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Posts posted by rocky44r

  1. I'm not sure about this one. The mct is facing the nod base so it should be shorter for them. I'll measure this.

    nearest spawnpoint for nod is HoN front. from HoN front to silo MCT it takes 1,75 sprintcycles.

    nearest spawnpoint for GDI is WF front. from WF front to silo MCT it takes 1,5 sprintcycles.

    The counter is that the vehicles for all teams are incredibly vulnerable to rockets/lcg/sbh/ravers/dozas from the mountain and tibfield bunker route. How many people nowadays step out of their tank? There are people but its not gamechanging... (My opinion). I'll look into making the tib field smaller, but keep in mind that hotties will be able to repair the tanks again thus making no progress in destroying vehicles.

    well there are still hotties on the sideways of the tiberium field repairing vehicles... but there are no SBH, as they cannot place c4 or steal tanks. placing timed c4 is a big counter to MRLS and helps a lot bringing a tank to low hp, so raveshaws can finish it off.

    the games usually play like this:

    at the beginn a little fight for crates / silo, maybe if its a good team a rush to destroy turret / GT

    usually GDI gets the silo and/or manages to kill the turret

    then GDI can buy MRLS a few precious minutes before nod can buy artys

    then GDI starts to attack HoN from tiberium field and nod goes full defensive

    you usually have 2-4 techs/engis just running between ref and hon repairing it, 1-2 snipers trying to kill hotties and mrls in field, a 1-2 SBHs who would like to sneak in, but are stuck in HoN defending it by shooting at the mrls. those few who get a tank at nod also need heavy support from tech/engi to even be able to damage anything.

    by that time GDI can purchase meds and they start coming from the silo path. nod buys 2-3 raveshaws and is super busy defending.

    finally GDI has enough money to buy mammoth and ion. they rush silo path and place the ion at the border of the airstrip where they can EASILY defend it, because nod spawn points are far away, they have stronger tanks, can kill new purchased nod tanks and the border of the airstrip isn't covered by the walls (so they can defend it from range and don't have to drive in to the nod base).

    ion goes off, kills AIR and it's GG. sometimes nod also loses ref and/or hon, because it is hard to always run between those two targets and keep everything alive.

    meanwhile the silo never changed ownership from GDI, as there are a lot of meds and mammuths on that path.

    infanty only zone usually is deserted... you find 1-2 snipers there...

    This is a problem as there is only one infantry only area. There is no space. I'm looking into removing the silo and widening up that path.

    i like the silo, but GDI is too strong with tanks and can hold it easily. maybe the additional cover helps nod keeping up...

    other way to fix it, is to widen infantry area at the top and place the silo there... would also bring life to that area...

    Well, I can't change the buildings, but I've placed a lot of long range blockades for the tanks forcing them to get more into the open. Also there is more cover in the tib field for nod vehicles so I think this is fixed.

    but you can rotate or place the buildings somewhere else...

    personally i think nod's spawn points are too far away from base entrance compared to GDI's. also the WF is coverd by the walls, but airstrip's end is not covered, making it super easy to defend an ion there... they don't have to drive in.

    also: everytime nod buys a vehicle there is this dense fog at the entrance of nods base, which helps hotties to sneak in.

    how about you rotate air so that the tower with the spawn points is near base entrance AND the complete strip is covered by the walls? GDI would have to rush in to plant ion, just like nod has to, if they want to nuke WF.

    it seems more fair, as GDI bar and WF are also covered completely by the walls and they have most of their spawn points near base entrance...

    you could also switch places of airstrip and HON or WF and bar, as hon can be shot from the tiberium field very early (giving an advantage to gdi), but nod has to drive further in to hit WF. ref can be hit by both from the same distance...

    I thank you for the feedback. Try the new version thats up aswell. It already has the covers for tanks and reduced sniper capabilities!

    you're welcome. thanks for hearing me out. will try the new map when we get the new launcher and it gets easier playing new maps with other people...

    Just get a buggy, stick it full C4 and suicide the GT and you have free play as SBH.

    to do this you need to have at least one vehicle path and usually GDI has both... you can do this early on and be lucky (as most MRLS would drive to tiberium field), but if it fails you probably won't be able to do this again...

    and thats not very fair, as GT prevents all infantry actions from nod

  2. just go into a vehicle (you don't need to buy one... passenger does the trick too) and wait until the timer of the c4 is expired. if you are in a tank when the c4 should explode, it does no damage and just despawns.

