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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by TheGroundsKeeper

  1. Imo the problem lies in the ridicilous low minecap most games have. Nothing more frustrating that seeing your mines dissapear shortly after you put them down. Especially on mapswith no guardtowers. The best servers are with a serious minecap 60+ pr side. It gives possibilities to do some amazing minetricks. Gives Les sbh-nuke crap aswell.
  2. + 1 (especially the point with the map size) 16vs16 is a vital number of players and I absolutely understand the reduction to 40 players. The vehicle-lag-bug ruined nearly any game I had past wednesday. Just join a smaller server, if you cant handle a game with a proper amount of players. Dont try to enforce your preference of gameplay on people who enjoy a different more challanging gametype. There is no one forcing you to join big games, where as of now, people who likes the bigger games do not have the freedom of choice. You might like the small games but there are way more people who enjoy the big games. There have to be room for everyone, both 1vs1 if people want that, or even 0vs1 - to "as high as possible" vs "as high as possible"
  3. Field and mesa II is by far the ones i find most fun. Opposed to many others who speak up in here, i really only like the battles with alot of players. I like that it requires alot to tip the balance of the game to your advantage. Maps without towers are simply too small for less than 100players in my opinion, and the brand new maps are way to big for me to enjoy at all, with the extremeley low player cap.
  4. The only problem with the engineers is that you can buy absurd good sidearms to them. hotties and tecs with fleshettes are da bomb. And i agree that this is an issue, in the old ren they kinda needed a escort. now the best escort is more engineers with flechettes. same goes with ramjet snipers, with the new insane sidearms they are too good in close combat. Other than the sidearm issue, i dont think there is anything wrong with the engineers/supersized engineers.
  5. Np, happy gaming.
  6. Agree, especially 3 is extreemly lame especially places like near the bunkers on Field. I lost up to 3 ramjet units from this position at the bunker because people picked up the crate next to me. Not funny!
  7. Well i think age is getting the old renegade. Not because of gameplay and grapics, but simply because it is starting to require alot of searching and research to get to work. Having to go to sites download special fanmade patches and join suspect looking sites, and set combability modes and adding manual commands in the shortcuts to get the game to work, are too advanced for the general gaming population. But i do agree that most suggestions are totally out of scope and quite silly to even bring up for a game in open beta. The devs need to focus on the imidiate issues at hand, and finish polishing what they have already made before they can even start thinking about this and that.
  8. Well that is your opinion, i personally i think small games are dumb and for skilless retarded people who cant play. Now where do we go from here?!?? Dont diss people who prefer an alternative playstyle than you. You might like the smaller games because you can survive there and it makes you feel like a good player when you assault an empty base, or maybe you like the constant sbh attacks on empty bases. It matters not, because you can just join a game with a smaller cap. I hovever only played in the massive games since it totally changed the flow of the game towards something i liked, massive effort were needed to tip the game and infantry got a bigger role than tanks, wich i liked. And since theese servers always were FULL there is obvious others who enjoy theese games. And as far as i know, the max cap was actually 127 players in the original renegade. or it was the biggest games i could join in the classic when i played alot, and those games was the best shooter experiences i ever had.
  9. And the funny thing is that people usually use the excuse that it makes the game more realistic! HAHAHAHA Clearly they have never had a gun in their hands.
  10. Get a engineer, disarm, profit+credits+points. Or Get a free unit, step in them profit. Renagade bases have been leveled to the ground since 2002, no matter if there were mines or not, so i cant see why this should suddently be a huge issue. Edit: One of the issues is also that usually there are more attackers than defenders wich means if the game werent made for defenders having an advantage there would simply be no defenders at all. And it is not supposed to be easy to make a successfull attack, that is what making success in Renegade/Renegade X such a rush.
  11. Torrents in themself are not illegal in any way, Like a knife is not in itself illegal, but stabbing people is. It is the way they are used mostly that are illegal. If you download illegal content well then it is illegal, but not because of the torrent but because of the content. You can download Renegade X with the torrent fully legal. But if you are unfamiliar with torrents i suggest you choose a direct download mirror enstead, since torrents require a torent management program. Hope it helped else feel free to ask again.
