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Everything posted by Molested Bunny
Nononono, you got it all wrong. When we hit 60 players mods should auto switch to Field immediately. After 4 hours of that, comes Under, then Snow(if its still around, if not, put it back this instant!), then Snow again, then Field. Also other maps should be deleted and banned. And if you are wondering, i have also been molested by 3,5 hour EKT Field matches. As a matter of fact thats partly why i have been gone since last summer.
Fixed it for you. Maybe it was an optical illusion but Hungary once had like 4 servers. And how many SBHs do you see now riding horseback shooting lazer arrows at GDIs Medium Knights? Yeah man, it doesnt help.
Could Marathon games allow a vote to start a timer?
Molested Bunny replied to isupreme's topic in Renegade X
You realise we just have enough population to maybe fill 1 server at any given time. So if that server is locked in a 5 hour Under marathon, the question becomes do i want to struggle another 3 hours in a really un-fun game, or play something decent this evening, like Battlefront II, or Call of Duty Ghosts. With a steering wheel. On a PlayStation 3. See the game has some shortcomings that may turn away newcomers from the game, but bloody hell, a 5 hour Under match(or old Field for that matter) where his team is being permacamped, and he gets farmed non stop(and this is without the Cult Of poi making matters worse) will surely give him instant PTSD, and will make him cleanse his RenX install drive with fire. -
Possible. Still the single biggest issue i see is the lack of cooperation. Im not sure in game voice and commander mod will solve that, hell maybe Agent needs to tweak the Matrix itself and needs to spawn us better players who play Ren X instead of us. It just feels bad to log on and see everyone do their thing and hope its sticks. Organising a rush for 5 minutes, and then find out the window of opportunity has long long passed. Tankers ride out hoping theres hottie support only to find to Man Tanks and a flamer and nobody behind them. SBHs and spies heading out to the enemy base with a nuke only to find themselves all alone, without a hint of a team push to make the enemy preoccupied, and moments before they get spotted plant the nuke and watch it fail terribly, and then even get blamed (solonuke? are you stupid?) for their troubles. Oh and the classic. Were under siege, and i see some Mamba running in the barracks, know he gonna blow it up. Spot barracks, write some quickie in chat, nobody can see it, everyone is spot spamming, run after, spot tech and c4, dont have money for decent anti inf char and then back to hottie for the c4, start pistol duel, get random spawn help, but too late, get barracks blown up anyway. With mic could have called for the help of several players around at the moment of spotting, without, there was no chance.
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- chaosundivided
- udontneedotherstosnipeorsneak
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Yeah thats the idea. See if everyone used ConstructiveTyranny TS server now with or without a mic, and there would be a script that lumps players in their teams respective channel we wouldnt have a problem here. And its in everybodys freedom to not play teamplay oriented games without the means to communicate with the team effectively while some can. Also not having 2:30 kd while getting noobjetted to hell and back in 3-5 minute matches would help greatly with player retention. Im not expecting commander mod and voice integration to solve all our troubles. Im expecting it to make moments possible where the team works as team and the game plays much more like it was meant to be played. I expect to make Martys life hell when even the lowliest noob riflemen can call out sneaking tech while getting pistoled to death, expect to tarnish pois flawless kd score when we instantly send her exact location to our arties and she finally learns to fly, i expect to see swith rushes, valiant building defences, not losing buildings to random low effort solo nukes, and marauding SBH gangs that can truly be the bane of the unbelievers. And most of all i expect to hear epic its not down yet lines that i can remember fondly even after 7,5 years. I stopped playing Empires early because i didnt really like it(i still have nightmares about engies shooting me down with a pistol as an assault or any other anti inf role really), and the lack of players, but what i did greatly like was the voice chat, the commander options, and the heavy teamplay focus. Also the spectator slot was always a chatty ts lounge.
