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Everything posted by suchconquer

  1. Pro-tip: type 'startfire' in console. Same result.
  2. I think you could use the SDK to extract the 'boink' from RX_SoundEffect.upk, boost it with Audacity, import it and then repackage it.
  3. Maybe we can roulate between multiple third-parties per event, with the definitive host announced minutes before. that would be even more awesome.
  4. Can be watched when processed at: OR For those who can not wait: http://www.twitch.tv/redmoondoge/v/11070407 EDIT: I still think we should let a third-party host clan wars.
  5. As someone from the Netherlands: can confirm, lots of Dutchies have beards.
  6. Just tested this out and it is awesome! However, there are some issues of which two are crucial. (Crucial) 1: On Lakeside, the Titan, when bought, walks diagonally out of the WF, gets stuck and eventually falls on it's back making it very hard (if not impossible) to get it out and is prone for destruction by another bought vehicle. Is there a way to make it spawn at the WF's platform instead of inside? 2: Titan currently inhibits the APC slot while it should inhibit the Medium Tank slot (because Titans are supposed to be the successors in TS) 3: Tick Tank, likewise, is supposed to be inhibiting the Light Tank slot (Crucial) 4: The Advanced Buggy's 30mm cannons are -stupidly- strong against -everything-. Is there a way to nerf/boost damages in this mutator by including config lines? If the two crucial ones can be fixed, I will happily create a poll on Comis on implementing this mutator. EDIT: For the Titan one, you can also think about pushing it in a straight line while collapsed like in the following link: http://gfycat.com/UglySandyBats
  7. It was our server, Comis. Jessica is the admin there so I was like: wut? Could be a troll, we will never know.
  8. Are server banners no longer supported? If they are, I got one for Comis Community AoW but I'd like to know who goes about this now.
  9. More info would be nice.
  10. You change this for the reason mentioned above, and people will simply go -on- the Apache/Orca instead of in. I suggest giving the passenger a active role, like manning the gun turret.
  11. Making my RenX life easier. <3
  12. Count me in!
  13. It is my opinion that spies are actually useful now, and that the current system should stay in place. Worried that a spy is going to blow stuff up? Get people patrolling.
  14. Implement this on EKT. Like, right now. Impressive. I thought it would need a new transmission protocol in order to make downloads faster.
  15. So now that DoctorB0NG is back in action, (assuming PUG's are still going to be hosted) who will be the hoster?
  16. I might want to start my own community in the future, and I am wondering what specs are optimal for a server that caters to both Europeans and North Americans. I have heard that Wintel servers with high clock processors are apparently more useful than multicores, and that 1 gbps is a must. But I don't exactly know what this build of UDK runs best at. Can a server owner or a developer push me in the right direction towards what hardware I need to run a 40 player server 24/7? My very thanks in advance.
  17. This might pave the way for the more lore-friendly X-O Powersuit. *hint* *hint* *nudge* *nudge* Source: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/X-O_Powersuit
  18. Awesome! You can try what Ruud has done with C&C Crash, and implement a tech structure that can be captured by both teams in order to build air units.
  19. Here are two action shots taken with a SBH and nuke beacon, thanks to RypeLCam. A 4 frame sounds awesome, I'll see if I can create that.
  20. As promised, here is a gallery containing the screenshots of bugs. Happy hunting! http://imgur.com/a/pyjYp#0
  21. Awesome! Thanks for your effort! I still think depicting a SBH infiltrating would look cool, and I'll post a variant based on that (and possibly other infantry like engineers, snipers etc) once I figure out how to manipulate either the camera or the Pawns themself.
  22. You'd be suprised how hard it is to get good, 'explaining' screencap material. I'll take your scenario into consideration, but I'd need to stage it myself. Of course it's hard. That's why companies hire many people to do that. There's much more to it than just slapping four images together and calling it a promo. If you want to do it good, you have to put some effort. Also if you need people just ask. Hence: And seeing as the 'company' behind this game has their own problems to deal with, we as the community should step in and lend a hand.
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