  3. i played the map around 10 times and nod won just 2 times.

    these are the problems, because i think GDI has too many advantages on this map:

    - silo is easier to capture for GDI, because they can reach the MCT faster and defend it from their base and with their tanks

    - until GT is up, it is really hard (impossible?) for Nod to be sneaky, as the GT kills infantry efficently. and because GDI knows this, noone defends the base and all go attack the enemy base (making it really hard for nod to punish their lack of defense)

    - GDI does not care if turret is up or not. turret does not prevent tanks attacking (just does extra damage to tanks and tanks usually have repairs behind them) nor does it prevent infantry attacking (often misses or does not enough damage)

    - GDI can c4 rush turret at the beginning of the map, nod can only do a rocket launch rush (that costs money)

    - the HoN and nod ref can be shot from much further away than the WF

    - the tiberium field gives GDI incredible protection against infantry especially SBHs (SBHs usually steal tanks or timed c4 tanks to control the field)

    things i would change:

    - silo has to move to a infantry only zone as GDI is too strong with tanks (silo can remain if there is enough cover for nods tanks to be useful)

    - add cover on both vehicle paths so nod tanks (light tanks / flamers) have its purpose again (light tanks do less damage, but can evade an attack easier because they are faster. and flamers are made for close quarter combat. both vehicles need a lot of cover to be useful)

    - the tiberium field has to become much much smaller or inaccesible for tanks, because it eliminates nod advantages (stronger infantry / SBH) by keeping GDIs advantages (stronger tanks) alive

    - remove GT (it is too strong against infantry) or place at least 2 turrets for nod to compensate.

  4. hey ruud,

    found a little bug on this map:

    on crashsite you can shoot through water. on islands and goldrush you cannot (there it creats that splashing animation).

    on crashsite it just looks weird and wrong (as you have underwater sparks from the bullets or underwater-dust from the tank shells).

    probably forgot an additional water layer? check on goldrush / island if they used some other layer for water.

    to map balance:

    i like not having identical bases, but nod can sneak through the river in GDI base and the river is pretty dark so it covers you up really well. very easy to sneak from GDI main entrance to GDI PP swimming through the river...

    if you fix the layer it gets even harder to spot noddies in the water, as the correct layer prevents HUD targeting and shooting through the watersurface (for more info check my bug report thread: viewtopic.php?f=127&p=161798 )

  5. it is nearly impossible to kill infantry under water.

    all your bullets, rockets, lasers or explosives stop/detonate uppon touching the surface of the water, creating a nice splash animation, but dealing minimal to no damage to whoever is hiding under water. it may somehow be realisitic, but you really can't do anything about infantry (e.g. SBHs) who hide like that...

    also water surface breaks HUD targeting... even if you clearly can see the person, it counts as if you could not and you lose the HUD targeting information after the usual timeout...

    broken HUD targeting makes it really easy to hide underwater, as the watersurface it self hides you already AND enemys lose HUD targeting (though you lose yours as well - you cannot target through watersurfaces! only if both things/players are underwater you can HUD target them).

    this bug makes it really easy for SBH on islands, but can also be abused on goldrush, where you can hide very efficently in the water at nod / gdi base. especially usefull if you got spotted as SBH by just one person. hop in the water, swim a few meters underwater and as bullets cannot penetrate water surface and enemy HUD breaks after a while you usually get away.

    one additional annotation:

    on crashsite you can shoot and target through water. on islands and goldrush you cannot.

    on crashsite it just looks weired and wrong (as you have underwater sparks from the bullets or underwater-dust from the tank shells), but targeting and shooting through water works fine there. probably ruud forgot a water layer on that map.

    also seems a bit unfair: nod can sneak through the river which is only in GDI base and the river is pretty dark so it covers you up really well. very easy to sneak from GDI main entrance to GDI PP swimming through the river...

