkness meets its sunrise[/b]


    And together this phrase
    Will bring you a dangerous happiness in a new place
    A new adventure, only if you can keep up the pace[/b]

    Singleplayer level.
  11. blackdawn.pngIt's been a while since our last update, but some very exciting developments have been happening behind the scenes over at Renegade X. Some secrets will be unveiled today in this update, and others will be left aside for another time, soon.

    Over the past few months, the team has been busy with several things. In relation to Renegade X, we've been working on porting Renegade X over to the Unreal Development Kit (UDK), which would successfully make Renegade X into a free, standalone indie game. This process has required us to recode some basic elements, and create some new static meshes for the UDK versions. The UDK really is a new beginning in many ways.

    On May 4th 2010, the team released a new image and mysterious riddle. After many elaborate guesses and some pretty close dissections of the riddle, some figured it out: Black Dawn.

    Renegade X: Operation Black Dawn is a standalone singleplayer demo, featuring the UDK. Captain Nick "Havoc" Parker is back, and in a new original level designed from scratch by Totem Arts. The Brotherhood of Nod has captured the renowned GDI scientist Dr. Ignatio Mobius, and have taken him to an island stronghold. GDI's only hope in getting back Mobius is through the use of force!

    • Capture the enemy beachhead under the covering fire of Gunboats!
    • Fight in large scale and covert battles!
    • Witness cinematics, A-10 strikes, cruise missiles, Ion Cannons, hovercrafts, and much more!
    • See the new, improved, and standalone Renegade X visual and audio experience!

    It will act as a preliminary demonstration and a first-hand experience of the new face of Renegade X on the UDK, and what is has to offer. Most of what is being made for Black Dawn will be incorporated in the later multiplayer release of Renegade X - this will act as a step-up towards that final goal.

    That's it for now - and that's just the beginning. Black Dawn is coming soon to a computer near you! Be sure to keep up with Renegade X in the coming days and weeks for more exciting updates on Renegade X: Black Dawn, and the UDK multiplayer release!

  12. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 7 2010, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Well.... actually yes. To all 3.

    Red liquorish is a lot more common than black. At least from what I've seen.[/b]

    A google image search gets me more black than other colours, but other colours do exist yes.

    The night sky can be red if you live in a well-lighted area. Also, just around twilight.[/b]

    It's more orangey than red - I live in an urban city of a million people. But normally, I don't associate reddish with night time. Of course, there can always be exceptions.
  13. QUOTE (kenz3001 @ May 7 2010, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    CAPITAL LETTERS, Full stops. correct spelling, correct grammer, "punctuation", a begining middle and end? ... Story mode ?[/b]

    Think WAY more simple than that. As soon as you understand this, the rest of it should be very simple.

    frank and handy ? i dont know any frank in renegade but handy and black ... black hand ?, Stealth Soldiers , no no wait hes in already in game ... hmmmmm "black hand chem-trooper" ? no mention of chemicals !!!! hmmmm was leaning to a character maybe Mendoza or General Gideon Raveshaw ?[/b]

    Again, thinking too specifically. I will first be frank and handy is just the narrator (me) saying I will be honest and helpful :)
  14. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ May 7 2010, 06:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    A verb? Noun? Period?

    Does it have something to do with a new game mode? [/b]

    Think more simple. What do all sentences need?

    Does this mean Nod? Redish-back?[/b]

    Is liquourish, the night sky and ants (maybe some of them), reddish?
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