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Everything posted by Ardente
Hm.. re-download the game maybe ? I guess thats faster than waiting for an answer by a developer.
Ehm.. how did you change it before? Via Input @ Settings, right? Cant you just change it back to F3 and F4? EDIT: Okay, try this one. Go into your Renegade X Folder\UDKGame\Config look for UDKInput.ini and open it Press CTRL+F and search for "GBA_Talk" for AllChat and "GBA_TeamTalk" for TeamChat. The last result should be Bindings=(Name="F1",Command="GBA_Talk" Bindings=(Name="F2",Command="GBA_TeamTalk Change it back to F3 and F4 and start the game. Maybe It will work. I tried it by myself and it actually changed the Keybind TeamTalk from MiddleMouseButton to F4
Oh wow.. Even "average" players are not relevant for you? Wow.. thats wow. How can you even rate my gameplay, If the points are kinda broken? I can understand your point there, but thats kinda arrogant. And please dont say you rate it by !rec 's.
Ye ye.. I know.. doublePost. Just wanna end the little flamewar. I guess some of us were going kinda offtopic and meany. Changes in my opinion. Stealth Tank: Slightly faster, abit more range (against Air Units) and the rocket accuracy. Rocket Soldier: Longer LockOn (If its possible). Since they hide longer for reloading than for aiming/lockon and shooting. Patch: A bit less damage. Just for Infantry vs Vehicle balancing. Officer: More spread at close range. Since you can easily kill infantry from Canyon Silo Cave to Tib Field. Overall: We need splash damage that actually hit us as well. You can spam RocketSoldier, Gunner & McFarLand to the ground and get no damage at all. FunIdea for Mines. Give it a little flag with its TeamLogo
Says who? Your opinion? Certainly not the original. The greatest thing about 1k chars is how versatile they are. Mobius's in general were completely CQC in the original, and havoc/sakura and pic/rave could manage CQC completely fine in the original too. No, not my opinion. Well, my opinion as well, because they got a damn SNIPER RIFLE! Snipers = range and not CQC. Of course you can go in CQC with it, but its waay harder in RenX than in Ren, at least for me. Enemys are moving faster and way more unexpected. And since they "buffed" other Inf against 1hit by 1k Units.. its harder. Haha funny. No, I'm not a Nod fanboy. Sorry to disappoint you. I just like a balanced gameplay. And I believe you completely misunderstood me there. It was just a little comparison for Electrifyer809, which changes RenX have done for GDI and Nod. And I wasn't even complaining about the Arty, so I dont now why you comment against that. Same for MRLS now, since it got faster rockets and LockOn. Same for Nod and nobody gives a fuck.. Since people always say "Nod isn't supposed to ratatatatat GDI units!" but do not complain about any GDI positive changes, like 1 completely new Unit and 1 new Anti Vehicle Rifle.. and still comment "RenX is a new game" blabla.. But still the name RENEGADE and still the same UNITS, still the same GAMEPLAY. I just dont get why people dont say anything about GDI, except GDI got nerfed. As far as I can say, people just said. "Nerf Officer, LaserChainGunner, Chem Trooper". But why? Because LCG is "dominating" Infantry? Same for McFarLand. Even Patch(Character) outdamages the LaserChainGunner by far and nobody cares. GDI without WF still dominatesNod Vehicles, because of the characters. Nod is kinda fucked against LockOn MRLS, Med Tanks and incoming masswave of Mammoths. They just have to nerf Patchs damage and it would be fine, at least with the infantry. And I dont mean "Make it more weak than LaserChainGunner!". Something that equals with +1/+2 seconds in advantage. Since a single Patch destroys a LightTank almost twice as fast as a LCG needs for a MedTank. Just compare that vs a Flame Tank. Get 3 Patch and you can send it in under 10 seconds in its grave.
