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Everything posted by MajorLunaC
Probably a little bit of both. Should check if first and second message are exactly the same and block the copy. Then have a separate system to check how many messages in a row over a set time period. Just note that it could delay your message slightly, but you probably wont notice it if it's implemented efficiently (checks if just first letter is the same, if so, then compares whole message). The issue I have is that I don't notice new messages. So many things are being said that don't matter to me, and there's no "new message" sound.
Oops! Yeah, we meant Q when we said "spot". But the visual effects on the screen with an arrow would be good too! But what concerns me a bit is that the voices heard in-game seem to be directly from C&C: Renegade (or else they sound almost exactly identical!). C&C: Renegade doesn't have those sounds. There's going to have to be a contest or something to find the best voices to add to the game. Even if they are unique, the added voices can be considered an Emergency All Points Bulletin to all units, a special system, plus a loud warning alert sound. Hopefully the entire voices wont have to be changed out for the sake of consistency. As for the locations, it would probably need some extra work to add specific building zones for the specific parts of the building. Spotting (Q) an enemy in your base does give something of a reasonable location ("Enemy Spotted: Near the powerplant." I think it was).
Yeah, but that poses the problem of "where'd my airstrike go!? I spent my last money on that!" Maybe just an airstrike in progress: If an airstrike is called in an area and then a beacon is placed in the same area, the airstrike is cancelled. If a beacon is placed in an area, trying an air strike in the same area simply doesn't work (isn't valid or out of bounds) and you get to keep your airstrike or use it elsewhere. If airstrike bombs are already dropping in an area and then a beacon is placed, I guess it really doesn't matter because the bombing will be over quick.
Absolutely! I do keep trying to spot the beacon, and then it's sometimes hard to select the building to spot. It would make telling others exactly where the beacon is easier, and is absolutely necessary in the emergency! It's hard to describe the location too. "WF Top, behind second stairs". It should have some 3D location systems on the voice call if possible and on the map.
How about no airstrikes in enemy base areas? That would mean no beacon + airstrikes, but still allow defending your base vs vehicles when your infantry + vehicles are down. Theoretical reasoning: Satellite Defense Systems that take out enemy high-altitude air strikes? Everything else is too far away (like for Mobile Ion Cannon or Ravenshaw's).
From what I've heard, the Remote C4 count toward the mine limit. I understand that this may be to prevent spam, but it interferes with other game mechanics, especially remote detonating your stolen vehicle. There's also the issue that any defensive or offensive Remote C4 will make defense mines disappear. Remote C4 act completely different than mines, and should not be counted toward the mine limit. If needed, a separate personal (individual player) limit of 6-10 Remote C4 should be set. Or an entire team limit, although this would again cause interference with mechanics. I like to play it safe and prefer to place Remote C4 on my vehicle, so that I can detonate in case it will ever be stolen. This is especially important while defending as a technician, racing around to check mines. I strongly urge a change to at least have Remote C4 counted separate from the mine limit. Who agrees? Even if you don't want exactly the same changes, do you still agree that Remote C4 needs to be counted separate from the mine limit? (I can't imagine why anyone would completely disagree.)
You mean they didn't fix that!? I thought they would have fixed such a ridiculous mechanic by now. Mines are mines; Remote C4 are Remote C4. They, in no way, act anything like each other! I'll go ahead and edit the first post, but that is serious BS and I will campaign to change it! I understand maybe they don't want Remote C4 Spam, but that should be an entirely separate limit, probably per person (say 10 per person).
Hmmm... that is true. Even on characteristics alone, GDI is direct and straight-forward, while NOD is sneaky and deceptive. It's just that I get the impression that permanent invisibility is a bit overwhelming. NOD can often get beacons inside bases, while GDI more rarely manages to get beacons into a base unless there is no Obelisk, or the team just slacks off. GDI more readily destroys through sheer brute force with tanks/mrls and Gunners. The way I see it, if everyone on both teams were extreme pros, and did what they needed to, NOD would likely win by abilities alone. It's probably true that if any of these ideas were implemented, the entire balance of the game would shift, and much would have to change to rebalance it. However, these abilities are rather different than cloak, and would provide less advantages. You would notice a rock move if you look, or 2 Nod harvesters, although not the other vehicles (probably restrict to rocks and harvesters). Maybe conditional counter-ability would be better, such as a short-range motion sensor that decloaks stealth. Of course, with strict limits: Line-of sight, short-range, max team limit, easily noticeable (large and blinking), easily destroyable, high cost, etc. I really don't know, it's just so difficult to balance 2 significantly different teams. Maybe it would be best to try to model the RTS C&C games much closer instead, since there seemed to be even more balance in those games.
