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Everything posted by get-a-grip
Wait, so you mean you want to give players the ability to heal the opposing team's assets? I guess team-killers and griefers are not a common problem in fps games so surely nobody would use that for malicious purposes right?
Wow it only took the fanboi 2min to repost this time, lol. Anyway, just use Advanced search to relocate the thread and make a new post if you feel inspired. P.S. Fanbois are so pathetically hilarious that I may start a thread just about them. It should be entertaining to see what kind of input I get from the vast majority of players.
Interested parties (i.e. translate as "fanbois") are at it again. Making random posts to throw this thread off the front page. So if you want a simple way to locate the thread again just use "Advanced search" and type my name, get-a-grip, in the author section. Cheers and happy hunting, lol.
It seems that once again somebody posted something random to throw this thread off the front page, lol. Getting back to our discussion, I guess a dev blog that outlined their intentions for future updates would be helpful. I also agree that small patches are more preferred as opposed to re-downloading the entire 2GB game when an update is incoming. There may be some legitimate reason to do it as an all or nothing process but it definitely is a pita for the player that way, lol.
Badmins are an inevitable byproduct of giving players control of a game's servers and however irritating they are, the alternative is actually worse. A lot of retail games retain complete control of any player's access to their servers so by comparison a few player badmins is the lesser of two evils. The only sure way to avoid badmins is to start your own server.
It seems that somebody is intent on throwing people off the trail of important information about the game by posting "Kitchen Designs". If its a bot then the forum moderators need to ban that account. On the other hand if its an interested party who is exploiting the forum organization to bury a thread I wouldn't be surprised. If you learn nothing else in life, learn this phrase: Cui Bono (i.e. latin legal maxim translated as "Who Benefits"). When trying to discover who the perpetrator of a crime is you need to figure out who benefits from it. -Class dismissed-
Yeah, I can confirm that for sure. My ATI card isn't bad by any means, but I have to run this game at almost the minimal graphic settings to even stay above 30 fps. I just hope this game gets optimized for these cards more in the future as I don't plan on upgrading my GPU anytime soon. Since this is a UDK game it uses PhysX and NVIDIA hard-coded PhysX physics to only run on the cpu if an NVIDIA card is not the primary gpu. That's why this game runs so bad on ATI gpus. The only way for RenX to run decently on ATI is if the devs remake the game on a new engine. Obviously I don't expect that to happen, so don't get your hopes up.
Most definitely. It is a testament to the quality of the graphics that the devs have endowed this game with. However, it also makes clear that the overwhelming majority of fps players want immersive features that are similar to BF since the graphics are already similar enough to satisfy. As I said in my previous post, if the game stubbornly refuses to appeal to the vast majority of gamers, then it must accept its inevitable status of having a relatively tiny population of die-hard C&C fans. Trying to generate a larger player population while ignoring the very things that are repelling them is illogical.
I didn't want to offend anybody so I purposely left out the third reason this game is unpopular: 3. Delusional fanbois. lmao.
Any honest person must admit that this is the crux of the situation. Why do 50,000 people download a free game but only 100 remain to play it? The answer can be deduced with some simple logic. RenX was released as a totally free standalone game with the hope that it would attract a larger audience than its previous incarnation as a UT3 mod. This logic is undeniably sound because a free standalone is obviously more enticing than a mod which requires ownership of a prior game. However the game itself has at least two major flaws which are off-putting to the audience it is trying to appeal to: 1. The game does not run well on ATI gpus, especially cheap ones, and that is the very hardware people hunting for free games are most likely to have. 2. The overwhelming reason most new people download RenX is because they think it is a free version of BF3 and once they see it is not they immediately discard it. Please don't get me wrong here. The devs have done something truly remarkable by releasing a totally free standalone fps game with modern graphics. Unfortunately if those two problems can't be addressed then I don't see any possibility of it continuing with more than a handful of die-hard C&C fans.
make a lower graphics version please.
get-a-grip replied to renegadexplayer's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
I've never seen a forum with so many people intent on muddling up a thread, but allow me to clarify the issue once more. ATI owners can do this free experiment to demonstrate the effect PhysX in a game engine has on their performance regardless of the quality of the graphics. Most ATI gpus will run the original Bioshock Demo extremely well even in DX10. In fact, an A6-APU will quite happily churn out 60fps with few slowdowns. On the other hand, if that same A6-APU is used to play the UT3 Demo, it will run like a retarded snail. Why? Graphics? I think that most people would agree that Bioshock is graphically superior to UT3 so there must be another reason. The reason of course is that Bioshock uses a modified version of the UE2.5 engine while UT3 uses the UE3 engine. The important difference between the two engines is that UE2.5 uses Havok physics while UE3 uses PhysX. Note: UDK also uses the UE3 engine with PhysX and that is why it runs poorly on ATI gpus. Basically we can come to this simple conclusion: If you want to play games that don't use PhysX, like BF3, you can save some cash and get an ATI. If you want to play games with PhysX, like UDK games, get an NVIDIA. -
make a lower graphics version please.
