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Everything posted by epicelite

  1. Doesn't work.
  2. Post counts should be removed.
  3. Tell them the game is just rated M because it has guns and the ESRB is getting more strict. If they are dumb they will go for it.
  4. Anyone wanna share a working WOL for renegade folder? Mine keeps getting currupted or something and my CD's have became all screwed up.
  5. You can to strafe!? WTF you never remapped a key! I use the mouse to turn and aim!
  6. I use the arrow keys, WASD is for n00bs. I was plain' FPS when you were all still in diapers! lol doom.
  7. How about a simple syster that allows more vehicles when there are more players?
  8. What about pickup, sedan, chameleon?
  9. Oh it would be cool if we could hit people with the but of most guns too! =3
  10. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Feb 7 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL What does it sound like I mean?
  11. QUOTE (AsgarothXc @ Feb 6 2009, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Enjoy your computer AIDS.
  12. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Jan 31 2009, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No I mean, make the ladder with no collision settings except bullets, then make a single invisible polygon and copy past that for the steps.
  13. So what are some random props that are not made yet? Maybe some server side add in props? Can I make the random whatever crate?
  14. The word "Remake" usually implies that your are IMPROVING on the previous thing.
  15. QUOTE no[/b] OH COME ONNNNN! Do it! Also sent... I mean advanced guard tower doesn't shoot him when he is invisible!
  16. QUOTE (CrazyAndy @ Feb 6 2009, 07:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I will trade my soul for it! RIGHT NOW! Plz?
  17. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Feb 5 2009, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Explain how that nuclear bomb or ion cannon beam gets into that tunnel, PLEASE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) So what kind of server options can we expect? Customization wise? Like.... Disable/allow [X] on [X] map. Start credits [$XXXXXXX] on [X] map. Time limit [X] on [X] map. Only allow purchase of [X] after [X] time on [X] map. Vehicle limit of [X] on [X] map. Minor base defenses, turret/guard tower, can be rebuilt if main defense still functions. Etc... In-game options: Disallow [PLAYER] from useing mines. (maybe they are being stupid with them?) Disallow [PLAYER] from useing vehicles. (being stupid?) Rock The Vote! 2) What about crates? Some servers just have the plain yellow $ box, others have the fun random crap box. What are you planning with that? 3) Why completely remake a game if your not going to change anything? I understand worries of keeping the "core game" the same but what about adding something extra in here and there? You often times refuse to add stuff in that everyone has always wanted in Renegade for no apparent reason. 4) Automatic updates [Y/N]? 5) Will pistols come pre-loaded? 6) Do you expect RenegadeX to be as played as the original? 7) Mine limits, I was thinking there should be a per-building type limit. Like allow so many mines for each building, but each building is not worth the same amount of mines. This would be on a per-map basis. (Based on # of entrances.) AGT +6 mines Power Plant +12 mines Barracks + 6/12 mines (has 2 doors but only one "entrance"?) HON + 12 Airstrip + 6 Weapons Factory + 12 Ect... Then add some more in consideration to stuff like: Does the map have a tunnel system? How large is the overall map? Man-sized base entrances? Etc... It doesn't matter where the mines are, like they are not limited to being in a building, it just prevents things like. GDI gets slight advantage because they only have one entrance to cover on the barracks. C&C _Under Not enough mines to cover all buildings properly. Wasted in tunnels. C&C_Islands Excess mines, usually put in stupid places like the water. 8) If a mine is on a wall is it going to stick out flat or go vertical? 9) Is there going to be a mine counter in the corner of the screen for any player holding mines? 10) Can the SBH get a butterfly knife that instantly kills enemy's with a back-stab? 11) Points system, shooting a harvester with a med tank rewards the player 5 points whereas shooting with a APC awards .25 per hit? Discuss. 12) Auto fire for repair gun?
  18. QUOTE (CrazyAndy @ Feb 5 2009, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh lawdy! :lol:
  19. Or you could make it a challenge for yourselves and have a release date?
  20. Comes out day after Duke Nukem Forever.
  21. When I try to load the page it looks like it loads but then Firefox stops working and I have to CTRL+ALT+DEL it away.
  22. Or you could have invisible single triangles then make a visible ladder around that?
  23. The point is I thought it was cool.
  24. I was playing Team Fortress 2, and some may not know but the game has no built in ladder system that I know of. So am playing this one map, forget name, and there is a ladder!? I looked at it good and hard and thought, how the fu... THEN I SAW IT! The ladder is just EXTREMELY thing stairs! You know how you can always go up X game units without jumping, for stairs? So basically it is like stairs, squished extremely thin so that there is just BARELY an edge for each "step" and then shaped it into a ladder! FUCKING GENIUS! All I am saying is, here is a way to make a ladder that, even in the original renegade, will work! (I don't recall seeing a ladder in unreal 3?) Looks like a normal ladder. But it's not.
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