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The main problem with the "stuff we already have" is that is not in game, not mandatory, therefore only 5 people use it at beast from a full 60 man server. Even then they are not on the same side, and if they are thats stacking and unfair advantage gained from voice communication. I clearly remember games where poi and some pals were using ts and they were actively playing together. They totally annihilated everything and anything in their path and people were quick to call hax. While twitch skills that make average aimbots look inferior sure help their real strenght was voice assisted team play. Its not hard to look like a demigod when other players are running around like headless chickens doing random stuff.
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I really hoped this would be pretty evident by now, and only technical diffuclties remain, so i didnt want to bring that up again. But Game sorely lacks any meaningful way of communication and team coordination. Spotting is hit or miss. Its vague - did that spotted tech die a horrible death after being seen or its heading towards base, wheres the upper GDI path and if i go there will that be a fools errand. Unable to differentiate between threats: tech is running towards ref but not there yet - ref is moderately damaged but nobody cared for 5 minutes straight - 5 arties are pounding ref to oblivion help repair but also kill them too - 4 sbhs just waltzed in ref back door omg omg its soo doomed guys haaalp and bring anti inf while youre at it cause engies will get murdered - lone SBH dead nuke getting disarmed no need for the whole team to leave field to save ref. Text is slow, makes you afk from battle, even in ideal conditions theres no guarantee people see vital info in the heat of battle, spot spam makes info vanish in 2 seconds, chat history is practically in the UI depth of video settings as in afk city. To get a rush going we have to spam chat for minutes to get players attention or go survey route that distracts and annoys people and still wont reach everyone. Just imagine a PUG with no TS and no team leaders(and teams not comprised of 3+ year veteran Renegade fanatics). This is our life now. About the chaos(micspam for the micspam gods!) argument i dont see that as an issue. Even in the worst days of Source mods spammers were kicked quickly(mute button would help tho), and i found people dont really interrupt conversations, not even 14 year olds. Again implementing squads even just in game voice chat ones would be useful but not necessary. So in game voice either comes or not, but a quick bandaid to our comms troubles would be that commander mod or at least something like it. Extra visibility sure helped with herding the cats towards The Greater Good.
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https://discordapp.com/gamebridge "Power your game's social features with Discord Millions of gamers have come to love Discord's high quality, low latency voice and text chat. Now you can add it directly to your game along with powerful community engagement features. Also, it's totally free." and "Automatch players in voice channels Dynamically create a voice and/or text channel for players on each team so they can strategize their takedowns. This style of integration is perfect for sessions that are temporary like in a MOBA, FPS, or MMO Dungeon Instance." woooo ^^ So were not getting Steam integration any time soon, nor Origin even if it had in built voice connectivity. But maybe just maybe a 3rd party tool like GameBridge could help? Also commander mod. We need that back officially, or otherwise.
- 39 replies
- chaosundivided
- udontneedotherstosnipeorsneak
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Also how is the mandatory sensitivity training coming along?
I hope you have the dough bruh.
Umm, could we get a torrent instead?
Can we have those player numbers back? Pls? Pretty pls?
