Your input is appreciated maybe one day someone can find the time you are asking for. And implement something you might like or you might not. Your opinion is valuable so always be professional and explain your perspective. The sum of the thoughts of many will propel us forward much faster than the silent words left unsaid.
One idea that is preposterous, but would be interesting to see reactions. Set all maps dark for a week, if they have the variant. Remove all other maps from the rotation See what the player base thinks. Do we do this for every map during Halloween? I think other maps are in the rotation as well?
Perhaps night vision would be used more. I remember when battlefield did all dark maps that shit was scary. But you either adapted a new play-style or got slaughter for refusing to change.
My take, it’s different from the norm, even if it’s not everything you want. I agree with @Gex_str, the team is very busy, and something is better than nothing.
One tip. Turn your brightness all the way up. My brightness is set to 100 regardless for every map. I do alter it a little on the blinding white maps but that’s just me.
Thank you,