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Everything posted by get-a-grip

  1. He shoots! He scores! TROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLL!!!
  2. I thought that was the whole point of Command & Conquer, lol.
  3. The infantry movement in RenX needs some serious adjustments imo. Side strafing and backwards running is so fast that its just plain silly. It needs to be a lot slower and there needs to be a delay before you can change directions. Playing against bots is ridiculous because they side strafe so fast they actually warp across the screen in close combat. Forward movement needs to be a little faster and sprinting needs to be drastically faster. The way it is now, sprinting in RenX feels like race-walking instead of running. Sprinting is supposed to be a mad dash, not a light jog. Stamina should drain much quicker while sprinting too. Needed to vent a little. Now I feel much better.
  4. Xpadder also has sensitivity and deadzone settings too. The problem the OP mentioned about constant movement should be fixed if the thumbstick deadzone is increased.
  5. Je ne parles pas francais. Parlez anglais, s'il vous plait.
  6. Google "Xpadder". (FYI: The last freeware version was 5.3) I think that may solve your gamepad problems.
  7. I don't recall this discussion being concluded... unless I wasn't there for it. AFAIK it's still on the "to-do" list. Like Free aim. Free Look = Good (Appropriate for vehicles.) Free Aim = Bad (Universally removed from all modern games.) 180 Spin Button = Meh (Seems like a silly console feature. Doesn't belong in a PC only game.) Besides, all you have to do is adjust your sensitivity and acceleration ratio and you can do all the instant 180 spins you like with much more precision to boot. P.S. I want to get back to the discussion about adding Mountain Dew & Doritos to the purchase terminal. Oh! Oh! Add deep dish pizza too! mmmmm...pizza
  8. Made me smile, lol. P.S. Please add more Mountain Dew & Doritos to RenX ASAP! Oh! Oh! Maybe you could buy Mountain Dew & Doritos at the purchase terminal! (That would be awesome...crap...now I am hungry)
  9. It might very well die so brace yourself, lol. It could die just because the devs need to move on to more profitable activities. Just have to wait and see what happens. I understand your point but you can't really hold the devs of a free game to the same standards as a professional game publisher. Obviously if people paid $60.00 for a game they have every right to expect it to be fixed immediately because the seller is obligated by law to either fix it or refund them. Since this game is actually just a hobby project done for free, complaining about bugs is fine but we shouldn't get too carried away. I agree that your points are valid but we don't want to get so over zealous that the devs walk away in disgust.
  10. All kidding aside, the OP has a valid point. The fact that most people like tons of weapons & customizations is apparent because its in all popular fps games now. I mean if...umm...uh....awe screw it.
  11. Oops, missed that one. I accidentally deleted the wrong author name. ***FIXED*** Can't argue with that hierarchy: 1. Stability. 2. Playability. 3. New content. Of course the unofficial EA hierarchy is : 1. Premium 2. DLC 3. What's stability? Give us more money!
  13. I guarantee she gets a Porsche for a graduation present. Dads are total pushovers for their baby girl.
  14. 1. No offense, but that's the kind of convoluted thinking that turns new people off to this game. Most gamers do not like losing a game because of things they have no control over. They want to be engaged in the excitement of the frontline fight, not rezzed and killed repeatedly by some douchebag. 2. The ability to "unrepair" a vehicle in BF makes no sense at all and its just plain silly. I realize that you didn't bring that one up, but it still highlights how silly things can detract from a game. 3. Just because something was in the original version of Renegade doesn't mean it has to be in this game. This game doesn't need to just clone its predecessor, it needs to surpass it.
  15. I guess his clan-mates aren't very bright if they don't know its him from reading his name on the scoreboard, lol.
  16. This enemy healing feature would be the single greatest griefer tool of all time. Since their own team would be powerless to stop them, the griefer could just constantly heal the enemy team, making them invincible, lol.
  17. Nobody is being unreasonable so cut them some slack: 1. People like game. 2. People can't play game because its broken. 3. People ask devs to fix game asap. If the game wasn't any good then nobody would stick around to complain about game breaking bugs, right? I think the devs are sharp enough to realize that, so you can climb down off that mountainous soapbox, lol.
  18. It kind of defeats the purpose of reporting a benchmark result if people refuse to give their hardware details. There is no reason to be secretive about it, lol. The idea is to get as many results as possible in order to compile an unbiased reference of the performance that can be expected on that hardware. For instance if somebody was thinking about upgrading, they will have a list of real-world results to help them make a wise choice. Besides, its just fun to see all the different setups people have. P.S. I realized I left the O.S. out of the list for benchmarks so here is what it should be: (Note: Please include overclocking info if applicable and any other info you think would be helpful.) 1. operating system 2. cpu 3. gpu 4. ram 5. screen resolution & graphics quality preset 6. map & min/max fps
  19. I thought it would be interesting to see what fps people are getting on their hardware. Please include: 1. cpu 2. gpu 3. ram 4. screen resolution & graphics quality preset 5. map & min/max fps P.S. I suspect that too many screenshots will bog down the server so you should probably just make a text-only post.
  20. No offense, but that statement makes no sense. How can you make a patch that increases fps by reducing graphic requirements but increase the graphics quality at the same time? As I understand it, the whole point of this project was to recreate C&C:Renegade with high quality graphics to make it appealing to a modern audience. The fact that most people downloaded RenX because of game-play videos on youtube is proof that the strategy was successful. Consequently, the devs are unlikely to have much interest in further reducing the already horrible looking "low" graphic settings to help struggling hardware. The problem is simply this: UDK will not run well on ATI because of PhysX. The only "patch" that will significantly improve performance is to replace the ATI with an NVIDIA. P.S. I've never bothered to mention Intel integrated graphics because I assumed everybody already knows that Intel igps are terrible even if a game doesn't use PhysX, lol.
  21. If you allow the RenX server to communicate through the firewall it should show up in the server list.
  22. Actually its pretty simple. Curioser and curioser.
  23. This game allows anybody to start a server so why would suggesting that be so upsetting? The more somebody protests, the more they draw suspicions that they have a vested interest they are hiding, lol. "Curioser and curioser." -Lewis Carroll
  24. 50,000 downloads & 8,000 forum members, but only 100 people on the servers? Very odd, how come?
  25. Reporting a badmin is a waste of time by definition. Just get together with some buddies and start your own server. That way you will be the one who has the power to eject anybody you choose instead of begging clan members to punish one of their own, lol. Don't settle for scraps in life when you can sit at the head of the table.
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