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Everything posted by ~Aydynbek~

  1. I bought mine for $50 around November 08 and was surpriced since it should be way cheeper at that time.
  2. Nice man.
  3. Happy holidays people.
  4. A very nice map indeed.
  5. Your name: Aydynbek, Shubladze Your age: 15 Your contact information: aydynbek94@mail.ru or ka50hocum@hotmail.com The community site/forum you would like to represent: Fallout Studios. http://forum.cncreneclips.com/index.php?act=idx (Nick:TunguskaM1)
  6. Yeah, they look like real ones!
  7. Very nice work guys!
  8. Happy B-Day UT3!
  9. ~Aydynbek~


    Oh lol. It just sounded true the way he said it.
  10. ~Aydynbek~


    If thats true then you shouldn't say it. He definitely needs some privacy man and its none of your bussines of what he did.
  11. Congratulations!
  12. The graphics, the quality of work. The first time I played Renegade I didn't like it, since I didn't understand the game. The lag, bad graphics and so on got on my nerves. Then I started to read what people think of the C&C mode. From what I read, I could see why Renegade multiplayer was good. I have also heard you guys are going to put some new vehicles, weapons, and character so I am always excited about that.
  13. Each has its own advantages. First person is good for accurate firing, while 3rd person is good for observation.
  14. Awesome update guys!
  15. Isn't the Ramjet more lke the anti material rifle? If it is, then it has to be strong against light stuff.
  16. ~Aydynbek~

    New Website

    Hell of a nice website!
  17. Yes right. In the Cold War Crisis forums there was a topic for Beta Testing screens and even videos. But are beta testers alowed to post more screens?
  18. There are alot of Renegade songs that are very nice, but I think the best one is Move It. Pick one please.
  19. Massive! Can you tell me if there is an interior in HON?
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