get-a-grip replied to renegadexplayer's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Please stop being coy with people. He doesn't need to buy "cheap stuff". The guy has an ATI gpu that is capable of running BF3 for crying out loud. The problem is not that his gpu is weak, the problem is the fact that UDK games use PhysX and won't run well on ATI by design. PhysX games are designed to run on NVIDIA period. -
Wow, I finally figured out that the "View-New-Posts" tab isn't visible unless you are a logged in member, lol. No offense but that's just plain silly.
make a lower graphics version please.
get-a-grip replied to renegadexplayer's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Buying a used gpu is always very risky. People burn them up with overclocking or wear them out and then sell them on the inet as "used-good-condition", lol . (ATI gpus are especially risky to buy used since they are popular for bitcoin mining. Obviously I don't know anything about the guy in question though, so bear in mind I'm just making general statements of course.) UDK is specifically designed to run on NVIDIA gpus since PhysX is embedded in the game engine. If an ATI gpu is used then PhysX will only run on the cpu, which causes a drastic performance drop. (Note: I am not claiming NVIDIA is better than ATI for everything but it is unquestionably better for running PhysX games.) If you don't have a copy of UT3 (UnrealTournament3) then you can download the free demo from fileplanet. I don't remember for sure but I think it even has a built in benchmark. Anyway, since both UT3 & UDK use the Unreal3 engine you can run the demo and if you get the same overheating then your gpu may have hardware issues. If you can possibly borrow a halfway decent NVIDIA gpu from a friend to test, I think you will find that it runs this game much better than ATI. Basically if a game uses PhysX then it was designed to run better on NVIDIA. On the other hand, if most of the games you play don't have PhysX then you can save some cash and buy an ATI instead. -
OK, I finally found what you were talking about after searching for it, but I sure wouldn't have known it otherwise. The first rule of good UI design is that it should be intuitive enough that a user can utilize it easily without any instruction whatsoever. Believe me, there are dramatically better organized bulletin boards I am familiar with but I don't want to mention names because it might break RenX rules.
Other forums I visit show main categories, sub-categories, and as many posts as will fit on a page with the most recent ones at the top. The way the RenX board is currently organized, as soon as a new post pops up the old one disappears which makes following a thread nearly impossible. Also the post tag should include the name of the person who started the thread and all replies should say "last post by (name)" instead of the way it is now which makes it look like the last poster wrote the topic instead of just replying.
make a lower graphics version please.
get-a-grip replied to renegadexplayer's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
1. What is the brand and model of your gpu? 2. Was your gpu new when you bought it? 3. Do you have trouble running the UT3 demo? P.S. Asking devs to spend significant man hours to alter their game in the hopes it might solve a problem with your gpu overheating isn't exactly reasonable so please stop spamming that request. If your gpu overheats while running the UT3 demo you most likely have hardware issues. -
First of all I wanted to tell the devs that they have done a remarkable job with this game especially considering it is totally free. Congratulations gentlemen, I tip my hat to you. Now to the main point of this post. With gleeful anticipation, I often check the forum board for posts critical of the game knowing full well that an endless train of fanbois will froth at the mouth and cry, "HERETIC!...BLASPHEMER!...DEATH TO THE UNBELIEVER!" at the poor unsuspecting soul who has the audacity to question their beloved. Poster: "How come the game runs so slow?" Fanbois: "BECAUSE YOU ARE STUPID!" Poster: "Is there anything I can do to make the game run better?" Fanbois: "BUY A NEW COMPUTER MORON!" Poster: "How come the soldiers move so fast, and it takes so many many fricking bullets to kill somebody?" Fanbois: "BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO SKILL AND YOU SUCK IDIOT!" -Ad Infinitum- Now with the useless fanbois aside let us proceed to some actual information. The UDK is sponsored by NVIDIA and PhysX & Apex are embedded in the engine. PhysX has been hard-coded to only run on the gpu if it is an NVIDIA. If an ATI gpu is used for a UDK game, it will run very poorly by design. So rather than the nonsense the fanbois spout at people looking for help, how about if we give them the truth for once. Poster: "How come the game runs so bad for me?" Honest Answer: "UDK will not run well on an ATI gpu. You will have to use an NVIDIA gpu if you want the game to run significantly better." Now I know we all feel much better and there's only one thing left to say: ---FANBOIS START YOUR ENGINES!!!---