I cant even play till some kind of locking feature is introduced, every goddamn time I get out of my tank so fucking faggot grabs it just to get it blown up as fast as they can without even shooting at anything.
Server needs more goddamn moderators or something.
I was GDI, stole an arty. I left it by the side of the barracks where it was safe like anyone would do. Only problem is this faggot kept trying to steal it so I couldn't get out.
Eventually he went away so I got myself a mammy and next thing I know I see my arty driving out on the field with its health going down till it gone. The fucker didn't even shoot at the enemy just drive out there for the sole purpose of getting it destroyed.
Maybe this is more of a server thing, maybe I should go bitch on the servers forums?
PS: Yes, I mad.