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Posts posted by isupreme

  1. Pc gamer released an article that cited CnC as a major player in the RTS arena.      Nice.

    That after an article on why people should play  Red Alert 1.      Very nice.

    Ride the wave RenegadeX ... ride that wave........


  2. Welcome Back Commander!

    Wish i could advise you a solution but keep the faith..  Help may arrive shortly.

    WARNING:  the game will be different now, but still the same too.....

  3.        Well, I joined the Pistol club.  The most under valued weapon but these people build sport around it.   They  seem like nice folk, often cracking jokes and making fun.   Why they enjoy meeting in an old warehouse didn't make much sense until I found they had installed a target range.    Nice.  

            At first I did not understand the value of using a pistol, but this club has helped.  They said over and over :   See the bullet, be the bullet.  Now I see that it is important to  actually SEE the bullet's path and impact.   Now that I SEE the bullet my aim has vastly improved.  My ability to defend myself is much better.   Of course they emphasized the importance of Head shots.  

    It makes me wonder why GDI or Nod do not have target ranges to practice more.   I would love to see a target range for grenades or Apaches.   Instead of madly firing at my enemy in a battle and the battle making it hard to see the projectile, or if it was me who did the damage .. .... a target range lets me learn the capabilities of my weapon to a finer degree.

  4. A request for a couple of radio options.

    Lately I have heard several players asking about the lack of :    "C4 on me!"     I agree it would be very helpful and encourage teamwork.   It is very hard to see c4 on a player,  heck its even hard to find on a vehicle sometimes.      It is hard to know why a player is just standing there looking at you and if they take the time to type it may be too late to act.

    Sometimes I wish I could say   C4 on You!  to a tank i am healing.   

    ALSO,   Instead of relying on Q spotting,  it would be helpful to have an   " INCOMING"   audible radio option.

    P.S.   as i have said before,  I wish there were more radio options that reported positive developments.

  5. I really liked the look of this map, and it looks like it would be fun.    Since FieldX was released I have really enjoyed shooting thru the foliage of trees.   I hope you will include some of this fun along with all the other beautiful trees.

    Looking forward to playing on this  map!

  6. Bring Back the O button!   Let passengers shoot.

    A.O.W. included in our games.     Limit Field to 2 hrs maybe?

    More radio lines that are positive and not just panic.

    Dial back the Air Strike times.

    More meme fun from others like:   The Pistol speaks.

    To Always to have one NEW map in rotation.

    An end to player complaints about using Command or Beacons in smaller size matches.   Folks need to practice.

    For the game to generate information for players like:   How many times Nod won today, or Who won what maps today.   To give some kind of context to our activities.    A symbolic world map that made it look like GDI and Nod are actually battling it out?

    Longer initial game build up time.   Deny the high end goodies more.    Yeah i know it wont be popular, but i really do enjoy  the initial back and forth gun play.

    An award for Spartan of the match.

    Rewards for balancing, or some way to notice if a player has joined your team in an effort to balance when you have less players and your score is lower.

    Make donations stick more so I can better see who donated to me.


    And !  Thanks so much Devs for the new terrain in Field X.   It is a great change that makes for more fun.    I am glad to see some new changes and look forward to more in the future...  Hopefully!   :)



  7. Tesyrity Welcome to Forums  


    it's just the platform of choice for quick updates.

    True.   I guess that makes forums the place for considered and deliberated discussion.  The kind I find has the greatest potential for c;hanging the future of the game for the better.  

    But I hasten to add, that lately, a lot of input I would offer on RenegadeX, I have not contributed because of the Clear and Overwhelming reality that all resources are currently going to Firestorm instead.


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  8. Under. Just me and my bots.

    3 lvl 1s.   3 lvl 6s.    the bots.

    I opened with taking the silo and mining up.  Then switched to the other side to repeat.

    Ran to the silo.  Died.   Repeat run to silo.     Ok it is ours.

    Pushed on into the enemy tunnels....    why not?  Right?   Always push the knife deeper.

    Suddenly I notice rockets...  not just one.  two.. three?   What the hell!    My bots are attacking the Power Plant!!   

    It is a BOT rocket rush!


    Ok...  truth it was only 2 bots... but the feeling was like 3 or 4....


    PS.  prev match i did 3 lvl 1s and 2  lvl 8s.....  A base building was killed in 10 min....    live and learn....    dam  bots.


    i dont understand why we dont appreciate the bots more.......



  9. This last week or so I have had trouble with rubberbanding.    Is it me somehow?   Is there a known issue since the last update?

    I have turned all the settings down but that did not really help.   I am not a big bug hunter so i do not know where to start looking for any helpful information, but willing to try.    I really cant play the game as it is, so any ideas are welcomed.


  10. I have always found the pistols to be a bit of fun.  Maybe most folks would find that silly, so I have tried to have some extra fun with them by being silly.

    Sometimes I will declare they are OP!   and lately I started remarking  "The pistol speaks"  when I first use it to kill in a match.   It is a tradition with me now even though I sometimes die while typing it out...  0o.

    Lately it seems to be  growing meme, which is kinda funny in itself.   But I do laugh when someone says... the rocket launcher speaks or the C4 speaks.   For the record tho  I think it should be used rather sparingly when used by any major weaponry.    It is just funnier when it is the under valued pistol, especially the Silenced pistol.

    O.. and what does the pistol say?     It says     pew  pew pew pew Boink!


  11. The bots crashing the game is a known problem.   There is no fix expected any time soon.... but i really wish there was such.

    However!   The good news is that you can reduce the crashes by playing with fewer bots.     If you are using a large number of bots then try using less.   

    I like to use bots.  It is amazing how differently they play depending on the level bot you use.      It is hard to believe that lvl 5 bots can take down a whole building, but they can.     I like to put in some high level bots with a bunch of low level bots.    That way some of them challenge me and some of them are just there for target practice.


  12. I have been witnessing some low population days lately.    Yesterday I was shocked to find only  4 players online at 5pm est.   

    I imagine that players are off playing FS.    maybe that's not the case..... and  I accept your witness  Nodsaibot.    I did not know the testing was only weekends.....  ty for saying.


    I thought we had a nice growth a few months ago.     But I just go by how many times a player asks newb questions and how active the servers seem to be....


    > Mark me Despondant.

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