  12. Okay, could've sworn that was the same layout. Content patch -the time of which is not determined yet- will include: Complex, Under, perhaps the return of Xmountain from UT3 version and hopefully another original map. Yes, Hourglass was particularly awful, it's been remade into Whiteout. As for City_Flying, everyone's hoping for its return If you have to choose between City_Flying and Volcano, which would you choose? The new mesa II is awesome Nielsen, it is my favorite of the map Remakes, because it looks truly amazing and stays true to the original. I would prefer the original hourglass though. I miss the infantry stuff that were going on over the hill, and in the tunnel. And in general i prefer maps with the defense buildings.
  13. Is that torrent dls included?
  14. I shot alot with double barreled shotgun, so yea i can agree that all games have ridiculous spread compared to the real world. But then again all weapons in most newer games have ridiculous spread compared to the real world.
  15. It is a low player count issue mostly. But ofc the exploits are a big issue aswell. Problem is with the cap as low as 40 you can sometimes walk all the way to the enemy base without meeting a enemy even without stealth. and during the constant offences there are not enough in the bases to stop all the SBH Cheapness. That is why we need 128 player games from the old ren back
  16. I actually seen alot af won matches after a building or 2 is destroyed, it tends to make people focus more, and be more aware of defense. Anyways i dont think this is a good idea since it would make taking down a building less meaningfull. The issue does not lie in the destroyed building rather than people need to learn to defend the precious structures.
  17. Man that must suck, i think i have better latency to china. O_o I would probably stay in tanks or do the offensive mining game.
  18. But harder to actually hit. U really can't trust the projectile arc. I hate how it flattens out by itself when aiming at longer ranges.
  19. I too prefer more like the classic, problem is when you add more gameplay to perfect gameplay it isnt perfect anymore. Not that Renegade was perfect, but close IMO. I absolutly hate the spread and limited range they put on everything. The Airstrike is probably the worst implemented in my eyes, it is the ultimate teamplay wrecker, it is the worst, requires no skill or teamplay, you are a turd in my eyes if you use it. What is a nice thing with renegade X is that alot of the bugs have been fixed. I love that the proximity mines works with corners now, sneaky mining is way better now. Snipers scoping dont glitch all over the place now, and the ridicilous tunnel beacons are gone aswell. I dont mind the changes to the MLRS and the Arty either. Unintended Base to Base shit like on the old Island is gone aswell. And where renegade got very little love after it was released and EA took over, Renegade X, is still being worked on, and i believe that with more tweaking and polishing, Renegade X will be even greater game than the Old Ren.
  20. Mammoths are slow as hell, Arty's eat them up pretty fast and have a good chance of damaging the hotties in the process.
  21. This first part is actually right on topic Anyways it could be interesting so see some server hardware stats, and compare with reports of lag. I read somewhere that the ren-x dedicated server only uses 1 thread(Can we get this confirmed??!). So in theory(If it only uses 1 core) the "strongest" server might not be the best. Lets say we have a 2.4ghz 12 core xeon. well then we have 11 useless cores. so in theory it would cpu wise run way better on a core i5 or i7 3.5ghz. It could even be OC'ed easy to 4.4 to 4.6ghz for extra free performance. But this is just speculation since Devs have given us no details on the problem. I have theory that alot are bummed out of the low cap, i think there are more fans of the massive servers than people think. I have myself mostly stopped playing since they lowered the cap. It is just not my game with less than 64. It could be interesting to get some info from the devs, since i also have been on totally lag free servers even tho they were max players and the cap was at the cap.
  22. It was not aimed at you personal, i just think it is a very bad idea to have a game based on PVP where the game mechanics compensate by lowering the bar of the gameplay on the majority of players to help the minority. I dont know how bad or good the Australian connections is, but i played from EU to US plenty of times in a broad collection of games and i never really had that bad ping(Unless i was downloading a shitload of porn ). My point is that most of times when i have seen people with bad ping it has been because they have not been bothered to get a decent connection, and by decent i mean stable. I remember running the old renegade on a 128k/bit down - 64k/bit up and i had no lag unless i joined a chineese server or some shit. Back then ping up to 200ms were ok and 70ms were totally awesome. Nowaday you can easy get 14-20ms latency to "local servers" (EU to EU), and less than 100ms over seas(EU to US). So it cant imagine it is that bad from Australia either, unless there is some other factors playing in.
  23. That is the worst excuse ever for having spread. Bad ping should not be awarded in any way or compensated for.
  24. The best mele in real life is still a bullet to the head,
  25. It is so nice to hear someone with the same point of view as myself. It was a sad day for me when they choose to implement it on my beloved standard soldier in the closed beta.
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