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Everything posted by DKrumpp

  1. Hi everyone, Here is a piece of vector artwork I created a little under a year ago. I've started playing RenegadeX again, so I thought it was time to share this will y'all. Here was the original source image: I even used the laser cutter at my college so I could create a physical copy:
  2. Looks compact and focused. I like it.
  3. Hi guys! After watching a hefty amount of kenz3001's "Making a RenegadeX Map" video series, I decided to start making my own map. This is the first time I've used UDK, so there's been a lot of trial, error, and newbiness. I've been happy with the result of a couple day's work, and feel ready to share with you guys my current progress. The map is called Hallstatt Bay, after a picturesque mountain/lakeside village in Europe. But, I was also going for an Iceland beach feel. Does anyone know how to fix overlapping or wrapping UVs? I keep getting a problem with those. Bird's eye view. GDI base. Backs to the wall! Nod base. Foothold on the beach. Wrecked coastal defense. Tiberian silo with bunkers and watchtowers.
  4. So I was summoning some of the new tiberium sun vehicles, when I came across a file marked as "TS_VH_MammothMarkII.upk" within the game files. It's in the same folder as the other TS vehicles. I tried using the summon command during a skirmish match, but the vehicle wouldn't spawn-in. Using the UE viewer, I was able to check it out: Anyone know how to get this thing to spawn-in game? Is it even usable for that matter? Troll by the devs perhaps?
  5. There's too little space for an outrageous number like six people on an apache. Three or two is more in the right ballpark. Besides, the amount of punishment that said engies/techs/hotwires can take is... much less that required to gut the orca/apache itself. Splash damage alone from homing rockets (rocket troopers, stank, MRLS...) can kill surfers rather easily. I know this from vehicle surfing myself of course, as most pilots seem to forget a surfer is, IN FACT, outside of the armored shell!
  6. Hehe, that's actually pretty cool. Speaking of rockets, those JATO rockets on the Nod cargo plane are also really neat. How the plane buckles and wobbles under the immense stress is... pretty damn cool-looking.
  7. Mesa IV:
  8. How the NOD buggy wheels blur when moving. I could stare at that for hours, might be therapeutic or something...
  9. Would it be possible to allow other classes to capture tech buildings a la Battlefield control point style? Currently, the engineer seems to hog all the roles that really should be spread out amongst more classes.
  10. Great news to hear! Any ETA on that next patch, or what fixes it will add?
  11. Hopefully they patch this in. The voice commands are automatic with spotting enemies and repairing/attacking buildings, so asking a vehicle to slow down should be a no-brainer.
  12. The Nod chem thrower model bothers me a bit. The weapon frame itself is great and captures an industrial feel, but I feel the fuel tank itself needs some work. Even though the fuel tank looks like a cylinder, the line between the liquid tiberium tank and the weapon frame is jaggy. So, is the fuel tank a cylinder or a +10-sided prism? Also, shouldn't the liquid tiberium be glowing? That ugly, dark green really bothers me. Not vibrant enough. Needs some more of that toxic, alien glow tiberium has.
  13. The curves make it look like a pair of mating dragonflies...
  14. I agree. The all-seeing obelisk needs to have its weapon range decreased. In fact, perhaps some Dragon's teeth ought to be placed by NOD's bridge to give invading GDI troops cover and justify the blatant use of invisible walls.
  15. Not necessarily related to the hitbox, but anyone feel like most people don't realize the repair gun actually heals infantry in the first place? Having not played the original Renegade in some time, it admittedly took some time to realize this. Perhaps we can also change the voice command "I need repairs" to "medic" if the person in question is on foot.
  16. How exactly does Renegade X currently work with steam? I've added it via non-steam games, but I feel I'm missing something.
  17. Perhaps buff up the Orca's damage resistance and increase the weapon range for GDI tanks?
  18. So what's the highest limit mine possible in Renegade X? I've seen servers go up to 60, but no further.
  19. Eh, buggies work better. The mines won't cloak on an stank which defeats the purpose of stealth, and APCs are a tad too large and slow. The objective is hit-and-run; Nod can't go two-to-two with Mammies and Medium tanks (especially if they have a couple engineers repairing them), so it's a sound strategy to weaken them. Then again, it takes a little over 15 mines to fully destroy a medium tank, so why not go all the way? You're likely going to die, so might as well be as quick and dirt cheap as possible. Mines also work pretty well to deter C4-toting infantry, so maybe place a couple on the sides as well.
  20. Did you know Lakeside had a secret infantry-only backside? Had no clue it existed. Or that you can stick proximity mines to vehicles? It's pretty functional; good for keeping C4-packing infantry away and, if you've got enough, destroying enemy vehicles. Nothing quite like plowing through a medium tank with a buggy!
  21. I know it just entered beta, but I'm curious which (if any) additions will be added in the future. At it's current state it feels somewhat lacking in certain areas. Will there be a dedicated full-scale "map" you can bring up in the future, hopefully with titled locations? Spotting in the game tells you the area in which the enemy is, but without a map the extra specificity is useless. Any chance of adding a list of occupants and seats in vehicles? Or perhaps a more dynamic vehicle icon that shows where the turret is facing relative to the chassis? Any plans to add vehicle horns? A buggy doesn't feel right without one, not to mention it would be great for getting people's attention/causing distraction amongst the enemy. Is there any information on upcoming maps or game modes? Is the setting for maps going to be elusively TWI era, or is fighting in the red zones a possibility? Or, if not that, any plans for civilian structures? Perhaps some civilian vehicles as well? Fairly sure its not there at the moment, but a "Thank You" voice command would be much appreciated. Any plans to make the GDI weapons factory a little more... fantastic? Maybe more smokes, sparks or assembly arms? Perhaps some welding lights shining through the crack in the doors? I thought Nods' airstrip delivery system in comparison was superb. The shaking of the plane as it struggles with the force of the JATO rockets is... quite beautiful in its own way. It doesn't get old to watch, which is great considering the length of the animation. GDI's weapon factory looks rather boring, especially with how you see the vehicle materialize after the doors open. I imagine it should be the other way around.
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