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Everything posted by RokumanZA

  1. Poll cooldown for players sounds good
  2. First off, thanks for all the continued work you've put into this Jam and all other devs. It is really appreciated from my side and the community. - What other, if any, balance changes can we still expect that are in the works for team balance/map balance on different maps? (Not that I think many are needed, I'd just like a slight buff to stealth tanks and slight debuff to mcfarlands ) - I've heard of plans to include other tech structures besides the silo in maps, are there still plans to include other tech structures? and if so what effects might we expect to see?
  3. possible, glad its working now either way
  4. Make sure you typed it exactly in your command prompt, had a friend tell me it didn't work but he hadn't put a space
  5. My feeling is its linked to the effects somehow, it seems to often happen after a vehicle explosion
  6. also, it often blocks use of a pt as well
  7. ^^ This exactly
  8. Renegade X has the original Renegade's legacy to consider. It is a total conversion of that game and while there have been improvements and a bit of customization added, its main goal is not to deviate substantially from the core mechanics of the original game. I also don't think more customization is needed at the moment either, a lot has been added already but it still keeps the original feel very well, which is the game that kept me playing for years and years online. That said, with all the crazy customization you see in all the other mainstream title's out there currently, I do see where you're coming from and why you'd probably that opinion
  9. Agreed, this ^^ and if you use the command for donate it does just require the first few letters providing they're unique
  10. Sounds good, I personally have no issues but a few people I know would benefit if its more optimized. Especially those still stuck with 32 bit OS's and 2-4 gigs ram.
  11. I'm pretty happy with C&C mode, I could play it for ages and not need any capture the flag etc... Not hating on your idea tho, just saying played original Ren for years and this is looking no different
  12. I'd also prefer server size 32-40 for most maps, also servers can just cap themselves to smaller numbers if they so wish. No need to impose smaller numbers globally
  13. I also agree it needs a damage boost, and I wish it was just a little faster like it used to be in Ren. Not by much, just a little
  14. I think the bottom line is that its going to take the mass playerbase some time to pick up tactics and understand the finer aspects of whats happening in the game. I do think already that people are starting to catch on to the need to defend, its just going to take some time for people who know what they're doing to rub off on those who don't
  15. I agree, this was fixed later with locks in most servers. It really would make it unfair for GDI players just trying to buy a tank even later game.
  16. Thanks for the continued work against cheaters , and the demo system sounds solid for finding cheaters and getting the low down on any cheats
  17. I miss a good gunner rush , I don't think I've seen a properly organised one yet...
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