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Everything posted by epicelite
Also it is made over 9000% more useless by the fact that most servers check the "show teammates only" box...
So yeah... Definitely not finished. I was thinking of adding decorations under it with some kind of clear top and or grate to make it look more functional then a slab of concrete? Adds lots of polies though. Also I was thinking for the "lightning" that does the actual repairing I guess I could add 2 "emitters" pointing at each other? Or did someone already do the repair pad, someone should update that "progress" thing.
I am not asking for a detailed picture but like SOMETHING! outline of buildings and shit.
I never found the radar useful. NEVER. The only way it could ever be useful is if you added a actual map of the map not just black with some circles.
I volunteer to admin. :lol:
I know! How about if one person finds it, it would kind of become negetave-translucent so it could be seen through other objects? I mean if I found a beacon I would be yelling ITS OVER HERE ENGINEERS HURRY SHIT SHIT SHITTTT! Also it would look cool! So like player X sees beacon, targets it. Then it can be seen trough everything by his team but if nobody is looking at it then it goes back to normal.
A 50+ C&C with... no lag... *crys* it's so beautiful! *blows up other team*
Come on let me test it, I have too much free time and I won't even let a screenshot out to anyone. :lol:
Good point people could hide them in the grass, how gay is that.
I like what I am seeing, but when I click for a bigger picture I get an error!? Does the airstrip have an elevator to get into the top, it makes a good sniper spot! On islands when your in the tunnels are there going to be fish? "Renegade X had bought it for a good fifty or sixty dollars, and now you can find it in certain places for less than ten dollars." Yeah it makes me RAGE. I tried to play the actual game too but it sucks so hard.
There should be a choice for server owners to enable "Suggested starting credits." and each map would have a set amound that it would start with VS always the same amount to start with on each map. EX: C&C_Under Start Credits: $1000 the map has base defenses, is large and pointless for everyone to buy a free character and kill 3 minutes waiting for the harvester to get back well trying to defend their own. C&C_Complex: Start Credits $400 The harvester moves fast when it gets to the refinery as the tiberium is a short drive away. Also no base defenses. C&C_Walls_Flying: Start Credits: 500 Tiberium is a good distance away, but there are no base defenses. OR: Refinery's are more efficient on one map VS another because maybe... The people operating it are more experienced? The refinery is new and all the machinery is working at max capacity? OR: Multiple harvesters? I just always hate how money is the same on every map nomatter the size or anything, especially on large maps where 1 team ALWAYS ends up trapped in their base and they can't do crap because the harvy keeps dieing and they have no money. EX: C&C_Under Start Credits: $6/Sec Fast rate: Slow map with slow harvisting. (Sereously why would you put the refinary in the back of the base farthest away from the tib?) C&C_Complex: Start Credits $2/Sec Normal rate, small fast harvester'd map. C&C_Walls_Flying: Start Credits: $4/Sec Med rate, large map with fairly speedy harvester. JUST EXAMPLES! I am going to go be bored somewhere else now, later.
Well as long as the people coding C&C mode and the people coding the dirt are separate, I don't want to wait one more minute then I have to, I wanna play NOWWWW! :angry:
Well ok I will jump on the bandwagon here and postpone killing myself in anticipation as well. You better keep a steady stream of updates if you don't want any blood on your hands. On a more related node why not wait till the mod is finished and we can play it, release it, then release a update with damage system and stuff? I don't want to wait just so the tanks can look dirty! :angry:
Naw see on a non-base defense map the SBH is really overpowered, cus you can just stroll right into the GDI base and plant your becon or whatever. GDI cannot do that unless Nod is paying no attention at all.
I like the PP APC trick You plant a beacon as a tech, at the PP, you sit in that little V corner thing by the door and repair the APC as he backs up into it so that nobody can get to the beacon to disarm it.
Because if you are constantly worried about a SBH then you are more on-edge and more likely to mess up and get yourself killed.
Yeah just like on GDI how you have 50% of the team putting mines infront of the AGT because the think it will help stop a rush. Or they buy a Havoc to shoot at that one artillery. Or they stand their "d00de im saving for a mammy rush lol come on guise MAMMY RUSH!11!!1!!11" At least those SBH's are out on the field keeping GDI looking over their shoulder.
QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Sep 3 2008, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Also waiting on the field for some idiot to hop out and try and repair their tank only to find it stolen!
Nod has the Chem Warrior who can walk on tib, and the SBH who is freaking INVISIBLE! So anyway why not make the PIC suit for Mobius/Sydney actually do something? Like maybe it costs an extra 500 creds extra, but does something that... -Lets you see SBH/Stank better? In single player she puts on the suit to find SBH's or something but it didn't work so well. -Gives your radar the ability to see enemies. (when not available by the server) -Makes you uncrushable? That would be gay though. -Makes weapons do less damage unless headshot? Currently all it does is make your character a bigger target. Also why do tanks have armor? Shouldn't it all be health? I mean infantry have it because when you fall you lose health and not armor. So why do tanks and stuff have it lol?
