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  1. That's so fucking awesome. Nice one guys
  2. A good point that people need to keep in mind. That being said, I agree with this whole list. Still, most of them are just aesthetics bugs & discrepancies. I'd assume the devs are focusing on stability & crashes, server/client netcode, gameplay and balance issues primarily during this phase (I hope, anyway). But it's important to list everything I suppose. No doubt the game needs work but it's also one hell of a first impression and still quite an impressive feat Anyway. Peace!
  3. Man you can't change the boink. That's like changing Jesus' name to Steve just because you don't like the sound. I believe they have a word for that kind of behaviour. Heresy!
  4. Agreed, plus it's confusing as hell. I thought it was a glitch until I saw these posts popping up on the forum lol. At least make disarming the beacon make the superweapon's damage weaken. If you plant a beacon on the WF roof on walls in a decent spot it's a 99% chance of killing the WF. In fact I'm yet to see anyone disarm a WF roof beacon yet because of this 10 second thing. Which is great if you're the SBH, but sucks for GDI.
  5. For what it's worth, I agree. Old renegade's movement speeds were great, ren x is like old ren on crystal meth. I'm not digging the sprint either. But whatever, anyone who complains around here just gets called a noob it seems. The game is fantastic no doubt, but it still needs work/balancing. Even the creators admit this lol.
  6. Oh hells yeah! Nice one boys & girls!
  7. I like all the ideas too, though I'm not a big fan of death matches anymore. They bore me, but renegade is a game outside the box so I'm interested to see whatever ideas the community can come up with to keep DM interesting. That zombie idea is good too and I usually hate zombie games, but again, renegade's not your typical killfest orgy so shit, I'm open to any new ideas you guys can come up with I reckon if the servers get populated enough, it'd be cool to see maps with full building structures that have underground complexes etc. instead of just the first/second floor. But that would only be interesting if the maps had at least 60 players on them probably. Plus in any case, once people start getting into renx mapping/modding I'm sure every idea under the sun will be tried by someone! Can't wait.
  8. Hell yes.
  9. Seconded. Epic job guys, can't wait to ride this wave out. Cya on the 26th. Peace!
  10. Rancid


    I just wanted to take a quick moment to say thank you (Renegade-X dev team, friends and family) on behalf of C&C fans all over the world for the time and effort you brilliant human beings have spent on remaking this timeless classic. You have my support until the last game server shuts down or I die; whichever comes first. Oh, and thank you EA for not suing the team (as long as they don't charge players for their efforts). You are so generous and accommodating of the dedicated international gaming community. PS. Battlefield 4 is awesome. [/end vicious sarcasm] Peace! (Sorry if this counts as spam, I just didn't know where else to post it and I really want to personally thank the team in an official, written manner for an official, praiseworthy effort. See you on the 26th )
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