Multiplayer Open Beta Patch 5.004/Build 5F Released
Molested Bunny replied to yosh56's topic in News
What you want is the nubjet character for 1000. Perfect for bodyshots when you cant aim for the head. Sadly the nub compatibility costs premium. btw Whos idea was that airdrop is limited to buggies and APCs? I just had a Field marathon match where both teams lost vehicle building early. Turns out map is even worse when GDI is not whoring NOD base entrance allowing at least some rush opportunity. Without proper vehicles both teams just camped base, camped tunnels, and some APCs waltzed on the field for no apparent reason. Total stalemate clusterfuck. I left at the 129 minute mark, but the poor sods are still burning in purgatory playing. 176 minutes and still going strong. 207 minutes and 30 seconds. Im sure the NSA will consider using Field as a new torture device interrogational tool, not to mention ISIS to return the favor. -
Yeah. Also its not like theres a conflict of interest, "official marathon" server could be the new EKT, and "official AOW" server could be the new TmX/CT/the rest. Though i dont see this happening. In recent weeks the only populated server was EKT, theres a hardcore crowd that simply wont play anything besides marathon, and their obvious choice is EKT for that. AOW regulars, and randoms are more lenient, so EKT fills up nicely, but since we dont have pop numbers for 2 concurrent servers to be filled, AOW hardcores got the wrong end of the stick and just stopped playing RenX altogether. So from an EKT supporters perspective, this does look like a hostile takeover attempt, EKT is doing well, the others are not, and now they want to take away our precious serversies. Also as stated before, EKT with its more dedicated fans will probably able to afford DDoS mitigation, the others probably not. personal note: My big problem with RenX going marathon only is that it scares away new players. I wanted to introduce my friends to Renegade X march last year when there was decent population, we played together a few times(mostly on Jelly marathon, i dont even remember seeing TmX or EKT back then), then they quit. It wasnt the bugs or the CTDs, we played buggy games together before , but the camp happy map selection, op infilitration tactics, and the inherent snowballing effect meant that we rushed/got rushed and the match was over in literally 5 minutes, after a half successful rush were camping and getting farmed for the rest of the match, or constantly and effortlessly sieging and getting kills, but not getting closer to achieving anything meaningful. This was okay for a half an hour, but my friends asked me after a 1,5 hour game on Field, "what are we doing again", and "is this really fun for anybody"? Then they quit. For good. That Field game lasted for 4-4,5 hours btw. edit: no [bold] pls
Im not sure how proportionate it should be, be the reality of the situation is this: Since i started playing again 2 weeks ago both EKT and TmX got DDoS-d to hell and back at least twice daily. Then poeple usually head over to Contructive Tyranny that doesnt face similar problems, then EKT fans leave, then others start to leave for EKT, then it gets the boot and the cycle continues. Sometimes TmX also gets populated(just to get rekt an hour later), but EKT marathon lovers are much more active, they tend to wait till their server rises from the trollpit. I would say its bad, but it does break the monotonity of 2 hour field marathons now and then.
How do we increase our current community size?
Molested Bunny replied to XD_ERROR_XD's topic in Renegade X
A mod manager? From RypeLs words the real issue seems to be the dev team is bleeding devs. The game is very much playable now and mostly glitch and bug free(unlike in the first 7 months of public realease), it can get players from any number of places(like pewdiepie stuck in a 4 hour marathon game of field - now thats proper scary ). But if the devs leave its curtains gents. So where shoud we leave our animal sacrifices to stop this unfortunate turn of events? -
That was the skillz back then... If that picture is indeed 10 years old, people have been playing Renegade for 3 years by that time. Maybe in 2 years RenX tankers will also learn how not to outright kill their own supporting engineers, let alone thanking them.