IN B4 "NO"!
Well just add a option for my server then servers "[]Reduce ramjet VS vehicle damage"
It was not balanced in the first place because you can 75% of things in the game from atop some hill where it is hard as fuck to shoot back.
QUOTE (HotSWAT @ Sep 1 2008, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats what this is supposed to be a siggy banner.
Someone spruce up this banned plox. Well actually the banner is made by someone on RENX team but I took it and cut out the text and stuff. -Maybe make the edges transparent instead of just white? -Add some catchy tag line from the game, not just "I got a present for ya" maybe... PS: To whoever make the RenX logo thx. PS: LOL I ment to say banner
Ok fine lets continue to have an overpowerd gun and call it "balanced" just because westwood was unable to patch it before EA came in and shut them down. Lets continue to have this character that can kill every infantry unit in 2 hits from across the map and HEY! Why not let him kill the vehicles too? I mean really that way the only thing that can kill him is another sniper! WOW THIS SURE IS FUN WHY NOT JUST MAKE SNIPERS THE ONLY CHAR LOL? THAT WAY NOBODY CAN COMPLAIN LETS MAKE THIS SNIPERS ONLY LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! What I am saying is. Don't even bother to make other characters because with this new no-lag engine everyone is just going to be a sniper anyway. I mean this is like why I stopped playing Unreal 3 and have no played in sense. The longbow arvil, IMPOSSIBLE TO AVOID AND IT FREAKING AUTO TRACKS! 1 hit kill on all but the most heavy of tanks/one hit aircraft. GEE SURE IS FAIR I CAN STAND OVER HERE ON THIS HILL AND U CANT EVEN SEE ME IM SO FAR AWAY BUT IF I HOLD DOWN THIS BUTTON IT FINDS YOUR CAR/HELI FOR ME WOW I SURE AM SKILLED! Only diff with the sniper is you have to find it on your own but that's not hard because all of renegades maps are SO SMALL! Yes it would take a little more changing of things to make it balanced(if that's what you call it) when toning down sniper VS vehic damage. In the end it would be totally worth it. I am not saying make the sniper completly useless against light vehic's but I am saying make it so that the sniper would be best to choose to shoot at the infantry and not the artillery. That's what a sniper is for killing infantry. SNIPER: Less effective against vehics. ROCKETS: Auto tracking that takes little, but still some, effort to engage. More damage VS light armor. Rockets get UNLIMITED range when locked onto a target. Do not curve sharply. PIC/Railgun: Longer range, Mammoth tusks: Should devastate aircraft/more range/light tracking. BAWWWW NOW THE SNIPER IS USELESS I CANT KILL THEIR HUMVEE! Well should of thought about that before buying the sniper to to shoot fucking humvee's dick face. Get the freaking PIC if you want to stand their and shoot their tanks like a n00b but now you cant also kill the infantry as easy with no scope. Try to fallow along with me here. It doesn't make a balanced game when the only way to combat aircraft/light vehicles costs 1000 and is meant to kill infantry. It does make it balanced to fix the sniper, add more ways to kill the aircraft/light vehicle. It doesn't make a balanced game to leave the sniper overpowered vs aircraft/light vehicles, then add more ways to kill the aircraft/light vehicle with tracking rockets. It does make it balanced when the sniper is able to be thwarted by a Humvee to get past him. It doesn't make a balanced game when the expensive sniper is able to be killed by a cheap vehicle. It does make it balanced when the sniper is able to hide in an area that the light vehicle/aircraft cannot get to. It doesn't make a balanced game when the light vehicle/aircraft is able to easily kill everything and then get away when it is down to low health. It does make it balanced the light vehicle/aircraft has extremely low health and is able to be killed by a few sniper shots before it does. It doesn't make a balanced game when the light vehicle/aircraft is not able to even to get in a position to do anything because of a sniper. It does make it balanced when the light vehicle/aircraft is able to be destroyed by a couple of rockets that could potentially be seen incoming and avoided by turning back before it gets to where it wants. It doesn't make a balanced game when it turns into a "shootin' gallery" just because the other team lost their bar/refinery and can only afford a few light vehicles. It does make it balanced when you are unable to get anything besides a light vehicle, but you can use that to get close to the sniper and attempt to kill them. Yes it would make the game different from the original, but if you want it to be exactly the same why bother remaking it at all. Redoing something is not just so it can look better, you should improve on the original with changes. Change can just as easily be a good thing as it can a bad thing. You claim you want to improve the game, but refuse to put in a little effort and fix an obvious imbalance in the "rock-paper-scissors" of things. PS: The top half of this post isn't really worth reading.