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Jack Brace

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Everything posted by Jack Brace

  1. My top 5: 1. Weapon (sidearm) upgrades need to be nerved, it's versatility makes infantry like Patch obsolete. Just buy an engi and Carbine instead. 2. Chainguns need either less dmg or more spread, or officer needs to be more expensive. 3. Reduced range on shotguns, and more spread. 4. Increased target lock times for all lock type weapons. 5. Vehicle drops, while fun at times, keep a lost game going for way to long as it stands now.
  2. Don't know if anyone noticed this yet, but stealth units are visible when you are dead (on the kill cam before you (choose to) re-spawn). It doesn't seem like a big problem to me, but I can see how someone could abuse this. looks like this sbh is guarding the engi he passed me and joined his buddy on the next screen shot the 2 far int the back
  3. Keep 'm coming! - Commando srsly, Thanks guys, will be playing the new maps as much as possible =)
  4. Not if you just camp base with it (occupied) (and wouldn't SBH be stealing them in the first place?)
  5. As for changing old maps; I think its gonna lose allot of old-school Renegade players, which just want graphically updated gameplay; I hope the "classic" versions will be selectable, and new maps instead of changed old maps. (-4) As for gameplay changes, EMP grenages taking out mines is a massive shift in defensive gameplay (honestly, is it to solve or promote high mine-limit servers? I think it promotes the latter). It could turn out as a chance for more strategy or more noob-team losses. (0, not decided yet) I never liked the Silo added Flachette, maybe I'm biased, but IMHO it should be exclusive to Patch. NOD and basic infantry getting access is still OP. (-2) Extra C4 for Sakura/Havoc is a nice addition, not directly productive, but making a 1000$ char worth more when sniping gets less profitable (thus more flexible). (+1) New maps, oh gooodie (that are not yet re-tweaked/are direct copies I hope ) that I loved back in the day! (+6) No more surfing Aerials (+2) Stolen vehicles don't count towards the vehicle limit (?? why, stock stolen vehicles anyone?) (-1) Still, I'd go with any update since some gameplay is a little stale and repetitive; and allot of this update sounds solid!; Thus everyone will have to play to judge first. (+6) Total 8 (out of 10?)
  6. I agree, and don't agree, but I get where you're coming from. Anything higher is still better, just as a straight copy from film to film on the same fps results in a lesser copy. The observer will always experience a smoother fps when the source is maximized. /off topic to OP: I run an old mid-spec gaming PC and the game mostly runs fine. I'd troubleshoot your hardware, update drivers, and check for useless background processes consuming resources.
  7. If at all possible: - UI not selecting targets through thick smoke (ie make it "blind shooting"), and add smoke grenades after. - Expand on the old Ren units by adding more situational units, especially for GDI (Tanks are bigger, stronger, Infantry is pretty mediocre compared to some of NOD's), maybe just unique to some maps like flying. - City, even if it's a rough draft, I love that map. And a personal suggestion, idk if it would work: - Make weapon upgrades available to buy-able characters only, IMHO it's only OP on free characters (and maybe hotwire/technician). Less likely to use the added gun (because of other specialties), more expensive to lose the character. And the Tiberium Flechette makes all infantry Patch-like, it doesn't feel right to me.
  8. Seems I'm back on there, odd.
  9. My player account, deadso, is no longer on the leaderbord, why? I don't cheat, I reported my bug and provided a solution.
  10. I think the Tib Flechette is what makes Patch a worthy character, but the Side-arm version is OP, because everyone can be Patch-like... (easily surprise and:) Hit and run, do headshot bursts, chase down low health chars, as a side arm it has too many options. Carbine has the same effect, it makes you like Officer class dps wise, taking it's spin up in consideration.
  11. Airstrip has an awkward building ramp up because of it's design. I think the circular stairs are a poor design choice, from the original Renegade, and the top entrance slopes are devious. But then again, GDI wf is quite exploitable also. Thus I don't think change is necessary , just put down some mines on exploitables 4 fun ; )
  12. It's a laser chaingun showing that killed you though, not a sniper +1 Running from a sniper is all I knew
  13. Sorry to hear that, but for me this game runs fine on an old spec game pc (560ti, 2500K i5, 8GB ram). I'd first check your video drivers and other drivers, maybe even directX,it seems to me your system has some incompatibilities. (and maybe check for malware/viruses to.) As for this... It's a BETA
  14. Sniper shot me, then this happened (+twitching ragdoll) = )
  15. I am a fan of the more impopular maps of the old Renegade, Field, Hourglass, Mesa, Under (but I think Under is more liked because it was the "first map"). They tend to get messy, and get into stalemates with high pop servers, which I like. But the big "BUT" here is that these maps are awesome on lower pop servers, and we don't have those right now, or at least they aren't populating. I vote MesaII whenever I can, unless Field is in the race. In regards to the changes though this map looks like something new and fresh. I would make it MesaIII; where the mid section is semi-blown up by all the stalemates, blocking the tanks, as an increment to MesaII. (But MesaII should be there still, because it represents the old days.) My2c.
  16. Wow, I like the changes. It's a whole new take on the map, but nothing like the original anymore. Don't get me wrong, I would love this, but can we keep MesaII as well ?
  17. I really like the new tunnels, the way it looks and the necessary side tunnels (right now they feel empty and useless). The new infantry pathways are interesting, but as it stands for NOD right now, it'll just be an easier way for SBH to get in imho. I do think this map can do without flying, unless it's there to battle the mrls/arti effectiveness. In my memories of the old Hourglass, matches were won with mammoth/flametank pushes or sneaky stealth tanks. Infantry was mostly the counter. Would personally like that very much = )
  18. Today, on walls with GDI, someone managed to put 10+ mines on all first doors, and non on all seconds, on all buildings... *Facepalm* You'd need to re-mine the entire base to correct fails like this. Maybe the ability of moving mines would be a nice feature?
  19. Deadso then, deadso now, still dead, so... Anyway, loved Renegade when it came out, played it for years. Played the first Reborn mod, and RenAlert back in the days. RenegadeX is the perfect substitute. I do miss CNC_Under, Hourglass and City nowadays
  20. I see allot of feedback that are not bugs in this sub, maybe it should get it's own place.
  21. Hey RenegadeX team, I've been playing Beta 3 allot lately, and I'm loving it. But this subforum states "feedback / bug reports", and all I see is Bug subs in this I mean, why is there no (positive) Feedback sub to talk about all the good stuff (Like how Field 3hr endless is nostalgic all over, and I love it).
  22. The problem is still fixed for me though, have not had one occurrence of it after updating my Video Drivers.
  23. I do think the Recon Bikes belong in the NOD arsenal. BUT, base defenses can barely cope with a Buggy/Humvee, so it's speed would be OP. I do think, that if implemented they should be crushable by tanks, and not be able to crush infantry.
  24. Well, that's strange! This is more evidence that stealth is handled client-(observer)-side, which is (I think) easier to manipulate than server-side. Strange that something like an outdated videodriver is causing a game-breaking malfunction while it should actually be game-encoded rather than using graphics options. Maybe missing functionality's, they where pretty old...
  25. Well, seems that the problem where my Video Card Drivers. *d'oh*. I won't post the faulty driver version here, for the once wishing to abuse it, but if devs are interested I'll PM them. Since the problem seemed to get worse (more often/permanent with posted settings) I reinstalled the drivers and can so far confirm it hasn't happened yet.
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