Things YOU can do That will Bring even more players
Molested Bunny replied to Xtractor's topic in Renegade X
You mean same old Call of Duty that was released October 29 2003, and its popular/despised "modern form" was introduced with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on November 10 2009? Same old CS that was released in November 8 2000 with other games, and didnt see widespared success until 1.6 after early 2003 and later iterations in 2004 and 2012? Same old Battlefield that launched with BF1942 September 20 2002 and changed dramatically with each new game every 2 years? Compared to a new fresh Command and Conquer Renegade launched on February 26, 2002 that was butt ugly and and had atrocious gunplay for its time, had a weak story line with a ton of bugs and dumb as bricks AI, had a better than average but unfinished and buggy multiplayer mode, and the only real thing going for it was the Command and Conquer theme. Yeah dem dirty cod kiddies are to blame. but on topic I wanted to drag a friend into RenX after Beta1 release but we ended up in Field marathon. We keep quiet about that experience. The kind ice cream man with the loose zipper has nothing on Field marathon. -
The anti voice chat crowd seriously needs to play better games than Call of Duty. The problem still persists: little to no teamwork in pub games. But pug games ARE Renegade X at the moment unless you join a clan and play proper voice coordinated games with mates.. once a week. The escape menu chat they implemented is swell if you want to gossip about thet cute girl next door or want to congratulate Frank on his 30th beer, but it has no practical use as a means to promptly relay tactical information. The little chat box on the hud is still useless and remains practically unchanged since the launch of beta. Spotting still wont cut it on its own, though it could be a helpful supplement to voice chat. And yes there is EKT - EliteKamikazeTeam.com TeamSpeak 3 server on port: 9987 but are people really using it to communicate on the battlefield? EKT Marathon 1 server has 28 players, but only 3 guys are on the TS server, 2 are AFK, 1 is in Justopia room, none of them are in the RenX rooms. The Great Enemy isnt faring much better, 40 people on TheMatrixRen.NET AOW and their TheMatrixRen.NET TeamSpeak 3 server on port: 9987 has 11 people online, 2 general RenegadeX, 2 on NOD, none are on GDI, others are in random other rooms. Were speaking prime weekday hours btw, so those will sure help to get them nubz fall in line. And also i think this ties in with this guys problems If there are people on they use it for relaxed general buddy chat because they cant use it in a srs way even if they wanted. The guy may be a whiner alt reg, you could argue hes a prime example why you dont even want use voice comms altogether , but the point stands, clan TS is not a substitute at all. Solving that could make TS servers at least somewhat capable. But people still would need to use them.
Pretty please?
My biggest gripe with the game Still unsolved because UDK kinda supports voice but only when integrated into a service like Steam. So the voice in the game is designed to work atleast partly through Steam. So this comes down to us beeing able to get on Steam. And still as long as we dont have a word on that from EA there will be no Steam and aslong as there is no Steam there will also be no voice chat unfortunatly. NOOOOOOOOooooOOOooooo MAKE IT HAPPEN!
When the multi community totally died out, and they might aswell spend their time working on single player content again? Even then making a highly polished campaign mode takes much more time and resources, also money for anything they cant do themselves, which they certainly dont have since its a charity project.
Thats not a game mode. It would need totally different map design(since RenX relies on static emplacements), new UI elements, new game design elements(duh), rebalancing of units(even a simple deployable ammo cache can cause disturbance in the Force), VOIP support(this is a must), basically lots of additional work and programming just to split up the community even more so that it is now(old Ren, TS Reborn, RA Path Beyond, random other Renegade mods, and now RenX) I mean Totem Arts as a hobby team barely can keep up the 2 patch per year update schedule, how and when will they have time for another game mode let alone a total conversion. Btw deployable guns and support equipment is/was planned(it was in pre public beta release screenshots and videos), that may lend a sniff of random RTS tower defense to the game, and if BroTranquilty really wins the lottery well see a dozen new C&C projects emerging.
Im sure the devs know about RTS/FPS hybrids like Empires, Nuclear Dawn, Iron Grip Operession/Warlord(where the free Sourcemod looked better than the Quake 3 engine commercial game ), Natural Selection 1/2, Savage 1/2, Hostile Waters, Urban Assualt, Battlezone 1/2, or even Tremulous and Unvanquished. But the thing is, RenegadeX a fairly faithful HD remake of good ol C&C Renegade, and for some rabid old timers its not oldschool enough, so turning it to a much more complex game would surely get their panties in a twist, and would go jihad on your sorry ass even for suggesting such a blasphemy. Also recent fuckups* like Nuclear Dawn, NS2, and Empires shown us that these games rely soo heavily on commanders, they are barely playable in public matches. You can get a side stacked and still lose if your commander is incompetent. *ND is mostly dead around 1 server at best, Empires is totally dead, only played on weekends if and when the vets come back, NS2 has retained a small community, but they dont really welcome noobies.
Well i have waited and taken 5 month old hyenas and boy they sure bite. Have you improved your rig yet?