The beacon hitbox should be expanded in every direction, even beyond the actual beacon model. Ideally, the beacon should just be maybe 5+ times bigger. This would also help with some of the glitched beacons, not that glitched beacons should happen anyway.
*There just has to be an official tutorial on basic and advanced defense, the most important and difficult part of the game. This goes out to all you players that don't know how to defend, don't defend properly, don't defend at all, or don't realize just how hard defenders have to work to keep the base intact while everyone else just casually tries to mess around with the enemy. *Mining - THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT DEFENSE MECHANISM IN THIS GAME. Many technicians, myself included, run around the base in a frenzy, mining every entrance as fast as possible as soon as we reach 350 credits. And then, for the rest of the game, we run around the base in a frenzy, RE-mining every entrance as fast as possible. All too often, this ridiculous burden is ALL placed on 1 single technician. Without us devoted techs, you would lose the game real quick, although that seems to happen anyway because oftentimes, few others even repair. - MAX 4 mines per entrance! + 2 mines per window inside the Hand of Nod (one close, one farther). Any spare ones go on ramps or (at 80 mine limit) even rooftops. - [EDIT] HIDE the mines! If other technicians or engineers can see them, they WILL be disarmed. The mines are sticky, so stick them on the inside of the door edges where they can't be seen at all, or at the top of the door. Put them around corners, behind edges, etc. However, mines currently don't work well when hidden, as they do less damage and detonate early. PLACE MINES MOSTLY ON THE GROUND, as they do MUCH more damage, but know that Techs WILL disarm them. - If you see mines missing from an entrance or below max (32/45), BE A TECH NOW! Mine PLEASE! You can always get a vehicle (all good vehicles need a good tech inside). WATCH AND LISTEN FOR mines going off or being disarmed! REPLACE THEM ASAP! - NEVER MINE JUST THE ENTRANCE TO THE ENTIRE BASE! A row or two of mines along the entrance to the entire base will destroy nothing and acts only once! It is ALWAYS a bad idea! It also wastes mines that are needed elsewhere! - You can always use a vehicle to get around the base faster, but preferably a low-power one (buggy/humvee) in case it gets stolen. Make sure to NEVER stand in front or back of your vehicle when it is empty (bad place to be if stolen)! *Map Start - RUSH the enemy base with shotgunners and grenadiers. Remember that you can change your timed C4 to grenades, which also damage vehicles! - DEFEND the base area and buildings with shotgunners and grenadiers. - EXPECT and be ready to take down up to 2 APCs filled with bombing engineers! Remember that many donate to 1 person at map start to buy APCs. *Vehicles - Make sure to NEVER stand in front or back of your vehicle when it is empty (bad place to be if stolen)! - You should be using Engineer or preferably a Technician if you hope to ever repair your vehicle. - At least 1 vehicle should always be defending and guarding your base, watching for vehicles and infantry in the base, patrolling constantly around the whole base preferably. *Beacon Placed in Your Base! - Nod has nukes. If you are GDI and a nuke was placed, it IS in YOUR base! (Always check!) - Be careful because the beacon beeping sound is a bit non-directional! Find the building it's loudest from, running around a bit and turning around some. - Announce where the Beacon is with point + Q on the building! The higher the priority, the more you spam it! - GET an engineer, technician, shotgunner, or grenadier NOW! BEST to have engineer or tech, but people MUST cover them while they disarm the beacon! Be prepared to SUPER-QUICKLY take down a Stealth Black Hand, Technician, Engineer, AND up to a Medium Tank (usually an APC). - EVERYONE even near your base MUST rush to the beacon NOW! Nothing else matters except a heavily bombarded building that MUST have constant and immediate repair (1 tech or 2 engineers is usually more than enough to keep it up). *Announce Accordingly - If a base needs repairs, use point + Q accordingly. 80-90% = 2 calls. 60-70% = 3+ Calls. <60% = SPAM LIKE CRAZY! - Enemy Beacon: Locate properly and exactly, then point + Q SPAM LIKE CRAZY on the building! - DO NOT spam "I need repairs!" You can announce it, but maybe once every 15-30 seconds . You should have an engineer or technician already if you have a vehicle. Get out only at safe locations anyway, because Stealth Black Hands are always lurking everywhere.
