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H.D. Lovecraft

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Everything posted by H.D. Lovecraft

  1. I think the bounty was placed by the server once a person had enough kills in a row, then if someone ended the streak they would get paid.
  2. I feel like the 25 year FPS vet probably doesn't need advice on aiming haha. I definitely think the firefights just need a bit of tightening up, the animations feel a bit spazzy at times and could probably be smoothed out.
  3. Hey guys, veteran from the original Ren and looking for a clan to join in. I'd mostly just like to be able to play some legit matches. I was in a few different random clans back in the day and it was a lot of fun and I'd like to get back into it. Add me on steam: kamikazekombat
  4. I got an error as well.
  5. Just wait for the player-base to mature. It'll begin to feel more like Renegade then as people will understand the best part of this game is working together.
  6. Or just a set rotation, if people really hate it they can vote to skip still.
  7. Ah. I have noticed that, but one thing to be fixed is the color of the character's name. It's practically useless as is.
  8. In the tutorial video it shows other items in the purchase terminal: Are these to be added eventually? Or were these scrapped in private beta?
  9. Perhaps there should be a subforum dedicated to clans, recruiting, setting up clanwars, etc?
  10. Rail gun should be exactly the same power as the Personal Ion Cannon on GDI. I do think the credit thing could be interesting. Autobalance in a game like this would be hell. Spend 30 mins fighting hard for your team only to get swapped by the server? No thanks.
  11. I think the new maps, Gold Rush in particular are a bit better as they are designed for 64 players and tend to have more complexity between the bases, allowing for more strategy.
  12. It's very easy to get vehicles hung up on the rocks on the hill in WhiteOut. If you back down the hill and run into them, sometimes you will get stuck and it takes a lot of extra effort just to get free. Not sure why this is happening.
  13. The lag does seem to be sporadic, sometimes vehicles operate fine, and other times they are almost unbearable to drive. It does seem like they get worse when the servers hit large numbers of players. Perhaps this has to do with the server not being able to handle the load?
  14. I noticed this for all vocals. They just seem to get lost in the sounds of the battlefield. I fixed this by adjusting the settings, but I think the default on vocals is just too quiet.
  15. I actually found the laser-chaingun to be okay because of the fact you have to spin it up. It's not an instant butt-whooper. I did find it to be a bit glitchy though, maybe related to the spin up?
  16. I've encountered this, I mostly noticed it with the carbine. I would zoom, but when I unzoomed it would still be zoomed in over my shoulder a bit.
  17. Massing definitely needs to make a comeback. That was a hell of a lot of fun. Don't know what kind of effect that would have on how the game runs though.
  18. Dealing with guard towers comes down to rushing them with tanks, APC rush or long range bombardment. Another way would be destroying the power plant, which is sometimes much easier to do depending on the map. GDI isn't supposed to be tailored to stealth, GDI is a hard hitting big vehicles and big weapons type faction, whereas Nod is more of a tactical, specialized strike faction.
  19. A overhead map of the whole field would be great. Allow for more strategic planning. Perhaps an ability to point out waypoints on the map for people to meet at or follow? Would help rushes and coordinating attacks? I think the new maps are really good for 64 players, the old ones seem a bit cramped at that limit, but the new ones are right at home with that amount.
  20. This has been reported in the bug section already. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=72031
  21. I've noticed that the more people there are (50+) the worse the vehicles seem to behave. On full servers it's like driving a blob of jello, it shakes and rattles and moves like a slug.
  22. I agree with most of what has been said, they definitely need a nerf of some sort. Early warning, and maybe less destructive, or at the very least limited somehow. The idea is good, it just needs to be balanced.
  23. Excellent job overall, a solid beta release! Can't wait to see where it goes from here!
  24. It seems sometimes, (can't replicate it exactly) when in third person the first person arm models appear over your character in strange ways. I'll try to get a screenshot if it happens again.
  25. When refilling a spy that was received for the crate, it returns to normal SBH status and the base defenses are capable of shooting you.
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