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Posts posted by RustyShackleford

  1. What if we try a new way to fix the stalemate issue:


    1. As the game time progresses, the Tiberium field grows and keeps growing and reaches inside the bases. We've always been told that Tiberium is infecting the planet and the whole planet has been divided into Red, Yellow and Blue zones. But we never get to see it grow. Also this will force players who wander around as SBH to either get in a tank or get a chem trooper.

    2. Re-spawning in base is not very realistic. I know that the re-spawn timer delay was added to alleviate some "realism" concerns, much to the dismay and disapproval of the whole player base. Perhaps maybe we can re-spawn via Cargo Plane dropping us off over top the map and we press space to parachute in.

    3. Buying weapons at a purchase terminal is not very realistic and is inherently unbalanced. Last I checked, Bernie wasn't the president in the tiberium universe. So why are we just handing out credits equally to the whole team? Perhaps the map should be littered with weapons of fallen soldiers.

    4. Crates hovering and spinning in the air is also not very realistic, and not very balanced. Perhaps cargo planes should fly above and drop the crates.

    5. Finally if the team is still not cooperating and is unable to organize a rush, then we should turn on friendly fire. Because lets be realistic here, we've had over an hour to work together and defeat our enemy. So why should I suffer because my team is tarted? At this point it should be a matter of survival before the tiberium zone grows stronger.


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  2. Today Renegade X evolved to next level teamplay. A level that no other team based FPS/3PS shooter has ever achieved. 

    We held our first pre-game strategy meeting in the HoN. It was a quick standing meeting with great turnout.

    We discussed our obstacles from the last match, and we identified new strategies for the current match.
    It was a very positive and energetic atmosphere.









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  3. Field is a great map. It used to be a 2-4 hour marathon in Beta3 when we did not have veterency, commanders and lastly EMPs were much more powerful. I recall a match that lasted over 3 hours because even a full 10 flamer rush wouldn't work due to a few EMPs.

    The original Field X was well made, I don't mean to shit on the countless hours spent by the map maker.

    However the original Field X was one of the worst designs, significantly worse than you claim for original Field. At least in Field, each team is capable of defending themselves. Even if locked in their base you can rack up credits/points on repairs, throw EMPs, drop cruise missles/airstrikes and smokes and rush the opposing enemy.

    In original Field X, it was completely fucking open. First team to get Artys/MRLS wins. You can get sniped from all over your own base. You get bombarded by tanks at front entrance, behind bunker, behind the rock at the bunker, the bridge, between bridge and bunker, behind the PP route rock and behind the rock at the opening of the PP route/infront of bunker. It was fucked up. That map led to so many more ragequits than any other map. Not to mention all the tunnels facing your base! I guarantee we lost countless newcommers because they spawned in Field X  and couldn't do anything.

    With Commander powers & delayed EMP, it is not that hard to get push back tanks at entrance in original field. The reason you get frustrated playing Field is due to the fact that Field requires that you keep tanks nearly full. If you end up on a stacked team of good inf players who hardly ever buy tanks, then you are going to lose. Which ever team is stacked with players who actually buy tanks and participate in rushes will win. 


    Field X v2 isn't as bad as Field X v1. I still prefer original field, but I have no qualms against Field X V2. Just never bring back Field X V1.

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  4. On 10/23/2017 at 10:41 AM, Madkill40 said:

    If AOW instigated an automatic surrender of the team with the lowest points for the last 5 minutes of the game it would probably be played more often, what people don't like is an abrupt ending to a match so an entire team turning Heroic would be a very nice reward for them to end it. (However the other team should keep their veterancy)

    This would cease a stalemate and ensure the 45 minute game ends with a push.

    ew no! The surrender mechanic is totally broken. Surrender by definition means to give up. Not to be "downgraded to Recruit while the other team goes Heroic and kill farms for 5 minutes". 

    If everyone is set on keeping Surrender as is, then please don't downgrade the surrendering team to Recruit. Making the winning team all Heroic is fine.


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  5. Beacon should last for 0.5 seconds longer for each player that is missing from max available slots.

    on 5v5 = 60 seconds + 7.5 seconds

    on 19v19 = 60+ 0.5s

    (assuming 40 player server)


    Right now any answer is the right answer because it is better than the current situation. 