Exploit - GDI can get mamoth tanks with no weapons factory
Ardente replied to karsaicker's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Haby, thats an 1year old thread. We have the AirDrop since 22th March. And Nod got this AirDrop as well. Just check the Terminal from time to time for an available aidrop. You even get a message in the center of the screen for an available airdrop. -
Confirmed. Seems like It happens when the mousebutton 1 is pressed and hold down.
It's kinda funny how you guys are argue about the 1k Units, the Officer and the Mines.. As someone said before. 1k Units aren't there for CQC.. so deal with it, if a Officer is going to beat ur ass. Mines are completely fine, imo. Even with "ultra high gfx settings" and "with lensflare and all that other crap in my face". You should know in less than 10games where these mines are - Buildings & Base entrances. And yea, just because there is a sprint function it doesn't mean that you can sprint blind in the next spot and expect nothing to happen. Real issues are - imo ofc: You dont get dmg by your own rockets nor grenades. (Gunner, Rocket Soldier, McFarLand and whatsoever). @ Electrifyer809: Have you ever played the original Renegade? Stanks were way faster, even by turning around and could shoot nearly straight. Mammoth Tanks had less range and couldn't shoot Primary & Secondary at the same time. Fair enough, AirUnits can do the same. But still, GDI is in advantage. Arty had zero bullet drop, it was straight. I dont complain about this change, but to compare - the MRLS got LockOn and If I remember right, they increased the rocket speed. If not and If im wrong, sorry about this one. Patch had the Tiberian Flachette and not the "Anti Vehicle Rifle". And he destroys a damn light tank in 16seconds. Just imagine 2 of them on the field.. say byebye to the arty or every other vehicle, even with repair. McFarLand wasn't even in the game (Cant remember the Campain, but he wasn't in the MP). And Nod? Nod got an granny stank, cant even shoot right and is almost useless. You have to have the correct range.. if not.. byebye. Nod doesn't have lock on.. OH WAIT, THE STANK! Yea no.. he's useless. He can shoot as far as the airstrip has length, and thats it. Either, they have to change some balancing. I dont say WHERE (dont look up ), because ppl are crying about issues I SEE or they have to change the maps.. to force GDI to get closer to the Nod base, so Flames & Stanks have a fair chance to do something. I dont say Flames are useless. No no, they rape a Mammoth Tank in seconds. Just you cant do anything If a fucking army of Mammoth and Meds are camping your base. Dont say "Go out with SBH and C4 them!!!11" - Yea.. no.. Because you cant do anything SOLO. You need 3xC4 to destroy a Mammoth Tank. And you will die out there, inbetween a GDI army. As always. MY OPINIONS! So please.. dont be mean to me or even to other ppl. Just want some balanced matches. Good old Renegade ♥. But Patch, McFarLand and uber Mammoth are kinda destroying this balancing.
Oh there is. You will be asked which Map landscape you wanna have - choose one. You can also build a map from scratch (Blank Map). There also should be the "Content Browser" open, if not press Shift+CTRL+F. Click on "UDKGame" go to "Content" and "RenX". The Developer "kenz3001" had made some good tutorials for UDK and how to get started. Look at this one to see how to get started from scratch.
