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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by Nielsen

  1. I've notified the creator of the track, he or Jam will probably upload it.
  2. Haha I like how the review ends with "eh it's a bit buggy but then again the competition is too and you're paying 50 bucks for that"
  3. Mobius and Sheppard look mid- to late 40 in TD tbh. Makes them having a son / daughter at age 20-30 which is not very uncommon for a lot of people. You said it yourself, most of the tech resembles TD. then dr. Mobius has SINCE(!) spent his life studying the material, so from its appearance to date. I dunno what you're on about iran but you're half arguing against your own position on the matter. "into the 21st century" is simply post-1999, which doesn't detract anything from the '99-2002 timeframe.
  4. Well I'm not saying it is a double typo, it could've been the first time and then they kept it because the person writing the manual was consistent (and unaware). Or the game was originally planned to be in 2020. Or they messed up lol. In any case they did mess up, because it makes no sense for the game to be in 2020.
  5. That the manual says it twice means only that they were at least consistent with their error if it is one.
  6. I am aware that the manual states 2020, I have it right here, I always assumed that was a typo however, 2002 / 2020 it's easily made... I concur that Renegade is in sync with TD, or if it's not then they made a wrong impression on me Stealth Tank was all in TD, personal Ion Cannon has nothing to do with TS. The Nod soldier in Ren has ski goggles but other than that looks paramilitary like in TD. The ending cutscene in Ren leaves a lot to be desired, you destroy a Nod temple in Caïro, Egypt if I'm not mistaken, Kane is still alive. At the end of TD, Kane is "dead" and never heard of again until the start of TS... surely if Kane "died" already and is known to be alive during events in Ren (he speaks to Havoc) then Solomon would not be surprised. Seeing how long wars last and the events in TD / Ren I can only conclude that it's round ~99 / 2002 and not 2020. TS already starts in 2030 with vastly upgraded tech: Mechs, spaceships, orbital command centre etc. Ren being in 2020 is doubtful tbh. Mobius looking different (he doesn't resemble the goofy guy that played the original at all) is not very compelling evidence.
  7. I thought Renegade was 2002?
  8. Nielsen

    New content?

    Okay, could've sworn that was the same layout. Content patch -the time of which is not determined yet- will include: Complex, Under, perhaps the return of Xmountain from UT3 version and hopefully another original map. Yes, Hourglass was particularly awful, it's been remade into Whiteout. As for City_Flying, everyone's hoping for its return If you have to choose between City_Flying and Volcano, which would you choose?
  9. Haha what are you on about? You can drive an APC right up to the Obelisk / Refinery... You can still shoot the Obelisk with an MLRS without retaliation... You can infiltrate the Nod base with a character easy if the Obelisk is either distracted or you go with 2 people, or you go with a $1000 character. Pressure on the HoN or attacking harvesters and good teamwork will break Nod just as good. Just that nobody does it. Voice IP + decent strategies and playing your team's strengths will work out in time. This map is no Field where you can lazily hang back and have (no)fun in the grinder. --> the Warfactory path will be fixed because that atm really is too easy, although beacons planted there are very easy to get rid of too tbh. GDI's base is much tighter because they don't have an airstrip to deal with.
  10. There's two issues atm. GDI can get to the HoN but only expert players can do it atm, should be made a little easier. Nod cannot jump into the water anymore from the bridge, but they can from some rocks next to it. That'll be addressed, other than that GDI has some VERY good options of destroying Nod base, you guys just haven't found it yet. Other than that, GDI bridge is easily mined, Barracks has 1 entrance, there's a guard tower right next to it, next to the GDI barracks can be mined too. People hardly make use of the Tiberium routes too, Nod stealth tanks seem to because the gameplay is conducive to that, I hardly see GDI people destroying Nod harvesters in the game... I hope as time goes by people organize and learn that not every map plays the same and this one especially was designed to shake things up a bit. GDI also can just gunner rush the HoN btw while there is no such option for Nod.
  11. I'm afraid Tiberium does not replenish itself, once all minerals from the ground are depleted the ground is effectively "dead" and Tiberium has to expand into new regions to sustain growth. It's a worrying prospect for the ecology
  12. I've never played any CoD game after the first MW. But that was good and very polished. I understand that they're only rehashing it right now, but you can't complain about the shooting mechanics all that much I think, it's very polished at least.
  13. Maybe because in it's own way, it's a good game?
  14. Nice post OP, thanks for your feedback and support!
  15. We purposefully do not run dx 11 because we expected a lot of people to not have cards capable of supporting it. And it seems to mess with our post process settings too.
  16. You know, I was almost going to say this. As a joke. Cause that would be awful. Why ? It's the team's job to provide diversion, it's the laser designator's job to find a location more hidden than in plain sight... It's the game's job to provide a reasonable defence against losing your troops against an unstoppable (at least after called in) airstrike.
  17. If things are unclear then it is the game/ our fault. Aside from the Renegade quirks things should be pretty self-explanatory if you have an elegant gamedesign and all the visual / audio cues to support w/e is supposed to be going on. There's a lot of stuff that requires tweaking and I think the EVA sounds are definitely one of them... we should look at prioritizing them above all other sound for instance. The airstrike is kind of unclear, I think the game should do all it can to scream AIRSTRIKE!!! "shoot this mans to stop it from happening"
  18. I agree about the tone but you place yourself above that and you argue about the points made. Some of you kneejerk into the worst version of yourself, you can do that somewhere else.
  19. Our "loyal" fanbase seems a bit zealous at times. The attitude some of you are displaying is highly toxic and does not promote our game nor a sustainable (new and larger) community. If I see more of this bullshit popping up, either I'm locking the thread or deleting your posts, maybe I shouldn't though since everyone can clearly see what type of person they're dealing with. If we can't even have a reasonable debate then what's the point of coming here?
  20. I see his points about walking speed, TTK, squads and immersion as valid criticism or ideas. There's a lot of "I this and I that" in the post but hey, it's his opinion. There's been a lot of discussion about sprint speed within the team. TTK is debatable. Squads might be coming in the future. Immersion is the reason why I try to add some extra flavour to my maps. Personally I would change my boink sound to something else or remove it if I had the choice. Read his post again and then read yours again and try to think about it for a while before coming back to this thread.
  21. Little disappointed by the backlash here peeps... input from players new to the game is especially valuable because it challenges things you take for granted. By having criticism on Ren(X) you do not immediately wish it to be exactly like BF or CoD.... similarly when playing BF I see everyone telling everyone to "go play CoD", this behaviour leads to nothing. So try to discuss it in a mature fashion yeah?
  22. Hey Mike, Can you ask kenz for some contact details from the rest of the team? (Skype)
  23. We're discussing this so it's noted! We'll keep you informed.
  24. Enjoy it while you can everyone!
  25. The timing may vary slightly because as the announcement is made time passed by so the voice actor's line might not be entirely in sync. but both teams have plenty and equal time to disarm the beacon. We'll monitor this though because it might mess with people's expectations a bit.
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