  6. Some people like to infiltrate a building and replace the enemy mines with friendly mines, whilst they get ready to C4 the MCT. Same goes for defensively mining beacons.

    that's why i suggested:

    - if minelimit is reached and someone places additional mines, make the mines with a 45 second despawn timer. visible to everyone who targets the mine.

    that should help for the infiltrating / defending beacons... you could even make it 60 seconds to give longer protection in case of beacon defending...

    btw: how do i update the SDK to the newest version? i wouldn't want to break some other fixes the devs did, when editing the scripts refeering to mines...

  7. HA! yeah the butterfinger crate was a real thing in old renegade! ^^ but it was pretty annoying, because it usually got you killed... was too similar to death crate...

  8. ok guys... i have a few suggestions which i would like to share with you:


    mines are essential for a good defense, but often mines are misplaced, overmined, left in dead buildings etc. and the people who placed them just don't care or are busy elsewhere...

    usually you would have to remine everything until you eventually rotate out of the bad mines.

    thats why i would suggest to:

    - make all team-mines disarmable by anyone

    - slow down the disarm a little bit, so people who want to repair the building don't accidentaly disarm mines

    - make it that you can't place mines when the minelimit is reached (so people would have to communicate instead of just overmining left and right. also protects against new players who don't know what mines and minelimit are for).

    - to protect against trolls the mineban should include inability to disarm team-mines, inability to place new mines and despawning of all mines placed by the troll.

    if you want even more protection against abuse you could:

    - add a message who disarmed which mine (name of the one who disarmed it + name of the one who placed it + location)

    - make it that only the repair gun of tech/hottie can disarm team-mines

    some people now might complain "what if you need the mines in field or in enemy building to secure a kill?".

    well usually you just need mines to defend, but if you really insist, i have one additional suggestion:

    - if minelimit is reached and someone places additional mines, make the mines with a 45 second despawn timer. visible to everyone who targets the mine.

    that should be enough for whatever business you need mines for outside of defending you own base.

    what do you think about my ideas? any suggestions? sounds balanced?

  9. well, the vehicle crates are important to give something to fight over, when ressources are limited (e.g. buildings got destroyed or you are waiting for credits). noone would go for crates if they just held a refill, speedboost or a small amount of credits.

    to keep the crate intresting in standard gameplay (where nobody lost anything), there is a chance to get a superior vehicle (from the tiberian sun era) or a spy. those two drops are very good to prevent stalemates.

    the nuke crates (or dead crates as you call them) are there for balance, so the leading team (which usually can get the crates much easier) has to take some risks when getting the crate with costly tanks/infantry. it helps the losing team to catch up, because the losing team usually has cheap or free units and can take the crate without risk.

    also sometimes the nuke crate rapes the entire team (enemy or friendly or both), which is hilarious xD

    you can also gain a new unit from the crate, which usually is better for the losing team as they use mostly free units...

    the only thing that maybe would need adjustment is the spawnrate of the crates... at the moment a crate can spawn nearly instantly after it was picked up... don't know exactly why... maybe because on a server with 40 players you would never get a crate, if the spawn rate wasn't high enough...

    anyway: crates are pretty much balanced and a change to them needs a lot of calculation and balancing before you can go through with your change...

  10. hmmm... so you still have to add a purpose to the tech building?

    How about:

    - reveals enemys on the radar

    - disables enemy radar

    - reduces cost for beacons and airstrikes

    - gives one free beacon or airstrike every X minutes

    - gives a special airstrike which can be aimed instantly (but it would still take the time until the airstrike arrives including the warning message)

    - disables advanced defenses for x seconds (like on the hourglass map)

    - opens a purchase terminal

    - drops health pack / ammunition / armor every X minutes

    - calls a free reinforcment tank every X minutes via airdrop (very intresting idea, because you would have to keep the tech building for at least X minutes - especially intresting if one or both factions lose tanks. maybe just dropping tanks to the vehicle limit of the keeping faction + 30 seconds locked for the team to prevent stealing the tank)

    the last one could also become a new tech building (like the reinforcement pad in c&c generals)... i think it would be pretty good preventing stalemate when there are only limited ressources... i think it would be especially good on field xD

  11. this was asked so many times... and also answerd as many... it's too much work. an other problem is: who would decide how the new models should look?

    the only way i see this happening is if someone creates a few new models and makes his own mod of ren x... if people like it and the modeler gives all rights for the models to totem arts, maybe there will be a steam release...

    but as we are short on moddelers in the community (do we have any?), i don't think this will happen...

