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Jack Brace

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Everything posted by Jack Brace

  1. Are you sure? I always play with 640 x 480 (yes... performance over quality. I'm paranoid with resolution, so screw blurry texts) on high-demanding games, Renegade X included. As I said before, I do believe I only spot SBHs when they're 5 feet away. So unless I'm near-sighted (which I am, my right eye is near-sighted, but I wear glasses) I don't think it has anything to do with resolution Honestly, I have no clue what is causing it, I'm just guessing here.
  2. Been investigating this a bit more in Skirmish. It looks like it happens more often on lower resolutions. Played around with other settings; no effect yet. On 1920x1080 it hasn't happened yet in latest tests. The "glitch" is gone when I drive a STank as GDI. Happens through launcher and normal exe. Thank you sir! Unless you're sarcastic. I played allot of Renegade back in the days, RenegadeX must succeed!
  3. Don't count on it, those Walls screenshots GDI lost to a SBH nuking the Warfactory, but I saw him do it
  4. I'll take some screenshots of the settings, np. As far as my specs go: I5-2500K, 8GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 560ti. A used to be top-of-mid range PC;) Edit; the settings: Edit 2; Almost, because it doesn't happen all the time, nor all match long, but once it happens it stays. It happened maybe 10~15 matches of 125 played.
  5. Gretchen; Thanks, I'll do so next time
  6. Got screenshots to prove, please note, I did not shot any of them nor expose them. Right as I joined my first game today. Slightly to the upper left of the chorsair, screenshot didn't capture the one walking up the ramp to the right To the left of the corsair 3 in one screenshot, spot them
  7. Come to think of it, I do alt-tab to my second monitor sometimes. I'll investigate.
  8. never switched teams. And yes, I've killed atleast 6 SBH and a STank because of it....
  9. There is a similar, yet different, threat about this from March this year. But as of Beta 3, while playing as GDI, I've frequently been seeing SBH and STanks as if I was playing NOD. When I see them I see there cloaked form from miles away. So far it has happened to me mostly while playing Patch or driving a vehicle, and no one else seems to notice them. It also most frequently happens on XMountain. I try not to take advantage of this, and sometimes fire a few shots in there direction to warn them, but in the heat of the moment I just point and shoot...
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