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Everything posted by Jam

  1. What a great way to start this Christmas!
  2. This might help. http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2699-How-to-install-Renegade-X-(0.55)
  3. There were plans for clanwars, but due to the small amount (Nod Elites and MP) of Renegade X clans it never really happened. Thanks for uploading the files, I'll hop in once I have the time.
  4. Nice post there, I tried connecting a few times but either wasn't patient enough to let the client download all the files or my client just didn't want to connect. Would it be possible that you upload the maps and mutators on a webserver so we can install them manually?
  5. Sorry for bumping this, but I was wondering what IDE is best to use, if any. I've tried Wotgreal but that just confused me.
  6. The server is down for a few moments. Zunnie is moving everything over to a better server. The server will be back online this evening.
  7. Yes, once it's done downloading all of the files you will automatically connect to the server.
  8. Does the problem still occur when you download it automatically? The download worked fine for other people.
  9. The MP-Gaming server is back online after a small period of downtime. You are probably already aware of the amazing extras on our server, but for those that are not familiar with the server here’s a small overview: DropIt. Killing someone will not only increase your kill count, but will also drop the poor guy’s weapon. Engineer with a volt-auto rifle for the win! RXBot. A bot written by SkeeterPan which comes with some awesome features such as vehicle locking and the ability to play music on the server (Don’t worry, we’ll only play C&C related music). The bot also relays in-game events to our IRC channel, so even when you’re not in-game, you can still check what’s happening on our server. Taunts. Remember those awesome chat taunts in Renegade? Well, we decided to re-use them and make them available in Renegade X. So you’re probably already excited about the MP-Gaming server. But before you decide to go into the field and kill everyone with your auto-rifle, here are some things you should read first. You have to install the Under and Volcano fix which you can download here. http://www.renegade-x.com/releases/RenX_Volcano_Under.rar. Extract the maps here: \My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade\Published\Maps If you connect to our server your client will automatically download a few files. Due to a bug you can only see the progress of the download for about one second. It will continue downloading after that second but you won’t be able to see the progress, so please be patient and watch the main menu for a bit. The rank system we made a while ago does not work at the moment due to moving over files between servers. We plan to get it working again as soon as possible, so you can show off your rank to your friends! We’re also picking up the [MP] Renegade X clan again, so if you like to join (the only requirement is to not be an asshole) feel free to drop one of the clan leaders a message http://forums.mp-gaming.com/forum-560.html. Okay, you’re probably wondering how you can connect to the server. So here is the information. Server Name: RenegadeXServer.com Slaughterhouse #1 Server IP: Server location: Germany It’s also recommended to join our Renegade X IRC channel. You are able to interact with the game itself from that channel and check out the status of the server. IRC Server IP: irc.mp-gaming.com IRC Channel: #mp-renx, #renx. We hope to see you online on our server and IRC sometime soon! If you have any questions regarding the server or something else, feel free to leave a reply and we’ll do our best to provide an answer. ;-)
  10. Ah here's the schedule. Phase two ended a few hours ago, since then we have had time to collect our thoughts and get our video presentation ready to roll out. Before I announce the ideal timeline for the awards lets go over a few stats that you guys created over Phase one and two of this years voting. In Phase one we had a total of 114,104 votes with the MOTY's getting 83,277 and the other 30,877 was the IOTY votes. Phase two had 103,834 votes with split being 69,474 and 34,361 for the MOTY and IOTY. Which means in total we had... 217,989 votes, with 9,988,054 unique visitors over the entire event! Crazy yo! So here is my personal projected timeline for the releases of the event award video presentations. Keep in mind these dates may change depending on how quickly I can get the videos out. December 17 - Developer of the Year Article December 18 - Editors Choice Innovative Gameplay Indie December 19 - Editors Choice Original Art Mod + Original Art Indie December 20 - Editors Choice Unreleased Mod + Unreleased Indie December 21 - Editors Choice Multiplayer Mod + Multiplayer Indie December 22 - Editors Choice Singleplayer Mod + Singleplayer Indie December 23 - Modding HOF Entry 1 for 2010 Announcement December 24 - Players Choice Unreleased Mod + Unreleased Indie December 25 - Players Choice Mod of the Year + Indie of the Year December 26 - Wrapup, thanks etc Good luck to all our entrants for this years awards!
  11. I found a new screenie.
  12. Nice screenshots!
  13. Alright, fingers crossed!
  14. Is there an announcement directly after?
  15. Sometimes the cloaking does work, but it defenitely wasn't fixed. But I'm sure the team is aware of that.
  16. The pictures you posted show an awesome looking environment and the morph feature for vehicles is really cool, can we expect to see this feature for buildings aswell? And the transport helicopter is probably the most bad *** vehicle with the new guns on each side! All in all, I cannot wait any longer!
  17. Actually all the other vehicles drive away from the landing zone unmanned aswell.
  18. Yes. It will be back with the standalone multiplayer release, though.
  19. What is your question?
  20. You can record a demo (but I think that only works on pure servers). I might also be online this evening.
  21. With the 1st Annual Indie of the Year competition well underway with 35,000 votes logged and the 9th Annual Mod of the Year on record pace with 90,000 votes logged - we interrupt the current proceedings with the most awesome news. If you are currently making a game with UDK this competition applies to you, if not we suggest you hang your head in shame and check it out. The free edition of Unreal Engine 3 is undeniably one of the coolest game engines (check out those screens below from only a handful of the hundred's of UDK games in development) out there which puts all the tools you need to create amazing games, lifelike scenes and fantastic worlds in your hands. Thanks to Epic Games, in 2010 the Top 20 UDK Games (which have a playable demo released by December 7th 2010) as decided by players votes will then be narrowed down into the top 10 by judges from Epic and IndieDB. Then in late December (or possibly even early January depending on how distracted we get blasting away judging the games) we shall announce the top 10. The ultimate winner will receive a flight to the Epic offices in Cary, NC for up to 5 of their developers. They will then meet Epic's developers, tour the brand new studio facilities and give a demo of their UDK game on the 16'x9' display in the area known as The Arena. ... pretty darn awesome prize if you ask us (I can squeeze into your suitcase for the trip)! So if you are making a UDK game we suggest you get a demo out before December 7th and get people voting for your game to give it the best chance of winning. Best of luck developers! http://www.moddb.com/engines/unreal-development-kit/news/epic-games-and-udk-join-the-awards
  22. Of course this is getting my vote! PS: You guys need another color for links.
  23. Aistrike beacons ftw
  24. Jam


    Those used to come out of crates on some servers. Tiberium life form detected
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