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Everything posted by DeathLink6.0

  1. Bangladesh in the house!
  2. We had a discussion about the D-6 colorscheme and decided to make it more believable. That's why it is not an orange. It is a very dark orange.
  3. It is already fixed - damn censorship. We should send this epic screencap of truth to wikileaks.
  4. I never met another a 3D Artist in real live.
  5. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Apr 6 2010, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed - to the whole post.
  6. QUOTE ((NE)Fobby(GEN) @ Apr 2 2010, 09:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The customer reviews on amazon are really not representative because there are many many hate reviews of angry fans who give this game just 1 star and no real rating. It was the same with Supreme Commander 2 or Assassins Creed 2 for example. Especially the last one: it's a great game but it got a lot 1 star reviews because of Ubissofts new DRM system (which is the biggest cr** indeed). I would only remove one of my stars because of things like DRM and so on*. Anyway in case of C&C 4 the 1.5 stars could fit in my opinion (in due consideration of*). Even if you treat this just as a game or random RTS and not as C&C.
  7. C&C is no strategy anymore in my eyes. It's tactic because it's always short-term planning with the question "How can I get in control of the node in the next 60 seconds?". If you don't know the difference between tactic and strategy read Carl Clausewitz "Principles of War". Some ppl call C&C 4 Action-Strategy but this word is just a cynical piece of satire with no sense.
  8. I haven't bought Kanes Wrath, I haven't bought RA3 and I will not buy C&C 4.In addition I wish I could undo my purchase of C&C 3. I really played the beta for ~two weeks and I would say it is something for in between during LANs. Oooops I forgot it has no LAN mode and some kind of crappy DRM. Too bad. No I don't like it. I don't like the cartoon* unit design, I don't like the casual action RTS style and it has no long term motivation (I got bored after two weeks playing it). I don't know the story or the ending of C&C 4 but in my eyes it develops in the wrong direction and this started already with C&C 3. So I'm not even interested in the ending. Furthermore the copy protection would be a sole reason for me not to buy C&C 4. Anyway I have no money for full price games. Old low price games only. Could we just call it "4" and skip the "C&C" in front of the number when we talk about it here? This is no C&C. (*dont understand me wrong I have nothing against cartoon style games like XIII with cell shading or cartoon proportions like in RA2/3 but not for the Tiberium universe)
  9. Supreme Commander 2 comes via Steam and as far is I know the modifiability is limited. It has not even a map editor. At least not the inital release but they have plans to add it maybe, maybe(!) later in one of the patches. A C&C mod for SupCom would be awesome ^^
  10. Finally TibSun in english. I'm also waiting for the free version of AR2. I really like the english sound samples of the Kirov and Tesla trooper ^^
  11. The mod is looking nice and I don't care about old graphics. I played it online a few times but I really don't like the gameplay, balance and especially the big maps. Most players I asked here in germany think the same. An APB with more Renegade styled maps would be much better (for me) but a as long as there are enough others players who like this mod...
  12. Guys I hope some of you also make some serious 31337-digital-paint-wallpapers! :lol:
  13. Don't understand me wrong. I have nothing against new concepts and why not a modern warfare C&C or other new C&C Universes? I thought about my own factions for a C&C game and drew concepts for buildings and stuff. My idea e.g. was a complete Sci-Fi C&C but I stopped thinking about that because I heard of Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander and especially SupCom fulfilled my dreams. I did not like generals for being "un-C&Cish". I don't like Generals because gameplay & story aspects. The waypath AI and enemy-AI was horrible. The singleplayer campaign was no campaign - it was senseless row of boring missions without any story or characters. The only good things were the three remarkable factions, the great music which really fits to their factions and units (and how you can combine them). Act of War made everything better than Generals in the eyes of a singleplayer. CnC TW was more a classic CnC but it at least a (more or the less good) story in comparison to generals but it wasn't very well thought out with its steps foward and backward in the tiberian history. CnC TW had some kind of atmosphere but the music was boring. Waypath-AI and enemy AI was okay. Anyway it became boring for me very quickly. AR3? Never tried - because of the DRM cr** but it had a building grid. C&C 4? No buildings, DRM/online-force - No way! I like building/destroying bases.
  14. I don't care if the CnC team gets kicked or not or if C&C continues or not. I never played ANY RTS online. For me, C&C started becoming unappealing with C&C Generals because of the horrible SP-Campaigns which had nearly no atmosphere or story. All my interest is focused on C&C Renegade and Renegade X. QUOTE Totally agreed. This starts with the quality of the models (except the buildings which are missing completly).
  15. Linux can be nice and minimalistic but this nothing for me - too much via console. Another point is that I have lots of small little programms which I use (some selfmade) and they are for Windows only ^^ Knowing the ins and outs of one OS and programming for one OS is enough.
  16. I'm also for REMOVING the vehicle wreckages completly. They are really disturbing - especially when you are GDI and try to rush Nod on Field.
  17. I like FPS games - they are my favourite genre and I think I nearly played every important game including the old classics/must-play games like Quake III, UT99, HLDM and so on. That's why I also like fast deathmatches from time to time but I'm not a pro. I tested the difference between 60 FPS and 300 FPS in normal Quake III Arena game. Personally there is no difference for me. A reason for this could be my TFT screen but I can't test it with CRT anymore (a good Samsung trashed months ago).
  18. Infantry: Shotgunner (reloading animation ^^) Vehicle: Light Tank
  19. There is a simple answer to the topic's question: No you can't change it. (maybe you can but then you can't play online anymore) Please read the FAQ! QUOTE
  20. Marathon... <_< QUOTE <_< QUOTE <_< Forgive me but I believe this Marathon !$).(,§/ desdoyed Renegade. Edit: And in relation to this topic: That's I'm against everything which recreates that.
  21. No-base-attack/No-Rush time for Renegade/Renegade X? No way! Some years ago I played Renegade online very often one of my friends. At the beginning of every round I played the soldier and he was an engineer. When the current map had no basedefenses we always rushed the enemy base and we mostly destroyed a building. Several times we also managed to destroy the rest of the base in the following five or ten minutes. A time limit would prevent such actions (or in general rushing). I'm against implementing such a feature at all because I don't want X public servers later with such a time limit.
  22. QUOTE I wish that would be true. My summer holidays start in 5 weeks after 6 exams...
  23. Happy b-day from me too
  24. Nobody ever needed starting credits or higher ref-credit-rates. I know it is common on marathon-servers but marathon servers suck! Too much camping, to high playercounts and too less teamplay as a reason of that two facts before. I think there should be no option to deactivate the timelimit and a maximum for timelimits to prevent this BIG marathon shit! It destroys Renegade.
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