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Everything posted by Jam

  1. Click on offline game in the server connection tool or Renegade X IP.
  2. It would be handy if you would tell me what didn't help and which problems you still experience.
  3. There might not be servers online but 0.5 works fine.
  4. Unreal Tournament 3 Black will work fine and Renegade X also works with a steam version of UT3.
  5. Hello cj31387 and welcome to the forums. Question 1: Yes you do need Unreal Tournament 3. If you don't have it you won't be able to play Renegade X. Question 2: You're required to seperate the IP and port with a colon (e.g.
  6. Hey Hamburg and welcome to the forums. This is a known issue and there are a lot of topics about it (try using the search option before posting ) Fobby has responded to this issue recently, here's what he said. There are a few servers online from what I understand and you can connect to them using either the connect command ingame or Renegade X IP (which you can download here http://renegadex.game-maps.net/index.php?act=view&id=7)AlienX has a server running and you can find more information about that server right here. http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2571-Renegade-X-0.5-Server-Online Hope this helped.
  7. Happy birthday C&C!
  8. Jam


    I really like this skin aswell.
  9. I'm online right now.
  10. Unreal Tournament 3 is available for a few dollars/euros at your local game store. You won't only get Unreal Tournament but you'll get access to tons of awesome mods which you can download on ModDb.com.
  11. Jam


    I've looked everywhere but can't find the settings that shows topic replies from old to new. Anyone an idea?
  12. Jam

    hey server owners!

    It looks like we're going to use Slaughterhouse #2 as our marathon server. -- Be patient, though. We're setting up a bot for it asap.
  13. Jam

    #mp-renx irc

    !pl (players) !gi (gameinfo) Are working too now.
  14. Jam

    #mp-renx irc

    Note: This bot is still under development, meaning there will be more features in the near future!
  15. Jam

    Vehicle Lag

    Perfect example you recorded yourself:
  16. That has been discussed earlier here. It also got confirmed that this will be changed in an upcoming patch, read this topic for more information. > http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=3392
  17. This looks promising, keep up!
  18. 1) Your name or alias (example: Ben "PieLover" Dover) Jam 2) Your email address (example: 123fakename[AT]hotmail.com) DSBPiet@gmail.com 3) Your server name and IP if applicable (example: Pie Paradise X 555.126:4444) MP-Gaming.com RenX Slaughterhouse #1 :: MP-Gaming.com RenX Slaughterhouse #2 ::
  19. Tutorial from MP-Gaming In this topic I will explain you how to install the Unreal Tournament 3 (UT3) MOD called Renegade X (RenX). (Official website) For this tutorial you will need: o Renegade X -- Downloadable over at Game-Maps.NET -> http://renegadex.game-maps.net/index.php?act=view&id=1 (Mirrors) o Unreal Tournament 3, either downloaded or bought, but legal. o The latest UT3 patch -- Downloadable over at Game-Maps.NET -> http://ut3.game-maps.net/index.php?act=view&id=1455 o A cup of coffee with extra sugar. -- http://ezinearticles.com/?3-Simple-Tips-Fo...ee&id=18153 Minimum System Requirements The minimum system requirements for Renegade X are about the same as Unreal Tournament 3. You must have the necessary PC parts either as powerful or more powerful than the ones listed below. Minimum: o Supported OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista o Processor: 2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor o Memory: 512 MB RAM o Graphics: NVIDIA 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ Video Card o Sound: Windows Supported Sound Card o DirectX: DirectX 9.0c Let's begin with step one: We're going to download Renegade X from Game-Maps.NET. After you have downloaded Renegade X browse to the location of your download and run the 'Renegade-X 0.35 Beta.exe' file. This is a self extractor which will ask you where to install the MOD. You MUST install Renegade X in 'Documents/My Games/Unreal Tournament'. It will NOT work if you do not install it in this folder. After this has been done you must manually create a UT3.exe shortcut. This can be located anywhere on your computer. After doing this 'Right Click' on that new shortcut, properties and edit the target. Place '-mod=..\Renegade -solomod' at the end of the target (without the quotations). You are not done, yet. -- You still have to install patch 0.36 (more information at the bottom) which can be found here. Download and extract 'Renegade X - 0.36 Patch.exe' to your desktop. Done that? Run it. Install the patch files into 'Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade' and proceed to the installation. You are now done and able to play Renegade X! See you ingame. http://forums.mp-gaming.com/index.php?showtopic=8643
  21. I saw myself getting stuck behind a wreckage hehe
  22. Aah, missed out on that one. Looking good, can't wait to play that map.
  23. Jam-Jamn'd Jamnub Jam
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