Here's a listing of some other ideas that might work. *Black Hand Cloak Equivalent for GDI - Disguise Kit, but can be detected by Base Defense Turrets (svett89's idea, which sounds good) - Camo or Hologram: A [sLOW] walking Rock, shrub, tree, etc. Maybe can also look like at least a Harvester, if not allied or enemy vehicles. You still can target the human just looking in that direction. Maybe you have to switch to walking mode (actual use for that). Maybe point at an object and have a no-clip hologram around you. Paper-mache or Hologram Projector. - Texture Camo: Point at an object and it will apply the same texture to all of you, with no face or gun visible. Paint or ePaper. - Sensor Jammer: Jams enemy sensors for Obelisk and base Turrets , rendering him immune to detection unless within a fair range of the Obelisk or Turrets (more like reducing sensor detection range for this unit). He will be very obviously visible though, maybe even extra-targetable (look even in a wide area around him and he shows up as an enemy target. Probably should be 1-time use, and only for 10-seconds (maybe just an item that can be purchased). Might still be too powerful.
Due to the fact that the abilities described are unintended and there do not exist valid counters (even conditional counters) at this time, especially on Walls where there are no base defenses whatsoever (Obelisk, Guard Tower), these are exploits. Until such time that these abilities are compensated for and balanced for by the Devs of Renegade X (edit maps, add new abilities and counters, etc.), they pose an unfair, unintended, and often insurmountable advantage (especially considering unique units of each team), and thus are to be considered exploits.
Because an actual queue would have to be implemented server-side. This is more of a work-around where you query the master server for the number of players every second until a space is found, and then automatically connect. It may be a workaround, but the result is just as effective, and MUCH easier to implement.
They certainly shouldn't all be gotten rid of, but you have to understand that they produce severe imbalances at times that ruin the fun of the game. They need to have some reasonable and fair limits. You would know this if you've ever seriously played as a Tech on defense (especially as the only Tech). Base defenses, especially automated ones, are severely lacking (especially for a game based on strategy), putting a ludicrous burden on Techs to take on the task all on their own. Relying on noobs to do or know anything is ridiculous. Deployable Turrets should be a solution (already was a concept by the devs before Beta 1). It would add a whole new strategic element to the game (really the game is mostly tactical at the moment, not strategic except for rushes, mines, and base defenders). The early APC and infantry rushes just take advantage of pre-start time when normal people might take breaks or get ready. The base has no mines, no defenses, and no one is prepared. It is a natural time that people have and HAVE TO let their guard down. This is a game design flaw. It takes no effort, fight, skill, ability, knowledge, or anything to accomplish. Maybe not even luck. It is sheer stupidity and ruins what would normally be a fun, hard-fought game for everyone (easily being able to beat the enemy is boring and lame ... noobs and morons might not understand this). It's not about winning. I don't mind losing one bit, if it's a fair and hard-fought fight (or at least people somewhat tried). Someone must win and someone must lose. It's the fight that matters. The end result is meaningless. Vehicle Surfing = Fun. Vehicle Surfing with 6 Techs on top making an Orca invincible = NOT FUN. The real issue is being on top of flying vehicles where you can't be shot almost at all (especially at the vehicle ceiling). If they were hanging on the sides or down repelling ropes, it would be no problem. A solution might be to make soldiers weigh much more, because lifting vehicles with air vehicles has a weight limit. So, only 2-3 soldiers MAX on top of any flying vehicle. Another way is to make flying vehicles have a slippery top. Every item and ability MUST have a counter, but it should be limited by having to choose the right counter at the right time. Airstrike -> Counter with 30 second deployable Air Forcefield Dome in a small area (all vehicles and ppl must crowd under the small forcefield dome ASAP!), purchased. If you don't have one, you get damage. If you don't time it right, you get damaged. If you don't get under it in time, you get damaged. Many enemies entering the base -> Countered by Deployable Turrets -> Countered by Stealth Black Hand -> Countered by Mines -> Countered by Technicians defusing. And so on ... The right place at the right time with the right equipment and setup. I agree, add more items, but that balance out other items. For every problem add a solution, but one that one must be appropriately prepared (place, time, setup). Few will have the right solution at the right time and in the right place.