I have more to say to this topic... but this... this is only looking at one aspect. What you fail to also put into perspective is: A) Patch has bullet travel B) The LCG also wtf hit-scan rapes infantry C) LCG is hitscan, so it can be used far more effectively against aircraft D) LCG actually damages buildings quite a lot. A) Everyone should be able to control the bullet travel. So no argue for me, sorry. B) Dont have any idea what that means. Guess I wasn't there for the hitscan meeting. C) Can be done with Patch as well. Even then you just take a MRLS and the air unit is done. Nod doesn't have a anti air unit. D) Patch would do the same, if he had enough ammo. You need full ammo with LCG to destroy a building solo (without C4). And Patch can solo C4 a building easily in ~35seconds. So both compared for buildings its like 55/45 for Patch. (Cos LCG has to reload for the last 0% ) It's just the point that Char 3, 5 & 6 are the only chars with different gameplay. ChemTrooper/McFarLand, SBH/Gunner and Patch/LCG. Nod doesn't have much armor with their vehicles and a single char like Patch can easily rape them. The LCG spread is quite randomly, so harder to hit infantry, atleast for me. And im just talking about the vehicle damage, not the infantry damage. It's kinda a shame that the LCG takes more time to destroy a 800HP Tank than the Patch. GDI already has the most firepower, compared to Nod. Nod's LightTank @ 600 HP | Patch needs 16sec to destroy a LightTank with every hit & without rep. GDI's MedTank @ 800 HP | LCG needs 30secs to destroy a MedTank with every hit & without rep. Do you see what I mean? LightTanks are ripped apart in no time. I dont want to nerf Patch till he cant do a shit.. It's just not that fair against the Nod side overall. EDIT: I just tested the LCG in the classic Renegade. And he needs C4 + full ammo (every damn laser shot) to destroy a building. I would test Patch as well, but since his "Anti Vehicle" Rifle is not a official weapon.. I cant. So.. yea.. dont know. Just a little question, is there even a Infantry, Vehicle & Building Damage scale or is everything based on HP damage? (Since the buildings have 4.000 HP | based on UDK Max HP = 4000.) If there is.. then the LCG needs to be nerfed for buildings as well.
I agree with the Lock-On, Tunnels, Vehicles, EVA Nuke & Ion announcements. More things to change. Rocket Soldiers! You cant kill 'em, when they are hiding ontop of a mountain/hill and taking cover for every shot they do. Avoiding a rocket is impossible, even as Apache/Orca. What I mean is: change something to force them to go out of cover. LockOn takes longer or something.. They sneak out of their cave for a split second to attack and hide for 2.. thats annoying. Give Nod something that equals the Mammoth Tank.. Nod cant take a fight on a map with multiple entrances, cos meds and mammoths are everywhere.. The Arty is down before you could enter it and Light Tank.. well ye.. Light Tank. Give'em the Apocalypse Tank from Red Alert 2! (Just a dream ) 900HP or 1000 HP, slightly faster than Mammoth Tank and 1250costs? Give McFarLand and Gunner (explosive ammo like rockets or grenades overall) damage to their own character. They can spam dat shit without taking damage by their own. McFarLand range. Decrease it.. please. McFarLand range is like 1/3 higher than ChemTrooper. I know its stupid to give them equal range.. but still.. you cant take a ChemTrooper against vehicles, cos less range. Compared to McFarLand.. just take him against vehicles.. no problem. Fix McFarLand secondary heashot. Enemy is taking no dmg by heashots. Decrease Patch(Character) damage against vehicles. Or increase LaserChainGunner Dmg against vehicles. So Nod has a fair chance to destroy a 800HP Tank. Since range is a issue for Nod.. imo Patch takes 23.79 seconds to destroy their own MedTank Compared to LaserChainGunner. Takes 30.80 seconds to destroy a MedTank. Come on.. their is something wrong.. Light Tank has 200HP less than the Med Tank and GDI got more firepower? Overall there is a lack of damage and range compared to GDI. Nod doesn't even have a vehicle to counter AirUnits.. (for far range, like the MRLS) EDIT: Just incase someone is whining about my changes. I just want a well balanced game and tbh, the Patch vs LaserChainGunner is a problem.. He got less ammo, yea.. but who cares about a 450 Char if a 800vehicle is destroyed. About the extra Nod vehicle. Maybe they should finaly fix the stealth tank.. Just give them the rocket movement by the mammoth and more range? (Not talking about the same dmg nor range etc.. just the same rocket movement like the mammoth) About Rocket Soldier.. well yea.. nothing to say. It's a hide & attack char and its annoying.
You could take the StaticMesh of the GuardTower, take the SM_GT_GunArm and the SM_Dmg_Gun. There are 4 damaged planks as well (SM_Dmg_Plank 1-4). Just fully load RenX > Vehicles > RX_DEF_GuardTower
How have you done 51seconds with the Laser Chaingun? It took me 58sec and full ammo. Tried it twice and twice 58sec. Anyway. It's kinda sad.. a single Gunner does 69% Dmg in 1min 02sec with fullammo (42Rockets) and a single Rocket Soldier 64% Dmg in 54sec with full ammo (17 Rockets). I guess the Rocket Soldier is the new rusher.. lol (Attack position was as close as possible to the building - Like zero (0) travel time)
Gunplay issues: Bullet spread and ADS.