  12. looks nothing like the communication centre xD

    just joking xD good work ^^

    why did nobody saw / used this already? what does it do, when you capture it?

    still want to see a real communication centre as a destructible building xD

  13. i understand why EA can't support Renegade X, but their argumentation is crap ^^

    it's totaly offtopic, but just 2 remarks on their argumentation...

    EA legal department told us that in order to avoid confusion among their customers regarding EA´s involvment in RenX they 'regrettably' can not allow us on Steam or any other platform of that sort.

    whats their involvement? They are a publisher and the Developers are the Developers. :rolleyes: very complicated... surely noone will understand the role of EA in this game... it clearly is the first time EA was just the publisher... :rolleyes:

    I understand that they want control over the project, but on the other side this is a nearly finished project and it is well made... they just have to collect money...

    They are, understandably, commited in protecting their IP, wich they still might use in the future.

    lol thats a little bit funny, because EA is doing a poor job on protecting their IPs from their own idiotic ideas... most of the IPs they bought, now are worthless because they forced crap ideas into it (C&C Tiberian Twilight - no base; C&C Generals 2 - pay 2 win).

    and C&C isn't the only IP they destroyed...

    but anyway... that's how things are xD

    *offtopic finish*

  14. well then the guy probably was cheating... tried to votekick him, but people asked for proof... and as i didn't know how to proof this, i just left the server... and yes it was CT server... it is always CT server xD

    also can't remember his name, as i didn't write it down without any sort of recording...

  15. sorry to ressurrect this topic, but are those numbers still correct?

    i just played a round of witheout and there was one sniper on the WF who could snipe me (invisible sbh at full health) from nearly any distance... he sniped me from WF roof to tunnel side entrance, from WF roof to inf side entrance, from REF roof to the hiding corner near ref (at the border of the map). one time i just got body shoted and i stopped looking at him... he then started using his pistol and missing (purposely as i think). other times i looked at him and he ran straight towards me and when he came near me he just started shooting...

    when confronted he claimed, that it was because i was sprinting... so i checked on the forum and it seems, that you can see stealth from further away if the SBH is sprinting. but the distance roof WF to tunnel side entrance still is a little bit too much... but could still be a lucky shot...

    anyway i didn't know this as this is nowhere noted ingame, maybe add it to the SBH desciption in the purchase menu?

  16. i checked and that part of the building (kind of a step) simply has no collision. if you stand in there with a soldier you will see his feet are partially under the ground.

    it's also easy to see, when you place a beacon... half the beacon is underground as if there where no collision on the step...

    i'm no expert, but i think to solve this problem the devs can add collision to the step or remove the step and add that fix to the prefabs for mapdesigners...

    and to all people designing new buildings (helipad, repair pad, etc.), just don't use building parts without collision. that just creates problems with beacons and mines.

  17. resurrecting this as it is still a relevant issue.

    can we get rid of building parts without collision plz? they just cause problems as i pointed out in the "invisible mines in hon" thread.

    this placement of a ion is still used and it just sucks not seeing it. it should be treated as a bug...

    it's ok if a beacon is hidden well in grass or behind rocks as long as you can see it and disarm it. but i hate searching for invisible things...


  18. i don't know how exactly UDK works... but usually you would add a collision to the building in the SDK itself and mappers then just have to update.

    if every mapper has to fix the collision for himself, we will see more maps with invisible mines...

    or you just change how mines collide... maybe the faster sollution...

    i'll tested a few maps in skirmish... (complex even online)

    • - canyon (day & night): slightly visible
      - complex: invisible
      - crash site: invisible
      - eyes: invisible
      - field (day & night): invisible
      - goldrush: invisible
      - tomb: invisible
      - islands: invisible
      - lakeside: invisible

    on red maps this is kinda gamebreaking as enemy infantry nearly can do nothing in HON with those mines placed and infantry is pretty important in those maps... they can't even kill engis who repair the building, because the engis can just move behind the mines...

    i don't think i have to test more maps... probably all maps have this particular problem and on canyon they are just slightly visible (needs a fix anyway).

    this is very problematic, as you can just mine that spott there and noone will ever get C4 on the MCT... only if they throw their c4 from the upper floor... and why would people do that if they can't see mines?

    you also cannot defuse them, but they explode if an enemy gets near them...

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