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Everything posted by TheGroundsKeeper

  1. I think you are overreacting Renegade x i s already unique, and cant really be put in any other fps genre, and i already think it rewards the good players more than the average. even before pickups the good players dominated the game, got the better uints first, and in the end kept bad players on basic infantry fairly easy. I never needed multiple guns to play the game and have fun. There were always something to do no matter what arsenal you were carrying. The mods that emerged that allowed you to carry more than only your prebought wpn is kinda what made it more like every other fps if any. Choosing unit after what you find best for the team is part of the tactics of the game
  2. I see. didnt remember the pickup ram only had 1 shot, but in the end thats all you need with sbh. Kills matters, It gives you extra credits to spend on other units, or donate to new players or simply for swapping infantry, good players can easy come in a situation where you dont really need weapon pickup i remember in a non pickup game to swap from havoc to engineer, repair a building then swap back again to an havoc and still have loads of credits after. ofc u end up boinking alot of basic infantry, but it doesent really matters, good snipers wins renegade imo. And damn they suck being up against
  3. I personally remember Going SBh and starting up with getting a small sniper, then a rocketlauncher then a portable ioncannon, then a ramjet, you have a free pullback unless you had very low hp and aiming at people are so much more easy when you stand still, and when you already have a great aim jumping and sidestepping.... its on line pointwise with the arty campers that had been talked so much about, and that was only from sniping infantry. id say back in renegade that combo gave me close to a 100/1k/d ratio, Edit: Btw the ramjet-sniper had 4 shots, you are thinking of the revashaw rifle, or am i remembering wrong? And you didnt really had to use the scope in renegade, you had the red color on the crosshair when you had a chance of hit why the scope was awesome in renegade wat because of the scope glitch where you were all over the place Being invisible just tops that big time. Edit again : ohh and every infantry instant died from headshot with both snipers and the Sydney and raweshaw rifles. Not base infantry, All infantry, and with 100pts for a havoc/sakura possibly raweshaw/sydney kill, you could harvest points pretty fast as far i remember if that was what you wanted, and in the end your opposite team runs out of money, buying a 1000credit unit andthen loosing it secons later makes you poor really fast or go for another tactic
  4. SBH + Ramjet = OP, never like the wpn drop games just because of that.... get a SBH, Get A ramjetrifle, take your time oneshot an infantry and 5 secs later invisible again not a tactic, not nothing, as close to cheating without cheating as it can come so limit or not, matters not really for me, wpn pickups in Renegade was all lame
  5. I think the issue is alittle like soccer or fishing, alot of "no progress" gives a kick when it suddently happens Anyways i had loads of fun in the original. Imo nothing should be changed in ren-x compared to the old exept the graphics and glitches.
  6. Again i never felt the camping was a problem for me having fun either, and i think its a problem in under 40player games only. with the tank cap on 7 in the original and loads of infantry you could basically shoot down artellery with machineguns
  7. After several loss of harvesters due to nod attacks GDI tried out a new tactic. http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a396/Tecco/?action=view&current=UT32011-09-0913-19-10-74.mp4
  8. Medium tanks are awesome no doubt about that, is by far my most favorite tank in the game, as you say sturdyness and ok dmg and a good speed. Ii think tho its only a problem where u cant reach the other base by foot without getting out in the open. I was playing a little at the renx server the yesterday. sadly we were max 4 players, and i felt that the splash dmg was HUGE on most tanks, especially the mammoth felt really big ang with high splashdmg but it might be me The arty always had good splash dmg and broad range, but i generally remember it being fairly easy to dodge tankshells, wich i found alittle harder in ren-x. As you say it can be hard to get random groups to work as a team, ex to get 5 rams to shoot at the same time, but it is a awesome way to finish off campingspots. And i do like that theres a good advantage for people who understands to work as a team. But i do understand what maps you mean, Under we had a episode in 2vs2 where the guys on the gdi side was in 2 mammoths, i didnt get to try all my sneaky defences but we managed actually multiple times to chase/kill/steal some mammoths with 1xstank and the sakura-antitankgun(Good for boinking engineers aswell ). Also the light tanks are awesome for dodging the mammoths shells. I also remember compleley neggating Under's camping as Nod in the original by having 4 artys standing in base(behind airstrip tower) and shooting out of the base, will not work in a 2vs2 ofc, but i really dont think the game was ballanced towards anything less than 20vs20 if u ask me. When u hit the more serious games