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  • Birthday 08/30/1989

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    The Netherlands

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  1. No there's a 4 GB total memory limit, depending on your vram vs ram and how the videocard takes up memory in that process it can be less than 4. If you reach that limit as we did a lot before, it leads to game crashes which were much more frequent in the past. There is a way to get around it using LAA : https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/thre ... re.112556/ (I never tried it on Ren-X, could potentially help) But we chose not to use this, use that program at your own peril. It's pretty much required for any Sins of a Solar Empire mod for instance.
  2. 32-bit game because of reasons, so the RAM available is very limited.
  3. Love the prefab kits, they should go into some maps regardless.
  4. I can't believe I never played it... it looks really good to be honest, proper objectives and side objectives etc per map. It's like superior ren+ BF 2 or something.
  5. Quite surprised to see people being ok with transforming the game into something which is not C&C. We have discussed this somewhat a few times within the team but felt it unwise since C&C is one of the big pulls of this game. If it were to be retooled I'd rather we do it on UE 4 but it would practically mean building a new game pretty much, it's easy to talk about new factions and backstory but actually expressing them in terms of design and aesthetics is not simple and can be quite time consuming if you want to do it right. C&C is appealing because it has an interesting backstory, you can't simply pit some generic faction vs generic faction and think this out on an afternoon, we're invested in GDI & Nod because we've played multiple games with a lot of information and backstory on them. I'd say your best bet for getting this done (retooling the current UDK game) is doing it yourselves as a community. Speaking for myself here but I simply can't afford to work on free projects anymore like Rypel said the college days are over. I'd be more than happy to give some advice of course. And out of sheer curiosity, what would you like to see TA build if we were to build a new / UE 4 game? -Heh interesting that ETQW trailer, the first bit with the ambush is pretty much exactly the Ren cutscene in the canyon on mission 1.
  6. Post it here with the details and maybe someone will pick it up : )
  7. The spots are on the landscape though, not the rocks so the rocks' lightmap res has nothing to do with it, they're only responsible for the shadows on the rocks themselves not the projected shadowmap. The rocks even at lod 3 aren't that square that they will project anything bad. The landscape components are all individually placed on a landscape lightmap, either too high or too low a resolution will cause bleeding or insufficient resolution and you get crappy sectors, that is the most likely cause. From what I can tell it looks really low res per sector atm so just try upping the lightmap on the landscape first.
  8. I think the fix was to paint a "bottom layer" at .01 or lowest opacity possible and paint all others on top of that, set that layer to alpha blend as well. You can make this layer middle gray or just a normal map or something so it doesn't interfere with any of the other layers. edit - lol Havoc also says this in his post btw. If this fix doesn't work for you then it's a different problem, I assumed it was the black squares since I can't see the picture posted in the thread anymore. It could be related to different stuff otherwise, you might have to "regenerate" your terrain (change the size of the squares but keep the same overall size will force it to recompute and usually gets rid of weird errors and stuff) or it's the lightmap on the terrain having too low a resolution.
  9. They should be in your Nigerian bank account already!
  10. You will be well compensated and can look forward to early retirement!
  11. to the OP: Start with Unreal Engine 4 or Unity and build something no matter how small with it. You can mod Ren-X if you want but you're working with an outdated engine and Uscript which has been done away with in UE 4 in favour of Blueprint / C++ the latter is more relevant for a career in games anyways.
  12. My grandfather who passed away in march 2014. He lives on in cyberspace now.
  13. No offense taken or anything, just stating why it runs faster. I like this idea a lot and having several scenes for variation is a neat idea, especially if it would alternate on startup.
  14. Increase in fps is logical, a lot of the hangar deck scene isn't rendered. It's a very small cutout now instead of hundreds of armour plates and what ever meshes + a huge hovercraft, it just renders a small corner and 3-6 characters. Looks cool in any case!
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