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Everything posted by MightyBOB

  1. And the GDI Power Plant.
  2. Redeemer.
  3. Yeah we're going to tweak those guns before the project is over.
  5. Footage from Comic-Con: http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...n_ut3_01_hq.zip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtfIzzwuwVk http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...n_ut3_02_hq.zip http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...n_ut3_03_hq.zip http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...n_ut3_04_hq.zip
  6. http://www.shacknews.com/featuredarticle.x?id=440 See also: http://www.gamingnexus.com/Default.aspx?Se...News&I=5155
  7. Powerman 5000 - Supernova Goes Pop
  8. MightyBOB


  9. MightyBOB


    We already have an Airstrip anyways. >.>
  10. Just host it as a .png or .jpg. for the forums.
  11. Those are good, but we're not using any Renegade assets. >.>
  12. The console people can't play against the PC people. So it is regular hitboxes vs regular hitboxes, and large hitboxes+auto-aim vs large hitboxes+auto-aim. Although EPIC has asked the public if they'd be interested in cross-platform multiplayer, they haven't said they will try it.
  13. PS3/360 versions have larger hitboxes and speed changes to compensate for the inaccuracies of a controller. We'd have to make 2 versions if we were to make an "official" version for the consoles.
  14. It appears that I forgot to mention that the building on the right side of the corner is a police station. Not exactly the smartest place to stage a shooting.
  15. It might have been on the morning news, but I just woke up at 10. >.>
  16. copy+paste: So at about 11:22 myself and my 3 roomies are just chilling, and then we hear 8-12 gunshots really close to the apartment. About 4 seconds later the first siren, and we all scramble to the window, followed by at least 18 more sirens. All 4 of us scramble for our cameras. The police cars came from all directions, and right at the intersection of Fillmore and Turk all the squads cars converge. Then come the officers on foot, and they all have their guns drawn screaming at a guy to get on the ground. There are 1, maybe 2 cars at awkward angles on the north side of the intersection. 1 is the shooter's van, the other could be a victim. 12 squad cars in this pic. Out of frame are at least another 6.
  17. I do believe 3:00pm EST = 8:00pm GMT for the gents across the pond.
  18. The only real problem would be all the required voice clips for a campaign. Everything else I'm sure we're perfectly capable of.
  19. Damn that is hot. I can't believe I get to see the deep innards of that engine (school is replacing UT2004 curriculum with UT3).
  20. I hope the server can support that kind of bandwidth and system strain. >.> Although I bet there won't be more than 40. Also what is the map rotation on the server? I know NE runs some fanmaps (such as some of Titan's maps) and I only have the default maps currently installed so I need to know which maps I need to install that might possibly come up during Sunday's game.
  21. Well it appears that you haven't "made" any of those skins. They're just edits of pre-existing Renegade skins. We need skinners that can make a skin out of a blank model unwrap. Also as a bit of future advice, if you're ever trying out for an art-related job position, always have samples of previous work immediately available. Meaning screenshots and.jpgs of the actual skin files. No self-respecting professional will dig through multiple forum posts and then follow yet a second set of links to download a file from a third site just to see your work. They won't go out of their way to accommodate an interviewee, they'll just throw their application in the trash and move on to the next person who has a professional presentation. They want portfolios.
  22. I don't know where you heard that the Disruptor had a Mammoth chassis but it is not true. (but do your turret on the Mammoth chassis, I'm not trying to discourage you, just pointing that little fact out)
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