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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Luhrian, I think this is redundant. As part of the SDK (which is the one on the RenX downloads page atm) you can create flying versions of buildings without any of this hassle. For example: Image of Actor Classes - Flying Buildings The Version with _Ramps is the flying edition.
  2. Saw this post on Kotaku Link to Article
  3. Follow what Ruud did on crash site. The abandoned wf changes the allowable team to purchase vehicles based on capture of a MCT.
  4. Hi @TacticalTaco Just to confirm, you have attempted to download multiple times using the launcher including restarting the download process?
  5. We actually had a good match on Snow yesterday, Nod lost airstrip in first 3 mins of game, but still won the game over 30 mins later. I have tried to balance the rotation so you end up with a reasonable gap between walls and other maps (since Walls is by far the most popular map).
  6. Not my area of expertise I am afraid. Try asking @Ukill or @yosh56 or @Agent
  7. Here is the Change health part class Rx_Mutator_NormalizeHealth_Pawn extends Rx_Pawn ; simulated event PostInitAnimTree(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp) { Super.PostInitAnimTree(SkelComp) ; if (SkelComp == Mesh) { SetTimer(0.5, false, 'NormalizeHealth' ) ; } } simulated function bool NormalizeHealth () { healthmax = 200 ; health = 200 ; return true; }
  8. Try checking some of the mutators Ukill has posted in the downloads page, I think part of the deck mutator has HP adjustment. Edit: May show under Yosh also.
  9. Found the variable: fixed rotation is now active
  10. I don't know what variable would be needed to change (not looked to be fair) But reducing to 0 would have the same effect
  11. I think there is a way to do it, by reducing vote counts to 0. Would need to test it out, that will also spread out the Walls Matches, as they are not in the same block in the rotation list.
  12. Will be good if you can manage it
  13. Currently the server seems to max out at 8 different maps before it offers a map again. It would be nice to offer it as a group option so it randomly decides one map from that group and avoid the others, but unfortunately there is currently no method in which to do this, that I am aware of.
  14. It was sorted, should be at least 3 options
  15. Server side setting reduces vote counts Affects all populations
  16. The mutators are automatically downloaded on server join. Just bare in mind they tend to download slowly (but are quick if they are small enough)
  17. You are indeed correct, we can alter the rotation without restarting the server. However to do so based on player limits would likely either need the server to determine it, or maybe have @Agent's bot try doing it?
  18. Hmm, what IRC channel and server are you using?
  19. I can recommend try using the full name of the command, rather than just !add try !addmod 4 PyRo
  20. That is strange, what command were you trying to trigger? As for in-game level 4 commands, that is the max you can get for in-game. All level 5 are IRC commands
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