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Posts posted by Daedhart

  1. Agreed. I miss the rain. That odd sense of calm before the ultimate destructive force of the Ion Cannon.

    Or like being dropped into the bowels of a red hell as a nuke is dropped onto your sad engi face.

  2. SBH nukes can effectively be controlled with one or two dedicated defenders on pubs. Just bring back the planting sound.

    I really hope the developers don't listen to people wanting to change the core gameplay. It's fine the way it is!

    And if 7 people SBH nuke, kudos to them for organizing it. In a smaller game, they've severely compromised their base defense, but if they can pull it off, they deserve to be rewarded for it.

    Honestly if you miss the warning alerts I don't think a planting noise would help. If they added a planting sound it would have to be 1/4 of the area as the pinging sound you hear once its been planted.

    In the original Renegade, literally everybody could hear a full volume planting noise for the entire time a beacon is in the process of being planted by anybody (either team).

  3. Honestly I'm looking forward to when they add back in the 64 vs 64 matches. I know it might not happen but if it did. No one would use the voice chat or even have it turn on. If you feel you need voice chat that badly download teamspeak 3 open the ren-x launcher and look though the server list. Some of the servers have website linked into the launcher with their teamspeak info. Yes you may have to look a bit to find it.

    ...except even the ones that do dont have faction based channels, so good luck spewing anything team related to the enemy so they can stick a nice big mammy in between your flames and the AGT...that kinda sounded weird, didnt it?

    Point is, yes Id probably mute the peeps on a 64 server if they were being idiots and talking about tripping on acid during the game, but that would be my optional choice to do so. Giving the low populated servers the option of having chat and the large servers the option to opt out is better than just not having it for everyone.

  4. The marksman rifle isn't hitscan.

    All of the weapons that were hitscan in Renegade are hitscan in Renegade X. There were internal tests adjusting how weapons worked, such as making the ramjet velocity based, but ultimately what we got now is for the best. I mean, I'm still up to debate it, but I think it works pretty well as it is.

    Im almost positive marksman is hitscan. If they arent instant, then theyre damn close. I havent tested them across maps, but they seem instant when Ive used them in tunnels like on Islands.

  5. For those who dislike the Boink, what kill sound would be a possible alternative selection (as in option to change)?

    Id rather those get added in a mod, like the original Renegade has, so they actually emulate the original UT.

  6. I've never played any CoD game after the first MW. But that was good and very polished. I understand that they're only rehashing it right now, but you can't complain about the shooting mechanics all that much I think, it's very polished at least.

    I think the main reason is because there is an eternal war between gamers that just want to have fun and gamers that are willing to sacrifice some fun for more realism. Not that the latter is always bad; realism can have its own fun factor by increasing immersion.

    Also because some game mechanics are copy/pasted in so many bloody games that it literally gives me nausea when I play a new game that features them (yes cover-based shooting, Im talking about you).

    For the OP, Id say just ignore the suggestions you dont approve of. If I read every thread on this forum, Id never be able to do anything else (including playing the game).

  7. Now that I've played the game I can say this is a big problem.

    There isn't much indication on when you're being shot but a faint hit marker and bullet impact sounds, especially from silenced weapons.

    The health and ammo bars should be made bigger at least as a temporary solution because I keep not noticing i'm on low health unless I look down.

    I absolutely agree. Half the time I dont even realized Im being shot. Its like the game is populated entirely by a leper colony.

  8. Teamspeak 3. Use it.

    With all the other random pubbers we don't know or have connection details to?

    As soon as server join messages are added that can display the server's Teamspeak details, this may be mitigated. I do, however, agree that an in-game VoIP should at least be an option.

  9. I think the larger problem is the new voices for the announcers. You cannot hear them at all over the sound of the battle, and even if you do hear them, they are not clearly audible enough. Can we please get clearer voices for the announcers, like the original Renegade had? and can we also get a clearer message that a beacon has been placed, like in original? The sky changing, the announcer saying it LOUDLY that a beacon has been planted and the beeping being heard from further than half a building away.

    I agree. I had to set my EVA announcer volume to 100% and everything else to 20% just so I could hear that an airstrike had been called in on our collective asses.

    Also as pointed out earlier, there needs to be the planting sound like in the original.

  10. Yeah, the new PIC / Railgun seem to have a lot slower firing speeds now. Especially the railgun. You fire the weapon, it waits 2 seconds, THEN starts rechambering and only then can you refire. All in all takes around 5 seconds to refire. And on top of that, you need to reload every 4 shots.

    Not fun at all, i would definitely like to see the old versions from original back.

    Whats even worse is that its damn near impossible to tell how much longer the gun needs to recharge (not reload) the next bullet while in 3rd person.

  11. How about a hybrid method? Get some voice recognition software included (Im not sure what Google's policy in on their voice recognition, but its worth a look). Then you can use the mic to bark a command and have it translated into one of the predefined chat options.

    It would act as a go-between for the annoying players and those that hate their fellow man while providing both with a way to initiate team chat hand free.

  12. One of our RenCorner peeps clocked in at 100+ kills the other day. I dont deny an aim bot could exist for this, but it would need to be investigated.

  13. there is definatly a bug with SBH

    today on walls i was SBH, running (not sprinting!!!) behind the BAR.

    then a PIC shot at me from the WAF.

    the PIC keept shooting at me while I did run around the PP (run, NOT SPRINT)

    I got rid of her when i sprinted to the WF roof ... probably cuz the PIC was behind the PP so could not see through the building (at least)

    If it was a bot, that would explain it. They seem to have the strange ability to see SBH's (not stanks) from across the map. If it wasnt a bot, its probably because you were already shot at and your location was revealed.

  14. How about removing the freakin beacon crates! More than half the time, my dumb teammates will run up and grab it while Im trying to attack the base and: dead. Makes me sad.

    As for actual suggestions, maybe a crate that turns you into a cyborg Kane with an OP weapon, like an Obelisk gun? Or a Mario star power crate that makes you temporarily invulnerable?

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