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Everything posted by disorder

  1. It should be the wilhelm scream. Or possibly the old infantry death sounds from the C&C games.
  2. Is every path a visible road bridge? what about some tunnels and other back doors? You could put more of a city block in the middle with some alleys. Maybe a park or a large natural space, maybe even part of a stadium or something. Maybe that will give you some ideas.
  3. Yes there are few things which could be explained better. For example vehicles have a boost if you press shift (like sprinting) I only found that out recently. Even tanks get it.
  4. Hmm you could have bounties which give back 25-50% of the money spent on that char or unit. Free chars dont give bounties of course, unless you want it really tiny like 5cr per kill.
  5. I think this game could do with an optional extra mode called "Resource Mode" , it would be separate to the main C&C mode and give both teams a limited number of resources to try and complete the game. The emphasis would be on saving and utilising resources efficiently and repairing your nice stuff instead of going gung-ho at the enemy base and it would likely stop long stalemates. The specifics of Resource Mode are as follows. Harvesters are Disabled Both teams start with 50,000 to 100,000 in cash. Selectable on launch/by admins. Base Repairs cost 2cr per tick, vehicle repairs are still free. You no longer get money for kills/repairs/assisting or anyhting else that would normally give you credits. You still get a score
  6. Did you know Petroglyph was formed from some members of Westwood, which is why they make pretty decent although lower budget RTS games. If you have not played Universe at War and Star Wars:EAW, try them.
  7. Make repair guns run at their current rate whenever their is refinery+power, if either one goes down, reduce the rate by 25%. if both down rate is 50%
  8. right now it is used to make bots follow you, but that command could be on CTRL menu
  9. I have turned off "Use Dynamic Shadows" and have set all options in game to high, instead of ultra. This has fixed my crashing.
  10. I would say the mammoth tank makes GDI as equally offensive when a lot of people support them with MLRS and HUMVEE. I think the style of the teams appeal to different types of players too, GDI = conventional modern army, NOD = more high tech future army.. So people might want to play NOD more if they like robots, aliens, space ships and sci-fi. People like to play GDI if they are a fan of Battlefield type games.
  11. Hello something is wrong with the server browser and even though me and my friend are both clicking on the same name server (with same IP) we always end up on totally different servers. Is anyone else getting this when trying to coordinate joining with a friend?
  12. Same thing here, always when the server restarts/loads the new map.
  13. If a nametag reveals a supposedly hidden enemy it makes that feature rather pointless don't you think? The suggestion I'm putting forward mostly removes the confusion from the colour of the nametag which is actually very tonally similar (dark orange vs red at night looks the same on some monitors). The name tag should only show up when you have Spotted an enemy. It really shouldnt be halfway up the char model in the waist but more above the head or preferably combined with the charname like so "Disorder [Havoc]" or "(Havoc) Disorder" whatever. To stop all confusion, the following should be user customisable. Full selection squares over model - toggle on/off Nameplates over model - toggle on/off Nameplate position Friendly team colours - pick from list of regular ones, red/green/blue + light and dark variants Enemy team colours Also with these above options, it should allow for colour blind people as well.
  14. Hey what about capture the crystal, you have to capture a Tiberium shard and bring it back to a flag to score points, but it causes hitpoint damage so holding it will kill you. you can drop it/pass it to other players also the player cannot be healed while holding it and cannot pick up after dropping for say 20 seconds, which promotes passing with other players.
  15. This seems really stupid with the high amount of hitpoints that infantry have, no battles would ever be won. There needs to be exposure to have conflict and there needs to be conflict to declare a victor. Planetside 2 doesn't have leaning either. Not everything needs lean
  16. Hi I like the mod so far, it has a lot of potential. The first issue I would like to address is the autobalance feature and the fact that a lot of players tend to go for NOD which tips the balance in their favour. I have played many games where the NOD players are always 3-4 extra over the GDI. I think if the amount of players exceed the other team by a certain amount, then the losing team should get a credit income boost of a certain %. This % will be calculated from the difference. For example 20 players on NOD and 18 on GDI = 10% boost for GDI Secondly, I'm not sure if it is me not knowing all the numbers involved, but some of NODS infantry weapons seem more powerful that GDI? For example the red rail gun weapon seems a bit OP and I'm sure someone was using an aimbot with it yesterday and causing grief. Yes I do know its a beta and there might be more balance changes and stuff to come, but let me know of your opinions anyway as I may be mistaken.
  17. Totally the same here, just registered to say something about this actually. I think its due to the difference in colouring of the player names, which show up when you are close by and the green selection marker which shows up when you aim at something. It gets really confusing fast and I often have to stop to examine who I am shooting at, which means I am getting killed before I get a chance to react. I propose a new system. 1. Keep the colouring (orange/red) of players on the leaderboard. Don't put them on the players in game. 2. Change the selection square to a coloured cross hair, so that pointing at a friendly makes your crosshair green and pointing at an enemy makes it red. 3. Make it so you identify camo pattern and silhouette to start 4. Finally allow selection and identification when you use the SPOT(Q) command.
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