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Everything posted by BigWyrm67

  1. Im on my home router, I use Brave browser (but this was still happening back when I used firefox), I have wireshark but that only monitors traffic it doesn't block it. AVG is my only security. Do I need to port forward or something? If it makes any difference, this only started happening after RenX made its transition to this new site, so maybe something changed on the backend or with the patching servers.
  2. I deleted all the log files I had in RenX Launcher folder (there was almost 20 of them). I redownloaded the launcher and tried installing again with AVG disabled. These are the log files that were created today: 02-10-2022_16-39-07_Application.log 02-10-2022_16-39-02_Application.log
  3. I dont have the Enhanced Firewall feature installed but tried installing RenX with my AVG completely turned off just in case. Same result. I have never used a VPN but I do have a dynamic IP address if that matters. Here is my new log: 02-10-2022_11-59-28_Application.log
  4. My windows firewall is completely turned off and has been for years now. Hear is my log file: 03-08-2022_17-12-02_Application.log
  5. Yes, thats the link I used. Just to be sure I redownloaded it and retried installing using your post link. Same result. I don't have a firewall and my antivirus is AVG. AVG didn't react to launching it so I don't think its the antivirus.
  6. This is what I get when I try to install RenX: Untitled2.jpg Then when I click through it, it gives me this: Untitled.jpg Then it just crashes forcing me to close it with task manager. I dont know what to do plz halp. Windows 7 64bit Gtx1060ti, AMD Ryzen 5 2600
  7. Same happend to me. Fix worked. Thanks Sarah.
  8. No, the patcher works (although it does take up ALL my bandwidth during the patch downloads and there is no way for to adjust the mB/s) but I would like to have a copy of the standalone installer because as I outlined in this thread: I have no faith in EA to not come after this project at some point. I would like to have a copy for continuity... just in case.
  9. If you could bring them back up for the 1.0 release that would be super duper.
  10. It wasn't "Someone", it was the RenX dev team themselves who uploaded the torrents and posted those links on the downloads page. There are no seeders for those torrents anymore mainly because they are 5+ years old and there is currently no demand for them.
  11. So do you have a physical contract or just a verbal agreement? One is enforceable in court the other is not. Your view of EA seems a little naive. Mega corporations like EA, Bethesda, Activision, Ubisoft, etc. do not have friends, they have financial goals and if they perceive you to be standing in the way of those goals they will stomp you out. You may have met a few nice people working for EA but when ordered to they will shut you down or be fired themselves. It is not a stretch to see how EA might believe Firestorm is drawing attention away from any future Tiberian Sun Remasters. Other game studios before you thought they had an "Agreement" with EA, and many of them found out what that means the hard way. https://heavy.com/games/2017/10/studios-ea-has-killed-visceral-games/
  12. Like back with beta 2 we could just download the game via torrent and install it directly, without having to rely on a patching server to download the game. Hear me out on this: If EA all of a sudden decides that Renegade X is cutting into their C&C Remastered profits (which is a possibility knowing EA) they can shut down this game, this website, and the servers with a single cease and desist letter. However, EA cannot shutdown a P2P torrent because it is self sustaining and non centralized. EA might be able to shut down creators/projects but they cant shutdown players. I love this game and I just want this game to have some plan of continuity because I don't want to see it crushed the way EA have crushed many other games/studios. With the possibility of a Tiberium Sun Remastered on the horizon I can see EA viewing Ren X Firestorm as competition and shutting it down. I understand releasing a new torrent for every hotfix is to tedious but can we at least get one for each major release? Maybe a torrent for the big one-point-oh? I love this game to much to see it shut down. What are your thoughts?
  13. My Body is SO ready for this!
  14. I haven't seen any update on this games development in 2 months. Can we have a peak at what you devs are working on? Or maybe paragraph on a couple ideas your planning? Or at least a "hello, we are still here and haven't abandoned you" from the devs?
  15. I support this idea and would like to see it implemented.
  16. I dont think stealth is that over powered. Its definitely not game breaking. Maybe if stealth had a slight mirage effect while moving and if your close enough you can see it (like infiltrators in planetside2).
  17. I dont think the shotgun is weak, I feel its cone of fire is way to large. You pretty much have to be at melee range to get any real effect, and very rarely can people get that close. I think it needs a smaller cone of fire and it will be perfect.
  18. Can we please has? I crouch when I snipe so Im not as big a target. Having to hold the crouch button so long hurts my fingers.
  19. Sometimes when I get out of a vehicle and start repairing it, one of my teams bots will start shooting at me. The bot will follow me around and shoot me until the bot comes in contact with an actual enemy then they will stop.
  20. I have been thinking about this for a while. When I first started playing Renegade X it was very difficult for me to overcome the twitch shooting where players move so quickly it is very difficult to hit them. This has been a turnoff for most of my friends and the reason why they stopped playing. So to make it more accommodating to people who are used to playing games like CoD, BF4, and Planetside 2 you might want to consider reducing the strafe speed. The strafe speed feels unnatural. I believe this change alone will make it so much more welcoming to new players who are not used to the twitch shooting mechanic. What do you guys think?
  21. How about some basic cheats for offline play that we could toggle each one on/off at the extras screen. Just basic ones like: Big Head mode Unlimited ammo Invincible Unlimited credits Slow Motion Tiny characters
  22. Crates are fun. You never know what your gonna get. But When a crate switches my class its really annoying. There is no point to using a crate to switch to a basic class because you can do that yourself at any building for free. Not to mention if you paid for a character and the crates wastes your money by switching you back to a basic class. How about create a new "commando" class that can only be accessed by crates. The commando would have overpowered weapons and armor making worth risking your character for the crate. Also, how about the option to turn crates on/off at the map selection?
  23. Im having the same problem. At first I thought it was funny but now its starting to get annoying.
  24. I found the toggle ADS only works for some weapons some of the time. I select the toggle ADS option but its still hold on some pistols and guns.
  25. I support this idea whole heartedly. I always feel bad when I have to leave a game and I still got 2000+ credits that just get wasted when I leave.
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