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Files posted by yosh56

  1. CQC Mod_v1.0.4

    This has been up on the TDM server for awhile, but it's the mutator that aligns headshot damage and base damage on all* infantry weapons. Basically body damage is increased, and headshot damage is 'roughly' the same. Some weapons may do a bit less, or more to the head, though their vehicle damage should be more or less identical. 
    The readme should tell you everything you need to know. 


       (0 reviews)


  2. Server Management GUI

    It's been a long time coming, but managing servers has been kind of a pain with sorting through all of the damn config ini files. I wrote a Python script (compiled into an executable) that should sort that out with a simple GUI. I'd call it still in alpha/beta stages now, but as far as I and @Fffreak9999 were able to tell the basic functionality is good to go. 
    What it can  do: 
    - Manage maps/crates and the most necessary config options 
    - Create the .bat to start the server (You still) 
    - Save/Load configurations (even after patching) 
    What it can't do (for now): 
    - Scale the window appropriately. 
    - Let you move more than one map at the same time 
    - Be aesthetically pleasing 
    Just extract all of the files into the 'Renegade X' root folder. Just merge the UDKGame folder in if it asks. Then run UDKHandler.exe and you should be gucci.
    (I probably should have renamed it by now.. but meh.. Will rename in future versions) 


       (4 reviews)


  3. Rx_Mutator_ArcadeMovement

    *  This mutator add arcade movement function to the Renegade X game.
    *  ...
    Version 1.0.0
    Compatible with Renegade X v5.271
    Broken as of V5.281
    Mutator :
    Rx_Mutator_ArcadeMovement.u (Download)
    Source :


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  4. Rx_Mutator_CommanderMod

    *  This mutator add the commandermod function to the Renegade X game.
    *  Written by Yosh56 aka xBrackishx aka ReclamationFox
    Version 1.0.0
    Compatible with Renegade X v5.271
    Broken as of V5.281
    Mutator :
    Rx_Mutator_Commandermod.u (Download)
    Source :


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