Ardente replied to GatsuFox's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Sadly true. You cant hit your target with the Inf Primary. It's funny how you actually can do way more DPS with the Silenced Weapon than with the Inf Primary. There is no point of running with the FreeSoldier - It's like you're a free kill.. 1. Target is to fast / Can change the direction in like no time. 2. You cant control the spread, like you would normally do. Lead to 3. You're dead before you could do 50% dmg to your target. +1 for nospread. I like the idea of a trial week -
I know about this PathNode, but I want the Harvester to take the path between the HoN and the PP to reach the Tib, when It's going to spawn. But want him to take the other side of the PP (between PP and Rocks) to reach the Ref. Dont wanna block the entire path, just one direction to drive. Is that possible ? EDIT: Derp... I got it.. I just had to place the BlockForHravesterPathNode between the AirStrip and the Ref.. so It wont take the path back to the tib field or back to ref, by passing the airstrip..
Is there a way to say to the harvester "dont use this way!" ? My situation is.. Harvi spawns on airstrip, driving to the right, between HoN and PP, direct way to the Tib. But he is using the same way to drive to the Ref.. So he's using the HoN BuildingNode & the Airstrip VehRolloutNode for the Ref way.. EDIT: I dont know how.. but somehow did the harvi take the path I wanted to take.. but he didn't start driving back to the tib field and stopped at the RefGate (after the turn and ref pump animation)
Thanks for the tip with the LOD. I dont know what you mean with "shutter effect" - couldn't find anything, even google couldn't.. But I increased the "Forced Lod Model" to 2 @ the Properties Window (F4). Is there basic LOD setting to use for RenX? I dunno whats the perfect setting for viewdistance etc..
I already love the alien-ship . Just wish there would be a mesh for the Renegade UFO . Hm.. the destroyed base.. how about a random vehicle placement? Dunno If its possible via scripts etc.. Humvee/Buggy, APC, maybe a MRLS/Arty or just a Chinook? Crates would also be a idea
Renegade X SDK: Mappers and Modders, Download Today!
Ardente replied to [NE]Fobby[GEN]'s topic in News
I actually dont know how to import the map to the actual game.. But you can start playing anyway. Look at the top toolbar for "Play" and click "On PC". Your game should start and load the map. -
Shameful bump The Video with the shadow bug/glitch Hope you guys can help me with this I dunno how to implement the YT Player into the Forum, sorry .
well no but you will be able to buy air units from the pads im making ... Uhm.. so actually we're able to fly? Atleast with the air units like Orca/Apache etc? Cos you enabled Aircrafts at the end of Episode 2
Good to know. So I dont have to rebuild it . Roads are just painful.. Found a custom script for the splineLoftActor to make it with collision.. but I dunno how to add custom scripts. I'm glad you like it . I just have some weird shadow problems with the barrier.. It's cutting the shadow into pieces and appears/disappears when you're moving around.. Kinda difficult to explain. Im gonna do a video for it. But It's just happening when I rebuild the lightning. Atleast the cutting shadow thingy..
Heyho, I just rebuild the PersonnelBarrier. Got bored of rebuilding CNC_City_Flying and yea.. PS: Have you ever noticed that we were taking cover behind a damn table ? Click for full-size Size comparison between the old and new one. (old one is inside the new one)
I'm new to UDK and just tried some "destruction".. I used the "Fracture Tool" and it was pretty meeh.. It worked.. I could destroy the object.. but It didn't work with the FreeSoldier PrimaryWeapon.. the Silenced Pistol worked very well.. but then again the destroyed parts just disappeared and I just had to shot 1bullet to destroy a part.