like 60+vs60+(wich is the best ive tried ever ) camping becomes nearly impossible, due to a bigger amount of badass infantry Anyways most maps there is a way to counter it, but some are much harder than others once the opposing team takes over. Anyways get afew freinds, and maybe get to know afew trough the game, get on voice and feel the magic of cooperation 4people playing tight makes the world of difference in a game like renegade Edit: I dont think its aproblem om all maps, if u have some kind of other route, eg open road or other so you can start your own offence, its not that big of an issue, probs is in like Under where as u say they can seal off the trooperexit so theres pretty ,much no way out of the base. Most cases when a team has been camping to long on your base the defense goes sloppy and are easy targets for apc rushes or gunners :]
  9. Double post again. the edit button dissaper when u change page. btw also i apoligize sounding kinda disrespectfull in my last post, i see that now. Most maps also have some kind of infantry only paths that leads to different places on the map. eg the one with the 2 walls has the small path to the rocks. i never seen anyone being able to camp there if u have somewhat control of the rock. Same goes with most of the other maps i can think of. If the opposing team Dominates BOTH infantry and vehicle paths then u are supposed to loose. In most cases the team that holds the infantry paths wins. So imo. the artyfarmers are just a biproduct of good players playing infantry. Also u had choppers and orcas that artillery were defenseless against. And for the airstrike. Would the players in the zone of the airistrike not just move out of the way and then back?
  10. A quarter team with ramjets? as far as i remember arties dies en 4-5 shots. Yes?
  11. When the game comes as a standalone, steam might be a good way to get people playing.(if steam agrees to it) millions will see the game comercial when they launch it. theres afew games that are free on steam, and i ended up trying em all and still plays afew(like alien swarm). And this game is just so much more awesome than most onther games out there. would be a big succes on steam im sure.
  12. I do agree with the B2B tho. Thats just sucky.
  13. So, what you say is that u have to actually "do" something if u are 2 people to beat 2 other people? I can see how that is offending. The ramjet kills any unit with a headshot! if u fail to stop 1 arty and 1 repair guy as 2 people with ramjet, then i dare to say that its not the game that needs tweaking it might be you. Theres so many awesome way to beat your opposing team, from yes building pounding to nukes/ions, engie rushes and tank rushes+ many more genius ways. And there counters for every off theese. I beat many and been beaten by many Many times in this game, sometimes people are just better. if you can just trow in 500cash and ruin the offense for the other team (even tho its a sucky arty attack), ruin it for the attacking team that just did better in preparing and building up cash for the attack and possibly beat off your own attack. I see no fairness in a "autoexplode opposing teams succesfull attack because we failed- Button" Ive ofc seen the scenario loads of times in rando groups, 20 nabs bunker up in a building trying to harvest points/cash from repairing while its free pts or the people in the arty's. Especially when in many cases only 3 are needed for that repair. in that case well your entire team is doing something wrong. The cure for this is practice and good freinds who also knows abit of the game. Ive played with totally newbs to the shooting genre in the original Renegade, and teamwork still paid off big time.
  14. I dont get it, 2 people with ramjet rifles that just remoteley worked as a team could stop any artellery in the original. cant really see the prob. removing the "pounding of buildings" would make them useless imo, and its a part of the strategi if u dont wanna loose to keep artellery down and for the other side to protect them from harm. also making repairs give more points would make peolpe play to defensive, ending up having 90% of both of the teams to dig in at the base and no one attacking wich would the game boring.
  15. yea ill probably be there with backup
  16. I liked best the 64-127 player servers in the old renegade, Max tankrush's with full engineer backup, good base defense, snipers everywhere, and i like the tanks get a smaller role of play with many players, i remember stopping a flametankrush with standard stroopers because it was not properply supported. With less than 10 on each side theres just not enough to both have a good amount of tanks and also have snipers 2 snatch off engineers repairing tanks, and on the other side snipers to stop the snipers from sniping the engineers and so on Dont know about Latency on Renegade x, but back then they could host 127 player games, so ity cant be all bad, i mean alot have happened in bandwith since then
  17. Yea, was great fun but im hoping for a solid amount of players, 20minimum, the hype is going great in class and freinds tho, so think we will have the base for great fun in th enext week or so
  18. When do people play, im kinda trying 2 start a hype at school, but theres never any players online it seems
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