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Posts posted by rocky44r

  1. i also prefer playing on smaller servers... 30 players seem enough on one server.

    imho the main issue with 40+ players is that neither the gameplay, nor the maps have been designed for that amount of players. RenX improved a lot gameplay-wise, but most of the maps still remain too small for 60 players. on the smaller maps it always ends in one team camping all the exits and routes of the other team and that subsequentialy means the only thing the defending team can do is defending. you then get a hoard of hotwires/techs on the defending team that constantly monitor and repair the entire base and nothing happens for hours. until a few people log off because they are bored or the camping team gets heroic and eventually outdamages the repairs.

    This is especially problematic on marathon servers as there is no timelimit.

    60-player-servers need 60-player-maps with enough alternative routes to support 60 players. more open and less defensive maps feel great with 60 players. smaller maps don't.

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  2. i like the variety flying maps give ^^ and you still see lots of other infantry / vehicles on those maps... just med and ltank are a little useless against air units... but you still see ftank or med rushes supported by air vehicles ^^ and thats ok... you have 1-2 air support to defend against incoming air units and the other ones go tanks for max damage ^^

  3. ok i tested a bit around with the test server and the new launcher...

    funny story first: i never realized there was a "join server" button on the launcher... i always focused the upper right part of the launcher and there is just "launch server", "launch game" and "join ip". i usually just used the launcher to update the game and to check the servers... if i wanted to play i launched the game and joined from the ingame menu xD

    as i couldn't understand why the new launcher wouldn't download the custom maps i found the "join server" button. and then the download of the missing maps finally worked. maybe make the button a little more colorful instead of plain text? i hope i'm not the only one who didn't saw the button for nearly a year or longer...

    a few things though:

    1) after every map change on the testserver it kicks me from the server and i have to rejoin... no idea why...

    2) at one point the server tried to download the bus vehicle files... obviously you can't download 120 MB with the ingame downloader as it is just too slow. maybe bigger modding files should be downloaded on the launcher? on the other side... vehicle files should be shipped with the game download... don't know if you have planned to support heavy server side modding? if you want to support it, you have to include all files bigger than a few MB...

  4. only one vehicle path and infantry path... makes camping (aka defending) way too easy...

    also: hold the field and you hold silo + harv + camping enemy base

    if you want only one base entrance don't put AGT's / Obi's in your map.

    AGT / Obi maps need at least 2 base entrances (for vehicles) + 2 fields / separated vehicle routes + 2 sneaky infantry paths (preferably access to PP)

    thats why under and field sucks. they only have one field and only one base entrance for vehicles and only one sneaky route. you always find your friendly arty camper, camping those tunnels all game (really how does those people have fun?).

    you can try organize some smart team play action, but even good plans can get totaly annihilated by just an unorganized bunch defending their base...

    also remeber to make the maps big enough. there needs to be some travel time between the two bases, otherwise it ends like on tomb, where you kill a few enemy players / tanks and in ~15 seconds they are back in your base and you practically never get a chance to fight back. also that's why everyone tries to rush at the beginning of the map...

  5. there will always be bigger maps or maps with more detail, which require more power...

    and how has he framerate issues on grassyknoll but not on crash site? that seems wrong :D

    on the other side i'm just fooling around and can't say much about it... most maps run on 60 fps for me...

  6. looks nice :D

    needs street / highway textures ^^

    and i remember the map a little bit darker ^^ especially the giant city buildings used not to be that... white xD

    but otherwise looks great :D sure, still needs some polishing, but the base is great :D

    can't wait to play the map again and make those APC rushes to PP xD

    i see you decided to block the vehicle path where in old renegade you could just fit with certain vehicles... do you plan to add more paths to enter/infiltrate base? because with only 2 vehicle paths this map could get a very campy one...

    maybe widen the path instead of blocking it? at least this way you would have 3 vehicle paths...

    i still think this map needs at least 1 infantry/sneaky path to enemy base...

  7. wow amazing... the exteriors of the med centre could use some more details... the internal part of the med centre looks amazing. :D

    it's also nice to see that someone actually managed to get the flag behaviour right ^^ bar and silo flags sometimes look very weird... imo they move too fast and are sometimes wadded making it really hard to see the team on the flag...

    and we finally have a techbuilding MCT, which is not called MCT xD i like that a lot :D

    give us moar tech buildings and awesome maps xD NOOOOOOOW!!! xD

  8. youtube supports HTML 5, so flash player is not required if you use a recent browser. seems to be a problem with browser compatibility / or the forum software itself as you can see the videos with internet explorer (and still without flash).

  9. sounds pretty bug abusing to me... i mean if you knew about that spot and placed it there on purpose it is bug abusing and i would have kicked you too... if you continued to use this bug, maybe even banned.

    if it was not intended, you could have said it in chat...

    anyway... thx for reporting this bug, ruud probably will look into it. i suggest not using more known bugs as it will get you kicked again ^^

  10. Either this or add a blockingvolume above the tunnel so the camera gets blocked.

    yeah but this usually creates very strange camera angles, where you can't see shit... would force the player to go first person... it is a little bit annoying and new players maybe don't know how to change to first person...

  11. just tested ryz approch of c4 suicide the GT.

    the GT does a lot of damage to light armored vehicles... in most cases the buggy doesn't even survive... you have to drive to the walls, repair and from the border of the walls you can reach the GT with ~100 hp and then you need at least 8 remote c4's to kill the GT. this means you have to be 2 engis as you can't have more than 4 active remotes per player.

    even then... beeing successful isn't that easy. you reach the GT with 100 hp on your buggy, but other people are shooting you and one of the 2 engis has to get out of the buggy detonate his c4, then the other has to go out and detonate his 4... and this all without dying or blowing up your buggy (as the remotes on the buggy despawn if your buggy dies)...

    and as i said... after this initial rush... good luck finding a vehicle path which is owned by nod...

  12. well you just got unlucky then... if you are missing air and ref, you have a much higher chance to get a vehicle or a substantial amount of money from the crates...

  13. there is not enough space for 14 vehicles per team in field... it gets really crowded... it is already crowded if there are 3 vehicles at the base entrances...

    i think it is ok to have smaller vehicle limits that are adjusted to the map.

    this game is about teamplay and if your team has none, you don't deserve victory.

    yeah there are those solo parts too, but they also mean you didn't defend your base properly... (e.g. ignoring mines missing or wrong mining)

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