  6. I don't get why some of you are coming up with hypothetical situations. No need for a hypothesis, we have numerous witnesses. It was not Hotwires passing by each other, it was not long range snipers coming up with a truce or any other shenanigans. However I should note that in each of those cases you are team hampering. This is a team based game, if you go against your team you break the mechanics behind it.

    It was a party of people who were on voice chat with each other and agreed not to shoot each other and gave away enemy positions.

    @CampinJeff I appreciate you taking care of this.

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  7. 12 hours ago, Sarah! said:

    Or says that because there's no blocking volume it's not considered out of map while insulting my map making on the basis of an ingame command.

    There is no blocking volume at that spot on Walls on the left of nod ref. You can walk there in a straight line without a vehicle, without jumping, without glitching. It is apart of the map. You don't even get an Out of map boundary message warning. This spot is apart of the map as much as the rock cave on GDIs side of the map.

    I told you to check the volumes yourself. It wasn't an insult I was defending my self against your accusation. 


  8. My take on this, irrespective of the shitposting going on;

    1. Ramjet Havoc/Sakura. New spread is a bit too much. Every shot is a luck shot. Since each shot has a different random spread, the only way to guarantee a hit is to be close enough to the enemy so that the spread does not matter. What we are left with is a distance where you are not close enough, but not far away enough to scope. The spread on Ramjet & Sniper rifle reminds me of the McFartland fiasco. McFartland dominated when first introduced, many complaints later it was nerfed so bad no one used him. Then it was again increased and has remained very steady. With Sniper/Ramjet I think we are on 2nd iteration. I hope the spread is dealt with, or at least offer some way to predict/control it. I believe @poi may have mentioned something like this (did you?)

    I do agree with adding more "visible effects". It's kind of like SBH, they are invisible, but once you shoot Laser Rifle, everyone can hear/see you. One thing you should know about me is that I truly believe in taking care of the new comers, and I think visible effects will at least allow the newbie to know where the shot came from.

    2. Sniper Rifle Deadeye/BHS. Please get rid of the new secondary weapon. I think Deadeye/BHS should have heavy pistol back. Or leave the hip fire spread, even increase it to 180 degrees and give us Carbine :). Lastly, remember what seems to have been forgotten when new skin of BHS was introduced. Deadeye & BHS are the true recon/sneaking class. The Sniper Rifle in original Ren made little noise and only left a tiny bullet trail. Also both characters are "small" and can hide their head behind a tree. However the ninja turtle outfit of BHS is a disservice, it looks cool & was well modeled but its too big. Can't hide/sneak as nice as the old skin.

    In conclusion, I think we need to discourage both classes from close combat instant kills. Sakura/Havoc should have slightly less spread (by a degree even) and have much more visual effects so they can be spotted and hunted. They are after all a powerful class that are meant to deal excessive damage from afar. While Deadeye/BHS we trade excessive damage for stealth, and we discourage close combat with hipfire spread. However a Heavy Pistol, Carbine or even Autorifle would be nice because of low health. I assure you no one will run around abusing Deadeye + Carbine fighting close combat.

    As for the Raveshaw & Sydney, I don't know what to do. They are supposed to be anti-tank/air/buildings etc. But now they get used like an instagib...
    And I wouldn't give a damn if this game was as popular as CS/COD and other abominations. However in Renx we have a dwindling playerbase and I think we should cater to the new comers, not the veterans. If you take away Sydney/Raveshaw tomorrow, I assure you that we veterans will still have a good time and dominate the newbies. Because it is not like the newbies can properly use them against us anyways. Only the reverse is true. I am not advocating actually getting rid of or nerfing Raveshaw/Sydney (we need them for anti-everything else). I'm trying to make a point that we should nerf or cap the veteran players.

    There is a reason as to why I played original Renegade so long. It's because only the veteran players were left, so every match was challenging. Playing COD I could en up against some tween who slept with my mom or a professional Russian on CS. Renegade X is not an old game, and has yet to reach its climax.

    @Algol I hope you come back. Don't let a few pricks ruin your day.


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