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About nzdriver

  • Birthday 08/18/1997

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    New Zealand

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  1. I wanted to know what download link you used. Because it sounds like you downloaded the SDK by mistake. The SDK is NOT the multiplayer and has none of the multiplayer maps which would explain why nothing happens when you press launch. You need to download from the "Renegade X: Multiplayer (Open Beta 4)" section of the downloads page. If this is not the case please attach the log file of when you try to launch a skirmish.
  2. What is your specs and what download link did you use?
  3. nzdriver


    The music files are stored in renegade x inside .upk files located Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\RenX\Sounds the sound files can be extracted using a third party tool https://forums.beyondunreal.com/threads ... es.174128/ the sound files are in the .ogg format. Or you can download the OST http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x ... soundtrack but I think it is missing the new song Just Do it Up
  4. all goods I can see how you could make a mistake the SDK is at the top of the downloads page someone should probably change that. EDIT didn't see you comment about the modDB page yeah that needs to be updated too.
  5. check the directory of your install for a folder called "Launcher" and then run "Renegade X Launcher.exe"
  6. Go into the renegade x sdk directory go into binaries then win32 and create a shortcut of UDK.exe. Right click on the shortcut and go properties in the target field add the word editor after the quotes should look something like "C:\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe" editor then run the shortcut that should open the UDK editor if UDK crashes try this guide viewtopic.php?f=136&t=74919
  7. I'll join when there are players. It would be nice not to have 300 ping for once.
  8. I made this video a long time ago that shows the issue Can people benefit from it? Maybe if it is possible to travel into the enemy base with this you could call out enemy vehicles. Also if the hit detection is client side does that mean I can shoot someone on my screen when im actually somewhere else on the server?
  9. From the readme file from the OST
  10. Please provide logs of your game crashes here is how viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72159 also check that the issue is not a common one viewtopic.php?f=34&t=72023
  11. I know you can't do this with the launcher but you can run UDK.exe with the launch parameter -nomovie this should disable the starting cutscene. Perhaps there should be an option in the launcher for additional launch parameters.
  12. Looks to me like the old launcher the new one doesn't use java download the latest one here viewtopic.php?f=11&t=73835
  13. Airstrikes are dynamic decals which are a different option.
  14. There are three ways to set your name: 1. In the launcher 2. It will automatically use your steam nickname when logged in 3. By console command i think it is 'setnick yournamehere'
  15. Are you able to connect to any of the servers or does it kick you back to the menu? If this is the case please tell me what download link you used. What might be happening is you downloaded the earlier version of beta 3. The reason for the delayed release was there was an issue with beta 3 and had to be rebuild, by the time the issue was found there were already a few mirrors. We hopefully deleted all of the mirrors with the older version but this might not be the case. EDIT I see you edited your post if everything is working fine enjoy renegade x
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