Some of the spinning action for the chaingun is for cooling the barrel so it doesn't overheat (alternating barrels), as many older machineguns required air and liquid cooling systems. I suppose the laser chaingun has similar problems.
Use Skirmish in the Main Menu. You can start your own server and you can set bots. Number and difficulty. I hope this helps.
Is there a place I can listen to the news broadcasts?
MajorLunaC replied to Kriemhild Gretchen's topic in Renegade X
Technically, you can fidget around with some of the Console Commands for Audio: http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/ConsoleC ... 20Commands While the game is running (even in the main menu), press ~ (at the upper-left corner of keyboard usually) to open the Console. Press it again to close it. There, you can type in commands that can run. Such as: ListAudioComponents Which lists many sounds available (RenXVehicles.Orca_main or similar names with a dot(.) in them). Then supposedly they play if you run something like: PlaySoundWave RenXVehicles.Orca_main Although it doesn't seem to recognize the command for some reason... maybe I'm missing some single-quotes or double-quotes? More Resources to work with: http://romerounrealscript.blogspot.com/ ... cript.html http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/UE3:Console_%28UDK%29 There's also Stat Audio but, make sure to run it again to stop displaying the info it shows. Fidget around with these if you really want to try. Maybe someone with more UDK familiarity might know. -
I'm not much at all of one either, but I'm learning slowly in tiny bits in some of my spare time ... when I'm not playing games. Most are pretty similar, and scripting is a heck of a lot quicker and easier than heavy-duty programming in something like C. Make a simple short script to do it (major scripting languages are used in very many games) or push for the Devs to add it in a future release. Poll Vote helps.
Is there a place I can listen to the news broadcasts?
MajorLunaC replied to Kriemhild Gretchen's topic in Renegade X
Hehe, the news there really is fascinating to listen to! If you have a paid subscription to UDK, I think you can. Otherwise there is no legal way to that I know of (decompiling, resource extraction, etc.). I suggest the Skirmish, it's not too much work at all. Click Skirmish, click start, enter building, listen. (Option changes there if you want.) -
It would be nice, although maps vary in number of defenses, so the listing could be difficult to accommodate. The real issue is which one - where? Some bases are pretty large and it could be hard to spot which is damaged unless you still run to the other end of the base. There's also no way to announce it via voice chat unless you use Q. It would still be useful to know if they're being attacked, and which needs repair.
Q to suggest repairs for another's vehicle
MajorLunaC replied to Kriemhild Gretchen's topic in Renegade X
Yeah, I keep trying to do the same. Maybe for people too, although it's rarer. -
Yes, as an evil decoy during real beacon placement. To screw with you mainly, especially near the end of the game when everyone has excessive amounts of money during a stalemate. Futility breeds madness. If only it only mentioned the beacons placed in your own base, like any reasonable warning system should.
First unread post • 2 posts • Page 1 of 1 This^ is at the top-right of this thread when I click on a new topic. Click it. But yeah, I mark everything read ("Mark forums read" or "Mark topics read") when I'm done going through everything I want to read.
If you were a trained soldier, and encountered a beacon...
MajorLunaC replied to djlaptop's topic in Off Topic
Yeah, normally you would just play soccer/football with it, or even blast it to smithereens. The Renegade mechanics are just that different. You would have to implement most everything from the strategy games in order to have the same balance. -
Renegade x mac/linux client[version 0.2 is live]
MajorLunaC replied to Absolly's topic in Renegade X
The Renegade X 0.2.app.7z should have the following checksums. I don't know how it works on Mac, but on Linux you run "sha1sum Renegade X 0.2.app.7z" or "md5sum Renegade X 0.2.app.7z" without the quotes. Find programs to do so if you don't already have some: sha1sum 55e242b05a9c76a45c8a757cbbb4a21dfaac8719 md5sum 32e84f6827c21e6fdeb5f1b8cef6a115 If your checksums on the file don't match, try re-downloading the file, because your copy is most likely corrupt if it says that. Some download accelerators, like DownThemAll Add-On for Firefox, have resume and even an entry for checksums for it to check, and can more reliably download the file without problems (and often much quicker too). Make sure you set up Wineskin up with the right Winetricks. As for log files, as for as I can tell, they're just text files (.txt) that have a .log on them instead. Use your standard text file reader, or you can get Geany, which can read pretty much any file: http://www.geany.org/Download/ThirdPartyPackages#MacOSX